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FHIR Infrastructure Work Group | Maturity Level: N/A | Standards Status: Informative | Compartments: No defined compartments |
ShEx statement for capabilitystatement
PREFIX fhir: <> PREFIX fhirvs: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX rdf: <> IMPORT <uri.shex> IMPORT <url.shex> IMPORT <code.shex> IMPORT <string.shex> IMPORT <Coding.shex> IMPORT <boolean.shex> IMPORT <dateTime.shex> IMPORT <markdown.shex> IMPORT <canonical.shex> IMPORT <Reference.shex> IMPORT <Identifier.shex> IMPORT <unsignedInt.shex> IMPORT <UsageContext.shex> IMPORT <Organization.shex> IMPORT <ContactDetail.shex> IMPORT <DomainResource.shex> IMPORT <CodeableConcept.shex> IMPORT <BackboneElement.shex> start=@<CapabilityStatement> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]} # A statement of system capabilities <CapabilityStatement> EXTENDS @<DomainResource> CLOSED { a [fhir:CapabilityStatement]?; fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?; fhir:url @<uri>?; # Canonical identifier for this # capability statement, represented # as a URI (globally unique) fhir:identifier @<OneOrMore_Identifier>?; # Additional identifier for the # CapabilityStatement (business # identifier) fhir:version @<string>?; # Business version of the capability # statement fhir:versionAlgorithm @<string> OR @<Coding> ?; # How to compare versions fhir:name @<string>?; # Name for this capability statement # (computer friendly) fhir:title @<string>?; # Name for this capability statement # (human friendly) fhir:status @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:publication-status}; # draft | active | retired | unknown fhir:experimental @<boolean>?; # For testing purposes, not real # usage fhir:date @<dateTime>; # Date last changed fhir:publisher @<string>?; # Name of the publisher/steward # (organization or individual) fhir:contact @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail>?; # Contact details for the publisher fhir:description @<markdown>?; # Natural language description of # the capability statement fhir:useContext @<OneOrMore_UsageContext>?; # The context that the content is # intended to support fhir:jurisdiction @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Intended jurisdiction for # capability statement (if # applicable) fhir:purpose @<markdown>?; # Why this capability statement is # defined fhir:copyright @<markdown>?; # Use and/or publishing restrictions fhir:copyrightLabel @<string>?; # Copyright holder and year(s) fhir:kind @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:capability-statement-kind}; # instance | capability | # requirements fhir:instantiates @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Canonical URL of another # capability statement this # implements fhir:imports @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Canonical URL of another # capability statement this adds to fhir:software @<>?; # Software that is covered by this # capability statement fhir:implementation @<CapabilityStatement.implementation>?; # If this describes a specific # instance fhir:fhirVersion @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:FHIR-version}; # FHIR Version the system supports fhir:format @<OneOrMore_code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:mimetypes}; # formats supported (xml | json | # ttl | mime type) fhir:patchFormat @<OneOrMore_code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:mimetypes}?; # Patch formats supported fhir:acceptLanguage @<OneOrMore_code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:all-languages}?; # Languages supported fhir:implementationGuide @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Implementation guides supported fhir:rest @<>?; # If the endpoint is a RESTful one fhir:messaging @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging>?; # If messaging is supported fhir:document @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.document>?; # Document definition } # Resource served on the REST interface <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:type @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:resource-types}; # A resource type that is supported fhir:profile @<canonical>?; # System-wide profile fhir:supportedProfile @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Use-case specific profiles fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Additional information about the # use of the resource type fhir:interaction @<>?; # What operations are supported? fhir:versioning @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:versioning-policy}?; # no-version | versioned | # versioned-update fhir:readHistory @<boolean>?; # Whether vRead can return past # versions fhir:updateCreate @<boolean>?; # If update can commit to a new # identity fhir:conditionalCreate @<boolean>?; # If allows/uses conditional create fhir:conditionalRead @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:conditional-read-status}?; # not-supported | modified-since | # not-match | full-support fhir:conditionalUpdate @<boolean>?; # If allows/uses conditional update fhir:conditionalPatch @<boolean>?; # If allows/uses conditional patch fhir:conditionalDelete @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:conditional-delete-status}?; # not-supported | single | multiple # - how conditional delete is # supported fhir:referencePolicy @<OneOrMore_code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:reference-handling-policy}?; # literal | logical | resolves | # enforced | local fhir:searchInclude @<OneOrMore_string>?; # _include values supported by the # server fhir:searchRevInclude @<OneOrMore_string>?; # _revinclude values supported by # the server fhir:searchParam @<>?; # Search parameters supported by # implementation fhir:operation @<>?; # Definition of a resource operation } # What operations are supported? <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:code @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:system-restful-interaction}; # transaction | batch | # search-system | history-system fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Anything special about operation # behavior } # Information about security of implementation <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:cors @<boolean>?; # Adds CORS Headers # ( fhir:service @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # OAuth | SMART-on-FHIR | NTLM | # Basic | Kerberos | Certificates fhir:description @<markdown>?; # General description of how # security works } # Software that is covered by this capability statement <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:name @<string>; # A name the software is known by fhir:version @<string>?; # Version covered by this statement fhir:releaseDate @<dateTime>?; # Date this version was released } # Messages supported by this system <CapabilityStatement.messaging.supportedMessage> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:mode @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:event-capability-mode}; # sender | receiver fhir:definition @<canonical>; # Message supported by this system } # Definition of a resource operation <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:name @<string>; # Name by which the operation/query # is invoked fhir:definition @<canonical>; # The defined operation/query fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Specific details about operation # behavior } # Search parameters supported by implementation <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:name @<string>; # Name for parameter in search url fhir:definition @<canonical>?; # Source of definition for parameter fhir:type @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:search-param-type}; # number | date | string | token | # reference | composite | quantity | # uri | special fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Server-specific usage } # Where messages should be sent <CapabilityStatement.messaging.endpoint> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:protocol @<Coding>; # http | ftp | mllp + fhir:address @<url>; # Network address or identifier of # the end-point } # If this describes a specific instance <CapabilityStatement.implementation> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:description @<markdown>; # Describes this specific instance fhir:url @<url>?; # Base URL for the installation fhir:custodian @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Organization> ? }?; # Organization that manages the data } # If the endpoint is a RESTful one <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:mode @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:restful-capability-mode}; # client | server fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # General description of # implementation fhir:security @<>?; # Information about security of # implementation fhir:resource @<>?; # Resource served on the REST # interface fhir:interaction @<>?; # What operations are supported? fhir:searchParam @<>?; # Search parameters for searching # all resources fhir:operation @<>?; # Definition of a system level # operation fhir:compartment @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Compartments served/used by system } # Document definition <CapabilityStatement.document> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:mode @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:document-mode}; # producer | consumer fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Description of document support fhir:profile @<canonical>; # Constraint on the resources used # in the document } # If messaging is supported <CapabilityStatement.messaging> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:endpoint @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging.endpoint>?; # Where messages should be sent fhir:reliableCache @<unsignedInt>?; # Reliable Message Cache Length (min) fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Messaging interface behavior # details fhir:supportedMessage @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging.supportedMessage>?; # Messages supported by this system } # What operations are supported? <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:code @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:type-restful-interaction}; # read | vread | update | patch | # delete | history-instance | # history-type | create | # search-type fhir:documentation @<markdown>?; # Anything special about operation # behavior } #---------------------- Cardinality Types (OneOrMore) ------------------- <OneOrMore_Identifier> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Identifier> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Identifier> } <OneOrMore_ContactDetail> CLOSED { rdf:first @<ContactDetail> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail> } <OneOrMore_UsageContext> CLOSED { rdf:first @<UsageContext> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_UsageContext> } <OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CodeableConcept> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> } <OneOrMore_canonical> CLOSED { rdf:first @<canonical> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_canonical> } <OneOrMore_code> CLOSED { rdf:first @<code> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_code> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CapabilityStatement.messaging> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging> } <OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.document> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CapabilityStatement.document> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.document> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <OneOrMore_string> CLOSED { rdf:first @<string> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_string> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging.endpoint> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CapabilityStatement.messaging.endpoint> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging.endpoint> } <OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging.supportedMessage> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CapabilityStatement.messaging.supportedMessage> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CapabilityStatement.messaging.supportedMessage> } #---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------ # All published FHIR Versions. fhirvs:FHIR-version ["0.01" "0.05" "0.06" "0.11" "0.0" "0.0.80" "0.0.81" "0.0.82" "0.4" "0.4.0" "0.5" "0.5.0" "1.0" "1.0.0" "1.0.1" "1.0.2" "1.1" "1.1.0" "1.4" "1.4.0" "1.6" "1.6.0" "1.8" "1.8.0" "3.0" "3.0.0" "3.0.1" "3.0.2" "3.3" "3.3.0" "3.5" "3.5.0" "4.0" "4.0.0" "4.0.1" "4.1" "4.1.0" "4.2" "4.2.0" "4.3" "4.3.0" "4.3.0-cibuild" "4.3.0-snapshot1" "4.4" "4.4.0" "4.5" "4.5.0" "4.6" "4.6.0" "5.0" "5.0.0" "5.0.0-cibuild" "5.0.0-snapshot1" "5.0.0-snapshot2" "5.0.0-ballot" "5.0.0-snapshot3" "5.0.0-draft-final"] # This value set includes all possible codes from BCP-47 (see fhirvs:all-languages xsd:string #EXTERNAL # How a capability statement is intended to be used. fhirvs:capability-statement-kind ["instance" "capability" "requirements"] # A code that indicates how the server supports conditional delete. fhirvs:conditional-delete-status ["not-supported" "single" "multiple"] # A code that indicates how the server supports conditional read. fhirvs:conditional-read-status ["not-supported" "modified-since" "not-match" "full-support"] # Whether the application produces or consumes documents. fhirvs:document-mode ["producer" "consumer"] # The mode of a message capability statement. fhirvs:event-capability-mode ["sender" "receiver"] # This value set includes all possible codes from BCP-13 (see fhirvs:mimetypes xsd:string #EXTERNAL # The lifecycle status of an artifact. fhirvs:publication-status ["draft" "active" "retired" "unknown"] # A set of flags that defines how references are supported. fhirvs:reference-handling-policy ["literal" "logical" "resolves" "enforced" "local"] # Concrete FHIR Resource Types fhirvs:resource-types ["Account" "ActivityDefinition" "ActorDefinition" "AdministrableProductDefinition" "AdverseEvent" "AllergyIntolerance" "Appointment" "AppointmentResponse" "ArtifactAssessment" "AuditEvent" "Basic" "Binary" "BiologicallyDerivedProduct" "BiologicallyDerivedProductDispense" "BodyStructure" "Bundle" "CapabilityStatement" "CarePlan" "CareTeam" "ChargeItem" "ChargeItemDefinition" "Citation" "Claim" "ClaimResponse" "ClinicalImpression" "ClinicalUseDefinition" "CodeSystem" "Communication" "CommunicationRequest" "CompartmentDefinition" "Composition" "ConceptMap" "Condition" "ConditionDefinition" "Consent" "Contract" "Coverage" "CoverageEligibilityRequest" "CoverageEligibilityResponse" "DetectedIssue" "Device" "DeviceAssociation" "DeviceDefinition" "DeviceDispense" "DeviceMetric" "DeviceRequest" "DeviceUsage" "DiagnosticReport" "DocumentReference" "Encounter" "EncounterHistory" "Endpoint" "EnrollmentRequest" "EnrollmentResponse" "EpisodeOfCare" "EventDefinition" "Evidence" "EvidenceReport" "EvidenceVariable" "ExampleScenario" "ExplanationOfBenefit" "FamilyMemberHistory" "Flag" "FormularyItem" "GenomicStudy" "Goal" "GraphDefinition" "Group" "GuidanceResponse" "HealthcareService" "ImagingSelection" "ImagingStudy" "Immunization" "ImmunizationEvaluation" "ImmunizationRecommendation" "ImplementationGuide" "Ingredient" "InsurancePlan" "InventoryItem" "InventoryReport" "Invoice" "Library" "Linkage" "List" "Location" "ManufacturedItemDefinition" "Measure" "MeasureReport" "Medication" "MedicationAdministration" "MedicationDispense" "MedicationKnowledge" "MedicationRequest" "MedicationStatement" "MedicinalProductDefinition" "MessageDefinition" "MessageHeader" "MolecularSequence" "NamingSystem" "NutritionIntake" "NutritionOrder" "NutritionProduct" "Observation" "ObservationDefinition" "OperationDefinition" "OperationOutcome" "Organization" "OrganizationAffiliation" "PackagedProductDefinition" "Parameters" "Patient" "PaymentNotice" "PaymentReconciliation" "Permission" "Person" "PlanDefinition" "Practitioner" "PractitionerRole" "Procedure" "Provenance" "Questionnaire" "QuestionnaireResponse" "RegulatedAuthorization" "RelatedPerson" "RequestOrchestration" "Requirements" "ResearchStudy" "ResearchSubject" "RiskAssessment" "Schedule" "SearchParameter" "ServiceRequest" "Slot" "Specimen" "SpecimenDefinition" "StructureDefinition" "StructureMap" "Subscription" "SubscriptionStatus" "SubscriptionTopic" "Substance" "SubstanceDefinition" "SubstanceNucleicAcid" "SubstancePolymer" "SubstanceProtein" "SubstanceReferenceInformation" "SubstanceSourceMaterial" "SupplyDelivery" "SupplyRequest" "Task" "TerminologyCapabilities" "TestPlan" "TestReport" "TestScript" "Transport" "ValueSet" "VerificationResult" "VisionPrescription"] # The mode of a RESTful capability statement. fhirvs:restful-capability-mode ["client" "server"] # Data types allowed to be used for search parameters. fhirvs:search-param-type ["number" "date" "string" "token" "reference" "composite" "quantity" "uri" "special"] # Operations supported by REST at the system level. fhirvs:system-restful-interaction ["transaction" "batch" "search-system" "history-system"] # Operations supported by REST at the type or instance level. fhirvs:type-restful-interaction ["read" "vread" "update" "patch" "delete" "history-instance" "history-type" "create" "search-type"] # How the system supports versioning for a resource. fhirvs:versioning-policy ["no-version" "versioned" "versioned-update"]
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
FHIR ®© 2011+. FHIR R5 hl7.fhir.core#5.0.0 generated on Sun, Mar 26, 2023 15:24+1100.
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