保加利亞景點-stone mushrooms
保加利亞景點-stone mushrooms
蘑菇石,位於 Beli Plast 村以東,在連接 Kardzhali 和 Haskovo 的道路上。 保護區總面積3公頃。 它被 1974 年 5 月 13 日的第 1427 號命令宣佈為自然地標。
岩層具有天然蘑菇的形狀——它們的莖是粉紅色的,帽子是綠色的。 菌柄高度和菌蓋寬度可達2.5米。 它們由流紋岩火山凝灰岩製成,這是可追溯到古新世的強烈水下火山活動的結果。 在海水撤退和海床持續上升之後,侵蝕的影響變得可見。 較低的粉紅色層被證明更柔軟,更容易受到陽光、風和雨的影響。 上面的綠色層含有固體礦物質,主要是火山玻璃,因此更難風化。 幾千年來,形成了獨特的形狀和顏色的奇妙組合。
The stone mushrooms are rock formations, located east of the village of Beli Plast, at the road, connecting Kardzhali with Haskovo. The protected site has a total area of 3 hectares. It was declared a natural landmark by Order No 1427 of 13 May 1974.
The rock formations have the shape of natural mushrooms – their stalks are pink, and the caps are green. The height of the mushroom stalks and the width of the caps are up to 2.5 meters. They are made of rhyolite volcanic tuffs, which are the result of intensive underwater volcanic activity, dating back to the Paleocene. After the sea withdrawal and the consistent seabed rising, the influence of the erosion became visible. The lower, pink layer proved to be softer and more amenable to the effects of sun, wind and rain. The upper, green layer contains solid minerals, mainly volcanic glass and it is therefore, more difficult to weather. So a wonderful combination of unique shapes and colors has formed over the millennia.