CEO - RR MarineTech Services | Consultant l Specialist in Dry Docking | Ex Docking Superintendent - Maersk | Chief Engineer
Pilot Boarding Arrangements and IMPA Safety Campaign 2023 Maritime pilots are increasingly facing incidents while embarking and disembarking vessels due to improper boarding arrangements. Around 20% of pilot ladder deployments fail to meet safety standards, leading to severe injury or loss of life. Penalties can range from fines to imprisonment. New industry guidelines allow pilots to decline defective boarding arrangements, potentially causing delays. International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA) conducted a safety campaign in 2023 to promote procurement, inspection, maintenance, and rigging of pilot transfer arrangements in compliance with SOLAS Regulations V/23, IMO Res A.1045 (27) and ISO 799 standards. 2023 IMPA Safety Campaign revealed that historical trends of non-compliance persist, primarily due to poorly rigged retrieval lines, pilot ladder steps not horizontal, ladders not fully secured, incorrectly rigged lower platform stanchions / rails, and no lifebuoy with self-igniting light. IMPA highlights need for securing pilot ladders at intermediate length, mandatory training, inspection & maintenance, addressing trapdoor arrangements based on ISO 799-3:2022, mandatory maximum service life for pilot ladders and man-ropes and amendments to SOLAS Regulation V/23. Approved safety management systems should be clear, reflecting IS0 799- 2:2021, incorporating timely pilot ladders and man-ropes replacement. Pilot ladders are mentioned in Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, and inspection / maintenance be included in vessel PMS. USCG Safety Alert 04- 22: Handhold Stanchions in Gateway Embarkation Arrangements. USCG Safety Alert 14- 14: Modifications made to Pilot ladder magnetic securing devices leading to accidents. AMSA Notice 04/2023 – Pilot transfer arrangements updated on 21 Aug 2023 and Marine Order 21. AMSA inspectors will focus on material condition of all equipment and application of Marine Order 21, Res.A.1045 (27) as amended by Res.A.1108 (29), ISO 799-1:2019, MSC.1/Circ.1428 and MSC.1/Circ.1495/Rev.1. AMSA also issued advisory note on existence of fake pilot ladders and associated certificates in Jan 2024. Pilot ladder is not to be secured on deck with steel bar/D-shackle. The ladder can be secured using two strong manila ropes directly attached to each side rope of pilot ladder via a rolling hitch knot. Handrails on deck must be secured with safety pins. Aluminum alloys in Slant Pilot / Accommodation ladders are susceptible to galvanic corrosion in marine environments, so caution is advised when connecting mild steel fittings to aluminum ladders. Neoprene or other suitable material should be used between the two materials. During Dry docking, inspection / maintenance of Accommodation / Slant Pilot ladders, pilot rope ladders, wires and winches must be carried out as per IMO MSC.1/Circ.1331 guidelines for Maintenance and Inspection / Survey of means for embarkation and disembarkation. #drydcking #pilotladders