
4.1/51124 評價
酒店比較舊啲,有泳池也很好遊,去大 食海鮮很近, 叫車 R M 7,行去 Imago10分鐘,去碼頭玩跳島叫車都是10分,去玩直立版看日落。
4.4/5440 評價
我太喜歡這個酒店了,來亞庇旅遊就住它沒問題,正規乾淨,附近步行三分鐘有一個welcome seafood restaurant 特別好吃。 我感覺用非常便宜的價格買一個超級豪華的酒店,性價比之最,心滿意足的來評價啦。 我很少評價,因為它太好了,一定要推薦給你
4.3/5863 評價
這家酒店位置位於亞庇市中心,離機場不到10km路程,樓下是加雅街有很多便利店和各種美食,對面是wisma merdeka可以換匯和購買小禮品,斜對面是曙光商場,在本地算很大的購物中心,走十分鐘就到Jesselton碼頭方便去跳島。 衛生算整潔,但毛巾床單略髒,設施偏舊,酒店大堂可寄存行李。特別需注意的是客房wifi非常不穩定,入住前兩天斷斷續續勉強還能用一下,最後兩天徹底沒有wifi了,甚至流量都很難連上,如果對網絡要求高的旅客還是要注意一下。希望酒店能加強網絡建設吧,沒有網絡這一點真的非常被動。
3.9/532 評價
July 2024 TL;DR: This place feels more like a meditation centre than a hotel, it will not provide you with supplements. It's a bare room. You need to bring toothbrush&paste and buy drinks somewhere as it is not provided. No tv and fan. No in-house restaurant. There are mosquitoes at the garden near afternoon, and the balcony at night, but there are no insects in the room (family room). In exchange you will get a very clear and vivid Mt Kinabalu view in the near-dawn morning (where there is no mosquito), a working shower with heater, concrete floor that reduces nearby noise, and cold foggy experience. Long: This place is within the fog path so you will get the foggy experience. You can also see Mt. Kinabalu at the right time and it looks quite close (e.g. dawn 6 a.m.). You can even see the electric towers and resthouse, it's that close. Moreover, this place is more like a meditation centre than a hotel. It is visibly run down probably since covid as that is also when the in-house restaurant got closed down. Considering my experience as a recurrent visitor of Kundasang, mosquito has always been the least of my concern. Somehow this place has lots of them. We got bit quite a lot in a short span of time. Undesirable / Cons: -No water kettle, no supplements (water bottle, coffee pack, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.). Porcelain mugs are provided though -No in-house cafe/restaurant but nearby has a few (400 meters at least) -No tv, no fan but cold in general -Quite a lot of mosquito and moths outside at the garden place in the afternoon and at the balcony connecting the 2 buildings at night. There are no electric zapper. -Seems a bit run down at the garden. 2 broken board pieces on the floor for example. -It has no Qibla for muslim people, at least in family room Desirable / Pros: -Big room. Not smelly -Is cement board floor -Big single beds. Not smelly -Clean bed. Fluffy cover. -Water heater is working for family room at least -Relatively clean inside room and at reception. No insects in room. No weird bugs around. -Has a table and chairs in room -Lots of electrical port -Wifi provided by hotel is strong (2.4Ghz and 5Ghz -Very near main road. So good road going towards the hotel -Aki-Aki trail starting point is nearby. Plan to go next time so no experience as of this review This place is not too bad. Not too good either. Personally, I wouldn't place this as my top place for the foggy and view considering other options but I don't mind returning if necessary. It will sure be much much better to highly recommended with much needed renovation and have some methods to deal with those mosquito. p.s. There's a cute puppy that invites you at the entrance. 😂 p.s.s. I saw a greater coucal gliding into the forest in the morning!
4.3/5560 評價
和一般海邊的度假村一樣,比較老舊,設施算不上新。服務不錯,有求必應。就是櫃子裏的extra blanket真是太味兒了,打電話叫來另要了一條,就是包了被罩,好歹比直接蓋陳年舊毯子好一點…… 早餐一般,海邊的早餐居然沒有大蝦。這一次在亞庇住了兩個五星,居然都沒大蝦,是季節不對嗎? 早餐水果很豐富,比艾美好。酒店有很多活動,不過都要提前預訂,最好來了先去探索中心問一問,當天一般都是定不上的。 最後一天我趕飛機,5點出發,酒店給準備了早餐盒,很貼心。 對了,酒店那個日本料理店菜量真的很小,三個人花了1200人民幣沒吃飽
4/593 評價
如果您需要轉機航班,該位置距離機場較遠。 清潔度有待提高。驚訝地發現房間和廁所裡有蟑螂。
4.4/52079 評價
這家真的給我留下了深刻印象。環境靜謐宜人,一線海景房,房間佈置得很有格調,細節之處盡顯用心。服務更是沒得説,從前台到客房服務,到門口的工作人員,幫忙提行李🧳和叫車。每一位員工都專業又熱情。早餐是一大亮點,豐富多樣,食材新鮮,吃得超滿足。而且酒店的配套設施也很完善,緊鄰餐廳外配套游泳池,無論是商務出差還是休閑旅行,都能在這裏享受到每一位工作人員高品質的服務。(最後想了解一下,入住期間連續 兩天停水是什麼原因?)
仙本那可可潛水度假屋 2
3.8/525 評價
第一次體驗水屋,滑梯直接到海里,非常有趣 服務:酒店安排非常到位,有任何問題都能幫你解決,預訂的兩個人包船浮潛,教練也很專業,會潛到海底,幫你把海底的魚趕上來 設施:一進房間,迫不及待體驗滑梯,一開始還擔心自己滑下去,會沉到海里,前台有救生衣,完全不用擔心。 免費晚餐:菜品很豐富,雞肉很嫩,螃蟹也很鮮,裏面還有蟹黃,蝦是怎麼都吃不夠的
4.5/51005 評價
🏮【京那巴魯凱悦酒店 | 住進海景與煙火氣交織的春節盛宴】🏮 ✨ **春節氛圍感MAX!** 踏入酒店就被紅火喜慶的廟會佈置驚艷到!大廳裏燈籠高掛,年味十足,角落的休憩沙發讓旅途疲憊瞬間消散~ 穿過大堂直奔泳池,**1.2米小童區+1.5米成人區**分界清晰,水質透亮到想一頭扎進去!旱鴨子隊友也能在淺水區玩嗨,躺沙灘椅上點份餐食,吹着海風曬太陽,這才是度假的正確打開方式啊! 🌊 **海景房封神體驗!** 推門即見碧海藍天,早晚霞光染透整片落地窗,雲海相接美到窒息!房間設計絕了——**鏡面移門+通透佈局**,30㎡秒變50㎡既視感!行李直接攤開三四衹都綽綽有餘,衞生間乾濕分離還能秒變私密空間,細節控狂喜! 🛍️ **地段王者實錘!** 步行圈制霸全城:15分鐘到加雅街吃遍古早味,20分鐘逛遍Suria Sabah等四大商場血拚,哲斯頓碼頭出海跳島遊説走就走!最絕的是酒店後面**中央菜市場**!清晨現撈的龍蝦、新鮮的水果,夜市更是煙火氣爆棚,海鮮燒烤香到走不動道~ 📍【劃重點】海景房必搶!泳池躺平黨天堂!吃貨暴走族福音!春節檔期手慢無!
4.2/5307 評價
個人獨立套房的配置,不僅有小廚房,廚具跟煮俱都有準備,適合真正來常住的人,可以自己煮三餐,所有設施的很棒,走廊還提供冷熱飲水機,唯一美中不足的是電視要跟手機同步很麻煩,以往只要手機跟電視連上同一個WIFI就能直接投射,但竟然不能使用,還要特地從youtube APP進去找到電視代碼才能連結,是有一點小不方便,除此之外,我覺得都很棒,還有乾溼分離超讚,淋浴間的水不會流出來外面超讚,在韓國住過2間有乾溼分離的飯店,全都會流出外面超傻眼,馬來西亞很棒!!


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