We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for supporting Restaurant, Bar & Café Hong Kong (RBHK) 2024, which concluded with resounding success. We were honoured to have met with over 9,000 esteemed buyers and more than 400 exhibiting brands at the 3-day expo, creating unrivalled learning, trading and networking opportunities while stimulating growth and innovation for the F&B, hospitality, and natural & organic industries. 衷心感謝各位蒞臨香港餐飲展(RBHK)2024!展覽已經圓滿結束,我們很榮幸與9,000餘位尊貴買家及400多個參展品牌於現場會面,在三日内創造大量學習、營商及交流的機會,促進餐飲、款待以及天然有機行業的發展和創新。 Let's check out the exciting moments of the show and know more about our valuable exhibitors and visitors feel about RBHK! Please stay tuned and RBHK will return on 2 – 4 Sep 2025 at the HKCEC! We look forward to seeing you again next year! 讓我們一同重溫展會精彩片段,聆聽參展商與專業買家的參加感言!下届#香港餐飲展 將於2025年9月2-4日假香港會議展覽中心升級回歸,期待與您的下次會面!🎉🤝 #RBHK #seeyounexttime #seeyouagain #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend
Restaurant, Bar & Café Hong Kong
Events Services
2 - 4 Sep 2025 | HKCEC | You Trustworthy Sourcing Partner in the F&B Industry
About us
Committed to breathing new life into the Hong Kong dining scene, Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong (RBHK) gathers culinary experts, beverage masters, restaurant & bar owners to feast on a wealth of culinary innovations, revolutionary insights and business opportunities. From food ingredients, wine & spirits, natural products to equipment, design supplies and technologies, RBHK dishes up everything needed for restaurants and bars while setting high standards for Hong Kong's F&B and hospitality industries.
- Website
External link for Restaurant, Bar & Café Hong Kong
- Industry
- Events Services
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Hong Kong
- Type
- Privately Held
- Specialties
- Food & Beverage, F&B, Coffee, Bakery, Meat & Seafood, Confectionery, Wine & Spirits , Beer, Hospitality Technology, Foodservice, Catering Equipment, Hospitality Design & Supplies, and Tea
1 Expo Dr, Wan Chai
Hong Kong, HK
Employees at Restaurant, Bar & Café Hong Kong
【✨在RBHK開拓亞太茶飲市場的黃金機遇!】 【🍵Seize the Golden Opportunity to Expand in the Asia-Pacific Tea Market!】 2024年,亞太地區以34.7%的收益,穩居國際茶飲市場的領導地位,為行業帶來無限發展機遇!茶類飲品承載著深厚的文化意義,尤其獲得亞太地區喜愛,近年更成為千禧一代選擇的健康飲品。這一趨勢不僅推動了茶飲口味和技術的創新,也促進了地區內茶葉市場的穩健增長。 In 2024, the Asia-Pacific region, with a revenue share of 34.7% in the global market, solidifies its position as a leader in the tea industry, offering boundless opportunities for growth! Tea beverages hold deep cultural significance and have gained immense popularity in this region, recently emerging as a preferred healthy choice among the millennial generation. This trend not only drives innovation in tea flavours and technologies but also encourages robust growth within the regional tea market. 這是拓展行業人脈的絕佳機會!立即報名參展RBHK,與我們一同迎接茶飲市場的未來! This is an excellent opportunity to expand your industry connections! Secure your stand at RBHK and join us in embracing the future of the tea market! 👉 https://bit.ly/3LxNZPN #RBHK #tea #teatime #tealover #teamarket #FnBtrends #foodandbeverages #foodinnovation #foodtradeshow #BusinessNetworking
🧨蛇年到!香港餐飲展願您在新的一年裡,大展鴻圖,家庭幸福! 🧧The Year of the Snake is here! Restaurant, Bar & Café Hong Kong wishes you success in your career and happiness in your family! #Lunarnewyear #Chinesenewyear #newyear #HappyNewYear #yearofthesnake #RBHK #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend #BusinessNetworking
【🍽️旅游復甦助力餐飲業成長,RBHK邀您解鎖蓬勃發展機會!】 【🏨 Tourism Recovery Fuels Industry Growth: Join RBHK to Unlock Thriving Opportunities!】 2025年全球旅遊激增將為餐飲服務及設備帶來絕佳發展機會。據統計,上年度第一季全球共6,195家酒店正在興建。此外,許多酒店也在陸續進行翻新,這將帶動業界對餐飲服務及設備的需求,以提升顧客的體驗。 The surge in tourism in 2025 presents an excellent opportunity for the Equipment, Design Supplies, and Technology sector. There were a total of 6,195 new hotels under construction worldwide in the first quarter of last year. Furthermore, many hotels are also undergoing renovations, which will drive the industry’s demand for innovative solutions that enhance guest experiences. 香港餐飲展(RBHK)為展商提供推廣品牌知名度和與行業關鍵人士建立聯繫的理想平台! Restaurant, Bar & Café Hong Kong (RBHK) is the ideal platform to promote brand visibility and connect with key industry players. 立即參展,解鎖蓬勃發展機會!Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the thriving F&B landscape! 👉 https://bit.ly/3LxNZPN #RBHK #tourism #kitchenequipment #designsupplies #hospitalitytech #tableware #hospitalitysupplies #hospitality #FnBtrends #foodandbeverages #foodinnovation #foodtradeshow #BusinessNetworking
🍾新年快樂!香港餐飲展祝願大家有一個璀璨的新一年! 🎇Happy 2025! RBHK wishes you a new year of prosperity! #NewYear #HappyNewYear #RBHK #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend
🎁香港餐飲展祝願您的假期愛意洋溢,歡笑不斷。 💫RBHK wishes you a magical holiday season filled with love and laughter. #MerryXmas #Christmas #RBHK #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend
【⏰把握最後機會享受RBHK參展早鳥優惠!】 【🎫Seize the Last Chance to Enjoy Early-Bird Rates for RBHK!】 想發掘餐飲行業的新機會,並拓展人脈嗎 ?那麼你絕不能錯過RBHK 2025!RBHK為餐飲業提供一個卓越的展示平台,涵蓋各類產品和方案。透過講座、比賽及頒獎典禮等豐富活動,RBHK匯聚行業精英和關鍵決策者,讓你與潛在買家直接會面,進一步發展業務! Are you eager to uncover new opportunities in the F&B industry and expand your network? Then don’t miss out RBHK 2025! This premier event provides an excellent platform for showcasing products and solutions in the F&B sector. With seminars, competitions, and award ceremonies, RBHK brings together industry elites and key decision-makers, providing an incredible opportunity to meet potential buyers and grow your business! 更多詳情敬請參閲銷售手冊For more details, please check out our Sales Brochure 👉 https://bit.ly/3O43T5G 參展早鳥優惠即將截止!把握最後機會! The early-bird rates for exhibitors are about to end! Seize the last two weeks to exhibit at the best value! 👉https://bit.ly/3LxNZPN #RBHK #earlybird #salesbrochure #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend
【✨預留RBHK參展預算,切勿錯過早鳥優惠 !】 【💰Reserve Your Budget for RBHK and Don’t Miss Out on Early-bird Rates!】 想在新的一年佔盡先機?香港餐飲展(RBHK)2025為您打造最佳平台!展會將與亞洲零售論壇暨博覽會(RACE)2025同場舉辦:除了匯聚400多餐飲參展商及品牌和吸引超過10,000位專業買家以外,展商更可以結合餐飲及零售強大力量,探索和創造無與倫比的商機! Are you ready to lead industry trends in the coming year? RBHK 2025 is your perfect platform for enhanced brand visibility! The exhibition will be co-located with Retail Asia Conference & Expo (RACE) 2025, bringing over 400 exhibitors and brands while drawing in more than 10,000 professional buyers. This unique collaboration allows exhibitors to harness to combined power of the F&B and retail industries, creating unparalleled business opportunities! 早鳥優惠即將結束!立即聯絡我們,為您的展位預留最佳位置! Early-bird rates ending soon! Contact us now to secure the best location for your stand! 👉 https://bit.ly/3LxNZPN #RBHK #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend
【📈釋放您在咖啡市場中的品牌潛力 !】 【☕Unlock Your Potential in the Booming Coffee Market!】 據預計,全球精品咖啡市場到2030年將達到1,830億美元,從2025年到2030年的年均增長率高達10.4%,而亞太地區將迎來顯著增長! The global speciality coffee market is projected to reach US$183 billion by 2030, with an impressive CAGR of 10.4% from 2025 to 2030 and the Asia Pacific region is set to experience a significant growth! RBHK 2025將網羅餐飲業的專業買家,為參展商提供絕佳平台以擴大品牌影響力!立即參展,享受早鳥優惠! RBHK 2025 will gather professional buyers from the F&B sector, providing an exceptional platform for exhibitors to expand their influence! Are you ready to connect with them? Exhibit now and enjoy our early-bird discounts! 👉 https://bit.ly/3LxNZPN #RBHK #coffee #specialitycoffee #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend #BusinessNetworking
【♻️在RBHK 展示環保食品包裝方案!贏取行業先機!】 【🥡Showcase Eco-Friendly Food Packaging Solutions at RBHK and Gain a Competitive Edge!】 隨著香港「走塑」管制首階段適應期結束,食品包裝的環保要求日趨嚴格,而第二階段的管制安排將視市場上的替代產品供應而定。這場變革換來餐飲及酒店業對環保食品包裝的高度關注以外,也為相關產業提供無限商機! With the adaptation period for the first phase of plastic product regulations now complete, environmental standards for food packaging are tightening. The second phase will depend on the availability of sufficient and affordable alternatives. This shift is capturing the attention of the F&B and hospitality industries, unlocking a wealth of business opportunities! 想擴大潛在客群贏取先機?以早鳥優惠價格參展! Ready to broaden your reach and gain your competitive edge? Enjoy our early-bird rates to showcase your eco-friendly food packaging solutions! Contact us: 👉 https://bit.ly/3LxNZPN #RBHK #ecofriendly #foodpackaging #foodpackagingdesign #foodpackagingsolution #sustainability #plasticfree #gogreen #greenhospitality #foodtradeshow #foodandbeverages #foodnetworking #foodinnovation #foodtrend #BusinessNetworking