

4.4/561 評價
4.2/567 評價
鑑於在撰寫本文時這家酒店在奧比都斯酒店中的 17 家酒店中排名第 4,我可能會期待更多。我們花了130 美元得到的是一張令人驚訝的不舒服的床,裡面有又小又軟的枕頭,淋浴間的門安裝不當(導緻小浴室的地板上濕漉漉的一團糟),同一個浴室裡散發著污水味,一個位置尷尬的水槽,即使是身材中等的客人也需要相當複雜地操作才能坐在相鄰的瓷王座上,以免被它的尖角刺傷,空調裝置與酒店本身一樣古老,還有一堵巨大的牆,在木製的後面有一扇相對較小的窗戶。也許這只是我們的運氣,其他雙人房更好,但有些東西告訴我,這只是「魅力」的一部分。 就在城牆外的位置和免費停車場(如果你到得夠早的話),而且酒店還沒有滿員(只有八個停車位),這幾乎是這篇評論獲得額外星級的唯一因素。
Do Pinheiros
4.7/55 評價
The apartment and kitchen were well equipped. Unfortunately the mattress was way too hard and we all felt that way. Unfortunately, we were bothered by the numerous dogs in the neighborhood and the many flies. Otherwise we had a wonderful holiday and felt
奧比多斯女王淑雅居酒店 - 解鎖酒店
4.3/5107 評價
Our family of 5 adults stayed at Hotel Senshoras Rainhas for two nights over Christmas 2023. We had two rooms in the basement level. One of the double rooms was comfortable enough with an outdoor patio overlooking the wall. The other room was not. Same size as double with an extra bed for a triple. A bit crowded to move around the room. The doors leading to the outside patios were double french style with the tilting top. In the triple room, the additional single bed somewhat blocked full access to the doors. By moving the bed over, one of the doors was able to be opened slightly. The first night, we were not able to correctly close the door to lock. It appeared to have a problem with the top tilting hinge. We slept with the door unlocked. Reported the problem to the front desk. We were assured the problem would be addressed. The second night the door was closed and locked properly, however after we opened the door we incurred the same problem as the night before. Again slept with the door unlocked. Unfortunately, both days, in the triple room, the toilet tissue was not enough. On the second day, the front desk was asked to have housekeeping added more toilet tissue in the room. The request was accommodated, but not in enough supply. The second night we ran out of toilet tissue again. The toilet tissue rolls were very small. Parking was a problem with our luggage not near the hotel. Somewhat narrow cobblestone streets with inclines and depending which parking lot was used, a number of steps were involved to reach the hotel. The hotel offered no assistance with the luggage or reasonable alternative to unload luggage. Since it was the holidays (Christmas Eve & Christmas Day) we made arrangements to have dinner at the hotel. What a waste of money. The first night the soup was at best room temperature. The lamb was dry with no sauce. The alternative fish was not much better. It was a fix menu. The next night the menu was the exact fix price menu from the night before. This time the soup was warm, the dry lamb was soaking in sauce and the fish was still dry. It looked like we were served leftovers from the night before. Do not recommend eating in the hotel restaurant. Very disappointing and not worth the cost. The hotel is a poor example of a 4 star hotel. It is within the walls of Obidos. Good location, but the hardship to unload luggage is not worth the effort. The rooms are small and attention to details is lacking. Simply not worth the cost or the effort to stay at this hotel. The restaurant was very disappointing and not worth the cost. There was no live music as noted on their website. We were offered a limited fix price menu as the only option. The second night we were served what appeared to be leftovers from the night before. Save yourself $$$ and stay somewhere else.
4.1/512 評價
...alla ricerca della Pousada CASA LIDADOR di Obidos! così sono sorte le nostre difficoltà e problematiche. Arriviamo tardo pomeriggio dopo aver contattato avvisando l'orario a cui saremmo giunti a destinazione. Tutto ok. Parcheggiato come previsto fuori le mura, ritelefono al numero riportato sulla nostra prenotazione. Risposta: recatevi presso reception per registrarvi e avere le chiavi per accedere alla nostra camera. La reception si trovava presso altra struttura sempre dentro le mura. Vado io alla reception dove con estrema difficoltà ci siamo intese. Registra me e mio marito, chiedo quindi se qualcuno mi può accompagnare alla Pousada dove abbiamo la nostra camera. Era oramai buio e la mappa era molto confusa. La mia domanda non ha entusiasmato ma viene richiesto ad un dipendente dell'hotel di guidarmi. Percorriamo la via principale e arrivati all'angolo di un vicoletto mi dice di salire che avrei trovato la struttura. Lui torna presso l'altro hotel. Salgo la scalinata ma al buio, nessuna insegna illuminata o luce mi aiutava a trovare la struttura. Dopo diversi tentativi, dopo aver chiesto informazioni ai locali vicini ritorno alla reception molto amareggiata. Ritorna con me lo stesso ragazzo che questa volta mi conduce davanti all'ingresso e mi fornisce le indicazioni per accedere. Questo comportamento mi è sembrato veramente maleducato da parte di tutti: reception, accompagnatore. Potevano essere più gentili e soprattutto potevano condurmi subito sino all'ingresso della Pousada. La camera piccolina rispetto alle foto presenti sul sito era comunque pulita e graziosa così come il bagno. Al piano terra una saletta per fare la colazione con tazze, tea, zucchero a disposizione. Mi auguro che questa esperienza non capiti ad altri ospiti perchè durante il giorno tutto è più facile mentre al buio questo diventa veramente complicato. Mi sembra quasi inutile rimarcare che accompagnare degli ospiti è educazione e cortesia. In altri luoghi-strutture dove ci siamo recati durante la nostra vacanza il personale era stato sempre gentilissimo e disponibile.
4/556 評價


