COIN Coworking Industries Zadar

COIN Coworking Industries Zadar

Facilities Services

About us

Projekt “Coworking Zadar – suradnjom do inovacija” odobren je za financiranje na natječaju za izgradnju male poslovne infrastrukture iz programa IPA OP Regionalna konkurentnost 2007. – 2013. Cilj projekta je potaknuti razvoj poduzetništva i samozapošljavanje te povećati konkurentnost mikropoduzetnika Zadarske županije. Projekt će povećati mogućnosti samozapošljavanja i poboljšati usluge podrške za male i srednje poduzetnike, te osnažiti coworking zajednicu. COIN coworking prostor će se otvoriti u jesen 2015. godine, a bit će to moderan zajednički prostor za rad i suradnju koji će u potpunosti odgovarati potrebama korisnika. Imat će brz i siguran pristup internetu, sobu za sastanke, prezentacijsku/event dvoranu, samostalne urede, prostor za odmor i druženje. COIN će biti idealano mjesto za organizaciju raznih događanja poput javnih predstavljanja, radionica, predavanja, diskusija i izložbi te sličnih sadržaja. Project "Coworking Zadar – Innovation Through Collaboration'' has been approved for funding on the Call for Proposals ''The Business-Related Infrastructure Grant Scheme'' from the IPA Programme OP Regional Competitiveness 2007-2013. The project started on 14/6/2014 and will last for 18 months. The total budget of the project is 672.626,14 EUR, with 85% EU co-financing. A new coworking space will be established with the objective to increase self-employment possibilities through working space and upgraded support services for SMEs, to foster entrepreneurship and self-employment and increase the competitiveness of SMEs. COIN (COworking INdustries) will be refurbished and equipped in accordance with users' needs. Besides an open work space, fast and secure internet acces, a meeting room, a room for presentations and seminars, independent offices and a space for relaxation and socializing will be ensured. COIN will be open for different users and events like exhibitions, public presentations, workshops, lectures, discussions etc.

Facilities Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Coworking, Meeting room, Conference room, Business support, Education, Community events, and Commercial events


Employees at COIN Coworking Industries Zadar

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