Our #RunWithRESOLVE fundraising campaign is coming to an end 🏅 We are more than proud of how far everyone has come in this journey that’s sometimes challenging, but so rewarding and empowering when all efforts are put into a much needed cause — making Hong Kong a home where everyone belongs and upholds inclusion ✨ Resolve would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our #RunWithRESOLVE runners, all the donors and sponsors who made this campaign come together. Swipe left to revisit moments of the night! The fundraising campaign is not over - we still need HK$70K to reach our target! Donate NOW to support our runners striving to raise HK$300K as a team for a more inclusive Hong Kong! Check out the runners’ stories here: https://bit.ly/3ZOeb0a #StandardCharteredHongKongMarathon #SCHKM #TogetherWeRunFurther #RunWithRESOLVE #渣打香港馬拉松 #渣馬 #一起我們跑更遠 #RunForInclusion #為共融而跑 #InclusionHK