About us

Defining digital Our knowledge and technical expertise are groundwork for forming digital solutions. Who are we We are a technology-driven company founded on the knowledge excellence of our experts and constant orientation to business innovation. For 35 years, we’ve been focused on the development and implementation of digital solutions for our clients. We are their business partner and advisor in creating more agile versions of their companies, using cutting-edge technologies, vast knowledge, and reputable business practices. What are we doing Defining digital. We create digital solutions that help you be more agile, flexible, and faster. We combine consulting with technology to provide the best experiences for our clients. From back-end integration solutions, through digitalization of processes to innovative business models based on data analytics. We see ourselves as a partner to all our clients, someone who understands their visions and on whom they can rely. We provide a specific contribution and support to their business that will enable them to make progress and achieve their goals. Our solutions and services are created according to their needs, so everything "we do" is not simple or easy to list, but our basic features can be divided into five groups: Infrastructure Technological components necessary for the implementation of business processes Products Storage, retrieval, processing, and transmission of information in digital form Professional Services Functional and high-quality services with predictable costs Data Intelligence Delivery system of credible and reliable data Security Complete protection and insurance of information systems

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
51-200 employees
Privately Held
Infrastructure Solutions, Banking Industry, Security, Business Continuity, DevOps, Collaboration, Financial Services, Operations Management, Services Management, Business Process Management, Data Center, Consulting, Support Services, Application Lifecycle Management, Managed IT Services, Cloud Services, and Project Management



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    Drago nam je da smo sponzorstvom podržali Data Science Conference na kojoj je naš tim Matija Jurin, EMBA Davor Jambrešić i David Ban imao prilike saznati brojne novosti i trendove u podatkovnoj industriji. Što su sve poslušali i saznali, pročitajte u nastavku. 👇

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    Senior Business Development Manager at Comping

    Kolege Davor Jambrešić (ne voli se slikati 😃), David Ban i ja predstavljali smo Comping na Data Science Conference 2024 u Beogradu. Bila nam je čast i kao jedan od sponzora podržati ovaj vodeći regionalni event u podatkovnoj industriji. 🧮 Od sjajnih govornika mahom iz globalnih lidera u podatkovnom segmentu: - saznali smo kojih je to 7 opasnih „grijeha“ koji mogu „ubiti“ implementaciju AI u organizaciji i kako ih izbjeći, 🤯 - potvrdili važnost Podatkovne zrelosti organizacije koja mora biti usklađena s tehnološkom arhitekturom koja se implementira (Data lake, DWH, Lakehouse, Data mash, Data Fabric) 📚 - u kojem je stanju Data Science rola i koliko je važno da se razgraniči ta rola od Data Engineer role i da je to moguće ali nije lako, 🧑🏻💻 - te iz panela i nekoliko prezentacija vidjeli koji su zadnji trendovi u detekciji anomalija i anti-fraud rješenjima - i još puno toga… 🤗 #data #analytics #ai #cloud #antifraud #datascience

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    Naš PMO tim ovog tjedna sudjelovao je na PMI Forumu 2024 kojeg smo podržali sponzorstvom. Na konferenciji se raspravljalo o utjecaju umjetne inteligencije na ulogu voditelja projekata, a poseban naglasak bio je na očuvanju ljudske dimenzije u doba tehnologije, rješavanju stresa u vođenju timova i integraciji AI-ja u poslovne procese. Naši projektni menadžeri razmijenili su svoja iskustva vođenja projekata te usvojili nova znanja za daljnje unaprjeđenje projekata.  PMI Croatia Chapter

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    Nedeljko Matejak prošlog je tjedna na CyberPharm konferenciji predstavio kako se Comping Cybersecurity Framework može integrirati u farmaceutsku industriju te razriješiti sigurnosne izazove s kojima se susreću. U panel diskusiji dao je svoj osvrt na upravljanje incidentima te istaknuo kako je plan oporavka od incidenata jedan od koraka našeg Cybersecurity Frameworka kojim se definiraju procesi u slučaju cyber napada i osigurava brži i efikasniji oporavak od krize. Više o Comping Cybersecurity Frameworku pročitajte na linku: https://bit.ly/4erItKb

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    Ivan Jerecic i Arlen Bračković sudjelovali su u ovogodišnjem VMware Explore 2024 u Barceloni gdje je predstavljeno mnogo inovacija i unaprjeđenja rješenja u cloud domeni. Poslušali su brojna predavanja, a naglasak je bio na novim rješenjima koja omogućuju organizacijama da iskoriste snagu multi-cloud infrastrukture uz maksimalnu sigurnost, efikasnost i održivost. 

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    Podržali smo ovogodišnju Data Science Conference Europe 24 koja će kroz brojna predavanja o podatkovnom inženjerstvu i umjetnoj inteligenciji predstaviti kako digitalizirati poslovanje. Vidimo se od 20.11. u Beogradu!

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    Excited to present to you our next partner at the DSC Europe 24! It’s Comping! 🤗 Comping is a technology-driven company built upon the expertise of its professionals and a relentless pursuit of business innovation. With 35 years of dedication, they specialize in crafting and implementing digital solutions tailored to their clients' needs. Serving as their trusted business partner and advisor, Comping facilitates the transformation of their organizations into more agile entities, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, extensive knowledge, and proven business methodologies.  Their scope encompasses defining digital strategies, developing back-end integration solutions, streamlining processes through digitalization, and crafting innovative business models driven by data analytics.  Committed to understanding their clients' visions and providing unwavering support, Comping offers a diverse range of solutions and services across five core areas: infrastructure, products, professional services, data intelligence, and security, each meticulously designed to meet their evolving needs and goals. To learn more about them, visit their website: https://www.comping.hr/ We are proud to have Comping as our partner at DSC Europe 2024, and we look forward to their continued impact on the digital future! ❤️ #Comping #partner #DSCEurope #digitalsolutions

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    Na ovogodišnjoj CyberPharm konferenciji, koja okuplja stručnjake iz zdravstvenog i farmaceutskog sektora, Nedeljko Matejak, direktor tehnoloških rješenja i usluga, predstavit će Cyber Security Framework - Compingov okvir za izvrsnost u kibernetičkoj sigurnosti. Kroz ovu temu, Nedeljko će podijeliti ključne smjernice za unaprjeđenje sigurnosti podataka i sustava. Pridružite nam se i saznajte više o inovacijama i strategijama za učinkovitu cyber zaštitu!

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    Predstavili smo ThingsTalk - IoT as a Service platformu i njezine mogućnosti iz područja smart meteringa na najvećem energetskom sajmu u Europi Enlit Europe koji se proteklih dana održavao u Milanu. Zajedno s našom tvrtkom iot.hr prezentirali smo rješenje za distributere plina bazirano na Byte Lab retrofit uređaju, Sigfox 0G technology mreži i ThingsTalk platformi. Prikazali smo kako virtualizacija podataka izgleda u samoj platformi, a Ranko Režek i Dora Šegović odgovarali su na pitanja svih zainteresiranih sudionika. 📊 Hvala UnaBiz EIT SMART i Byte Lab na prilici da pokažemo mogućnosti ThingsTalk platforme zajedno s vama. 

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    Drago nam je da smo na HotelIT - Executive Hospitality Tech Summit prezentirali naša podatkovna i sigurnosna rješenja te prednosti njihove implementacije u hotelskoj industriji.

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    Senior Business Development Manager at Comping

    Bila nam je čast podržati kao sponzor prvi HotelIT - Executive Hospitality Tech Summit koji se održao u prekrasnom hotelu Bellevue na Lošinju, Lošinj Hotels & Villas 🏨 Comping je prezentirao svoja podatkovna i security rješenja koja provjereno rade u nekim od najvećih hospitality grupacija u Hrvatskoj. Nakon sjajno 👏🏻 organizirane premijere, veselimo se vol2 iduće godine! 🤗 #hospitality #data #security #tech #executive

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