
4.3/555 評價
現在泰國已經對中國不友好了!都是坑 沒有付款寶付款,沒有銀聯 這個服務3分我不是給酒店的,泰國對中國人的服務差是給這個酒店對面旅行社坑錢!見圖1 酒店對面有過旅遊代理,裏面是一個老外Boss帶着泰國妞,這個年輕泰國女的真的很過分,定好去機場,結果因為我老公吃壞肚子上個廁所,晚出來10分鐘,司機走掉了居然沒等我們!我們之前等別人呢?酒店前台説司機會回來。 我電話她,她居然説再重新付1700泰銖就因為我遲到!我們下午四點飛機,一大清早起來收拾吃早餐,包車去的萬倫機場,居然不等我們! 我讓她退錢!她也不肯! 後來我沒辦法衹能定蘇梅島到曼谷直飛還是滿員,後來衹能泰囧了包車5000去的萬倫,後來浪費了差不多3000人民幣才到!我氣急了! 一定會發視頻到Ti K T OK 讓大家好好看看泰國旅遊那麼噁心🤢專坑中國人,其實其他泰國辛苦工作人員蠻善良的,我來了7次泰國,這次最失望! 説説;沒有中文服務!泰國人英語都很不好!我英語六級都要想想他們的語調很奇怪,但他們能聽懂,不要快衹要單詞。 酒店環境很好,市中心最好了,旁邊是Akrbar酒吧有點吵,但是酒店300米走走就好了!前面轉彎就是200泰銖借車,舊的150泰🐷,很良心,酒店收費300 這次我真的浪費了將近4000人民幣的機票錢。氣死我了!衹是因為司機沒等我
蘇梅島曼特拉度假酒店 - 僅限成人
4.6/5118 評價
I read many reviews about this resort and studied the Mantra Samui website, but never learned until after I booked (4 nights stay) my room that they had cancelled , during Covid, the regular shuttle that took guests down the hill to Fisherman Villa. I learned this because I called the hotel before my trip to ask some questions and also ask how to reserve a place on their shuttle. The resort does have one auto/driver that will drive you down to the bottom of the hill if it is there, and if it is not picking up someone at the airport. The shuttle delivers you directly to the bottom of the hill, is pretty much is just a local road. Then you can wave down a taxi and negotiate the price. Some fun! The Mantra Sumai should update their website to say the regular shuttle has been cancelled, and replaced by their maybe available one car. Continuing my story... We booked a massage at another hotel that is about 20 minutes away, and gave ourselves one hour to get there. So the night before we reserved to get the ride down to the bottom of the hill for the next day afternoon. When we went to reception, we were informed there was an accident, which was a flat tire, and the tire 'might' be fixed in half an hour and then another 20 minutes to get back to the Mantra. They apparently felt no responsibility to contact us. Just wait for the guests to show up and then tell them. They felt no responsibility to call the driver for any update. They then offered to call a taxi, but that would take about 20 minutes to arrive. Also when you call a taxi there is no opportunity for negotiation. My hour was dwindling. Well 20 is better than maybe 30 + 20 minutes. So they called the taxi. Luckily the Mantra driver showed up after 15 minutes, and the taxi was cancelled. My conclusion, after all the interfaces with reception, is they have a poor sense of responsibility and lacking the ability for logical thinking to provide a good guest experience. There are other examples beyond the above. Our suite room was in good condition, and everything functioning. Well, except the phone did not work, but I did not need that. The suite has a king size bed and a separate built in bed in the back of the living room. OK, so 4 people can stay. But the flaw in the suites is there is only a 2 person love seat to sit on. There is no chair, and no desk. It is no fun to use your laptop when the coffee table level is below your knees. A simple 4 leg table for a desk, and a simple chair would be nice, and not cost very much. They do have an on-site co-work room somewhere, but I did not use it. I think it is an extra cost and I did not have that much work to do anyway. The highlight of the Mantra Samui was the included breakfast. There are many cooked to order choices plus a buffet of juices, fruits, cereals, yogurt, pastries, and several breads you can toast yourself. We tried every item on the breakfast menu and all were nicely done and tasty. Very good coffee and tea made to order i
4.5/546 評價
舒適的地方,qnd 靠近一切。不錯的員工。優秀的早餐。享受假期的好地方。游泳池很好,就在beaultifull海灘隔壁。我推薦它,有時間和朋友在一起,或者自己旅行。
4.5/5211 評價
思拉瓦迪公認的早餐第一,體驗五天下來真的很好吃。甚至直接當中午飯了。但是就像一些評價一樣,房間之間的私密性的確差了點,這次在思拉瓦迪住了兩個房型,一個別墅雙卧室泳池的,一個大床帶按摩浴缸。別墅已經是最靠邊的一棟了,二樓房間和一樓泳池與隔壁還是很多地方能互相看到。因為是木製圍欄,甚至晚上隔壁別墅二樓的浴缸那裡能看到我們的室外餐桌和泳池。當然我們反向看也能看到一小部分,就理解為能看到燈光啊人影啥的但又不清楚的那個地步。。。。剩下的就是建築123層的大床房,我是1樓有按摩浴缸,與隔壁的圍欄是斜向的木質柵欄。就理解為向下的百葉窗橫着那種。兩邊房間走到那個位置都能看到兩邊。雖然浴缸位置基本看不太清但是也不敢去泡。能看到隔壁室外晾衣架的衣服,甚至如果不拉窗簾能看到一點點隔壁的房間。雖然都是能克服的,但是就是感覺私隱不太好。剩下的就是被詬病的換房,需要中途把老房12點退瞭然後等到3點才能入住新的。雖然不用兩次手續也有人拿行李,但是也是很累。海灘中規中矩,能浮潛但是石頭多一定要帶好防護別像老外一樣。能免費用船和漿板啥的就很nice。總體感覺4.5分 希望私隱再加強,其他都很好。
4.4/5178 評價
此行被全家最滿意的酒店,後悔沒多定幾天,要是喜歡奢華或者對硬件要求高的可以走來了,這家性價比高,明顯感覺很老舊的酒店了,但是服務,景觀,服務我得説10次,還有酒店內用餐喝酒什麼特別親民,邊上就是Ark bar,非常非常非常非常地適合常住,之後的兩家酒店都比這家貴,但是沒一個比的了,地理位置巨好!
3.1/518 評價
該度假村擁有這個島上最好的景色之一,即使您必須將其換成其他事情,例如每天爬上爬下。 酒店的工作人員也很友好和樂於助人,我不會騎摩托車,所以當我需要去他們吃晚飯時,他每天都會讓我免費騎車到鎮上。
4.6/540 評價
We have just returned from a 12 night stay at the Tongsai Bay. As returning guests we knew to expect an excellent service across the board. However what we didn’t expect was that they have managed to improve on what we already thought was perfection! The Garrya rebrand seems to have complemented the Tongsai, without detracting from the essence of the original concept. The rooms have been re-vamped but the upgrade is very much in keeping with the eco friendly jungle location. It was good to see that the natural tones and furnishings remain. Many of the long-standing staff are still there, and the new additions in staff provide the same faultless service with a warm smile on their faces. Every single member of staff was exceptional! It would be unfair to list individual staff as it is obvious that all departments work together as one team under the expert guidance of Manuel and Mark. I have yet to stay in another hotel where senior management get so involved. The main improvement for us this time was the food, which was already very good. The Tongsai have definitely upped their game here. every single meal we ate was truly delicious. Overall and exceptional experience, we wouldn’t hesitate in recommending to anyone. Thank you to everyone at the Tongsai for making our holiday absolutely perfect. We look forward to seeing you again next year!
3.8/541 評價
標題: 令人難忘的住宿體驗,令人驚嘆的景色和無可挑剔的服務 評價:★★★★★★ 最近,我有幸入住了一家出色的 AIs 度假村,其完美的位置、原始的服務和令人驚嘆的景色給我留下了深刻的印象。從我進入的那一刻起,我就知道我的經歷將是非凡的。 首先,度假村的位置無疑是最好的。位於充滿活力和繁華的蘇梅島中心。從飯店可輕鬆前往附近的各個景點、餐廳和購物區。無論您渴望文化體驗還是尋求熱鬧的娛樂活動,該度假村的優越位置確保您無需長途跋涉即可找到您想要的東西。 抵達後,我立即對度假村的清潔度和對細節的關注感到震驚。大堂散發著優雅和溫馨的氛圍。飯店工作人員立即以溫暖的微笑迎接我,並在我住宿期間提供卓越的服務。他們的專業和樂於助人確實增強了我的整體體驗。 我的房間是一個乾淨舒適的避難所。維護得完美無缺,體現了飯店致力於提供高標準的清潔度。清爽的床單、乾淨的毛巾和一塵不染的表面讓您享受真正輕鬆愉快的住宿體驗。 我的經歷的亮點無疑是令人驚嘆的景色和酒店原始的游泳池。我花了幾個小時躺在池畔欣賞風景如畫的風景。泳池區本身維護得非常漂亮,配有舒適的座椅和細心的工作人員隨時待命,以確保您獲得無縫且難忘的體驗。 此外,度假村對清潔的承諾延伸到所有區域,包括公共空間和設施。工作人員確保每個角落都經過精心消毒,為客人創造一個安全衛生的環境。 總的來說,我在這個度假村的三晚住宿超出了所有預期。優越的地理位置、清潔度、壯麗的景色以及卓越的服務使其成為難忘的體驗。我衷心推薦這家酒店給那些尋求完美假期、享受無可挑剔的服務和迷人景色的人——您不會失望的!
4.3/567 評價
親愛的法恩角我10月入住17.2023,行程3天2晚,預定別墅no.21(地平線海洋泳池​別墅)第一次開門看到的是蜜月甜的甜點套餐和香檳,印象深刻,都很喜歡發自內心的感謝。房間太漂亮了,乾淨,牀很軟很舒服。高潮是外面的海景,驚豔的景色,可以看到房間周圍的景色,晚上太浪漫了。私人游泳池很乾淨,不會有難聞的味道,在水裏玩的很舒服。房間和豐富的早餐我給5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐,還用了這裏的spa按摩服務90分鐘,治療人員按摩都很好。確認💆👍 最後感謝各位工作人員非常樂於助人,友好。並想欣賞服務和照顧客戶。我欽佩前廳經理K.Ken👍和K.Alice入住👍和K.Aek行李員👍非常感謝​,下次再見 最好的問候Chaida Hasler🇨🇭🇹🇭😊
4.6/567 評價


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