Calendar View

Calendar View allows Premium and Enterprise customers to view the dates from cards and checklist items on a single board.

Calendar View

Accessing Calendar View

To get there, select the dropdown option next to boards within a Premium or Enterprise Workspace. Once you select and tick mark the view “Calender view” it will appear next to the board option:


Using Calendar View

Here are a few key features:

  • Drag-and-drop cards to keep your calendar organized, Due Dates will be automatically adjusted

  • Cards can be created and edited directly within the Calendar View

  • Adjust the scope of your Calendar View to show you one Week, or one Month

Add start/end dates

In addition to Trello's traditional due dates, start and end dates can be added to cards. These dates will cause your cards to appear on multiple dates within your Calendar View. Add a start and end date while editing your card's due date, or click the edge of a card in your Calendar View and stretch it to cover multiple dates. Only a card’s Due date can be synced to external calendars. Start date and duration are only available within Trello.

Advanced Checklists 

Advanced checklists are shown in the Calendar View for Premium and Enterprise Workspaces with access to Views.

Full-Day events

Currently, a date can't be set as a full day event. However, the start and end times of a day could be set to mimic the length of a full day event.


Who can use Calendar View?

Calendar View is only available for Workspace that are subscribed to the current version of Premium. If you can't see Calendar View, make sure your Board is in a current Premium Workspace. 

Will the Calendar View ever be available for free Workspaces?

Not at the moment.

Can custom Date fields appear on the Calendar View?

Not at this time, but we like how you think.

How can I view multiple boards in one Calendar?

You can view multiple boards from the same Premium workspace using our Workspace Calendar. You can find out more about the Workspace Calendar here.


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