Career Development Workshop Series Held for Final-Year PR Students PRAO4045 PR Writing and Media Training hosted industry experts and academics throughout the semester to prepare graduating students for their professional careers. Dr. Angus Cheong, a COMS alumnus and CEO of uMax Data Technology, and DiVoMiner Research Director Ms. Wendy Cao presented on GenerativeAI's impact on the PR industry. Their session covered AI developments, challenges, and practical applications in social listening and press release preparation. The University of Melbourne Associate Professor Dr. Suwichit (Sean) Chaidaroon discussed sustainability reporting analysis using the Circuit of Culture framework. PR consultant Amy Tam shared insights on career development and participated in mock interviews alongside course instructors Helen Ching and HUA LI (Harry). Students also met Dr. Angela Mak via Zoom to discuss the case writing assignment in group chats while she was on long-term sick leave.