前台服務態度很差,房間內有大量螞蟻,在地板和床上爬來爬去。 給前台電話,衹是派個清潔員要清理下, 但是那麼多螞蟻,他都不知道咋清理。我們要求前台換房,被告知衹能免費換一個雙床房,不能提供我們之前的三床家庭房、因為沒有了。我們必須自己再購買一個房間,費用自理。我們要求補差價,因為家庭房價格比普通房間高50%, 被告知不行!而且説房間這麼多螞蟻,原因是我們帶了食物進房間,把螞蟻吸引進房間。 我們上午10點進去的, 11點就發現有人在床上被螞蟻咬了,房間在二樓,螞蟻怎麼可能一個小時就從外面乘坐電梯爬到二樓房間?前台一羣人都説螞蟻就是我們食物把他們從大樓外面吸引進來的!一羣人為了推卸責任,集體撒謊,而且要讓客户自己承擔他們的錯誤造成的損失。房間明顯有螞蟻窩!建議大家不要入住這個酒店,小心被蟲子咬了過敏!We entered the room of the second floor at 10 AM, at 11 AM found a lot of ants on the bed and the floor. We told the receptionist, they just sent a guy to clean the room, and said the ants are there because we took a lot of food which attract the ants to enter the room from outside. However , how can ants step into the room in the second floor from the outside? The ants’ legs must be as long as the hotel stuffs! There must be an ants cave in the room. The ants bite the people. The receptionist guy is very impatient, just said they can only change a room of two beds from our triple bedrooms, and we had to buy another two bedroom by ourselves. They did not even say a sorry to us. Just said it is our reason to attract the ants, it is not their reason! It is the first time to live such bad hotel. Donot choose this hotel , otherwise you will be bited by such worms as ants! You will be allergic to them, maybe create big health problem!