🌍 Join us for a workshop on sustainability! 🌍 We’re excited to announce that Dusko Radulovic PhD (CLIMATIG) will be part of the upcoming workshop "We Believe in Sustainability – Best Practices and Everyday Challenges", organized by Erste Bank. As part of the event, a panel discussion "ESG – Buzzword or Opportunity for Growth and Development?" will be held, moderated by Iva Rogovic Lekic (GrECo Group). We'll discuss the real impact of ESG and climate change on businesses and share insights on navigating these challenges. See you there! 👥♻️ #Sustainability #ESG #ClimateChange #BusinessGrowth #CLIMATIG #ErsteBank #PanelDiscussion
Pripremili smo besplatnu radionicu za tvrtke „Vjerujemo u održivost - dobre prakse i svakodnevni izazovi“. U srijedu 12. veljače u 9 sati saznajte kako ESG i klimatske promjene mogu utjecati na vaše poslovanje. Radionica će se održati u Zagrebu, u Ivana Lučića 2. U sklopu radionice održat će se i panel "ESG - buzzword ili prilika za rast i razvoj" koji će moderirati Iva Rogovic Lekic, GrECo Group, a panelisti su Toni Bilić, DS Smith Belišće Croatia, Vladimir Sabo, E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions, Dražen Jakšić, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Dubravka Stefanac Vinovrski, A1 Hrvatska d.o.o. te naš Krešimir Barić. Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da se jave na pr@erstebank.hr do 10. veljače u 12 sati, jer je broj mjesta ograničen. #erstebankahrvatska #esg