We are thrilled to announce that our Department is about to start two new three-year #research #projects funded by the Hrvatska zaklada za znanost (Croatian Science Foundation)! 🤓 👉 Project „Radiological impact of severe accidents in nuclear power plants on the environment and the local population“ is lead by professor Siniša Šadek and its goal is to assess the real state of threat to the population in Croatia and calculate the doses received in case of a severe accident at a #nuclearpowerplant. An integral analysis of the propagation of the accident will cover all the paths of release and transport of #radionuclides. The atmospheric dispersion model will use realistic meteorological data to estimate radionuclide concentrations over a wider geographic area. Finally, these data will be used to determine the effective equivalent dose of radiation received by the local population. 👉 The second project "Coordinated Hydrogen and Electricity SyStems and markets", lead by professor Hrvoje Pandzic, aims at improving the existing models of #batterystoragesystems, #electrolyzers and #fuelcells based on #laboratory measurements. These improved models will be used to develop operational and investment models of a facility that produces #electricity and #hydrogen and takes part in the electricity and hydrogen #energy markets while providing ancillary services to the both system operators. Furthermore, the project will develop accurate and fast optimal power flows and optimal gas flow models. Congratulations and good luck to our principle investigators and their project teams! 👏
FER - Department of Energy and Power Systems
With great power comes great responsibility!
About us
The Department of Energy and Power Systems of the University of Zagreb Faculty of electrical engineering and computing conducts research, education and industry consulting in the field of electric power engineering and energy.
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Employees at FER - Department of Energy and Power Systems
After overcoming all challenges and finalizing the installation of a new PV #powerplant of 600 kW and a new #batterystoragesystem of 200 kWh, we shared our experience and lessons learned at the Closing Conference of the “Energy and Climate Change” Programme held in Rovinj, 12-13 November 2024. Our researcher, Tomislav Antić, presented the most important results of the project "Photovoltaic system for electricity generation covering self-consumption in network operation SE-FER-005 Phase 1", during the session in which project outcomes were showcased as examples of best practices. The project was managed by Tomislav Capuder, and all activities were handled by the members of our department. With the new #powerplant, FER contributes to #energytransition and reducing greenhouse #gasemissions and shows how #renewableenergy contributes to the decrease in the #electricity bill and how it helps to achieve the goal of self-sufficiency. We thank the governments of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway EEA and Norway Grants for their financial support, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds (Ministarstvo regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije) as Programme Operator and the Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar as Programme Partner.
On November 22nd, we celebrated the 68th Day of our Faculty (FER) . The celebration began with talks given by our distinguished guests who all emphasized the importance of FER’s contribution to solving the emerging challenges. One of the identified challenges strongly emphasized in all the talks was the #energytransition and preventing the #climatechange. We are proud that our Department provides solutions in this area. As a part of the celebration, FER gave awards to #professors, #associates and #students who were particularly successful in their #research and their #studies in the academic year 2023/2024. Our former student Tamara Trogrlić was awarded the Bronze Plaque Josip Lončar for outstanding results during her master's studies. The Mikec Foundation Award is given for a master's thesis with research and innovation achievements, and the newest member of our Department, Petar Labura, won it this year. Nina Stipetić was awarded the “KONČAR” award for a doctoral thesis with great potential for application in industry. Tomislav Antić won the Frano Luetić award for the results of his doctoral studies in the field of power engineering. He was also one of the recipients of the Silver Plaque Josip Lončar for the best doctoral thesis, along with Matija Kostelac, Sara Raos and the former member of our Department Matej Krpan. We congratulate and are very proud of all the awardees! We are glad that our hard work is being noticed, which gives us even more momentum and enthusiasm for research and teaching activities in the coming years.
On November 7, 2024, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) hosted the Round Table titled Geothermal Energy in Croatia – Present and Future. The event gathered approximately 130 participants, fostering a productive exchange of ideas and insights on this vital topic. As a speaker, our assistant dr. sc. Sara Raos had the opportunity to present a lecture titled "A Model for Assessing Energy Projects of Advanced Geothermal Systems Based on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making". The presentation introduced an innovative approach to evaluating geothermal energy projects, highlighting the role of decision-making techniques in ensuring sustainable and effective energy solutions. The Round Table proved to be highly engaging and beneficial for all attendees, offering a platform for fruitful discussions and networking among experts, policymakers, and stakeholders in the field of #geothermalenergy. This event underscored the growing significance of geothermal energy in Croatia’s energy transition and emphasized the importance of collaboration in addressing both current challenges and future opportunities in the sector.
Our Mirna Gržanić Antić participated in the Power & Energy Masters 2024 meeting in Vodice as a member of the round table: New Challenges for Energy Systems.
Održan je prvi od ukupno tri dana skupa Power & Energy Masters 2024. Vodice su nas dočekale okupane suncem, ugodnim temperaturama, a mi smo se potrudili organizirati kvalitetan program powered by HEP. 🤗 U Hotelu Imperial Park okupio se veliki broj stručnjaka i znanstvenika koji su povezani s energetikom, a atmosfera je cijelog dana bila opuštena i ugodna. 🥳 Imali smo prilike poslušati niz zanimljivih predavanja te čak dva okrugla stola, a bilo je dovoljno vremena za nezaobilazan mingle i razmjenu iskustava. Čak 15 izložbenih prostora u pretprostoru složeno je kako bi se posjetitelji mogli bolje upoznati s našim izlagačima. 🎤 Nakon skoro šest sati službenog programa, vrijeme je da zahvalimo svim sudionicima prvog dana. 🙏 Ivan Paic / KONČAR Group Tatjana Čorlija Milivojević / HEP Igor Baltic / Weishaupt Jure Znidarsic / Trimad Zdravko Ivančić / NUMIKON Robert Rončević / Siemens Energy OKRUGLI STOL: NOVI IZAZOVI PRED ENERGETSKIM SUSTAVIMA Ivo Čović / KONČAR Group Igor Grozdanic / Turbomehanika d.o.o. Kutina Mirna Gržanić Antić / FER TRI DESETLJEĆA ODRŽAVANJA SKUPA I RAZVOJA HRVATSKE ENERGETIKE Željko Dorić / Split Damir Kopjar / Sisak Tomislav Magic / MI MARIS d.o.o. srecko svaic / Zagreb Nakon radnog dijela programa, vrijeme je za pub kviz i opuštanje uz dobru zabavu do kasno. Sutra nastavljamo lagano i opušteno s drugim danom Power & Energy Masters 2024. 🤔 #energetika #EMvijesti #PowerEnergyMasters #konferencije #StručniSkup
The University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) and IEEE Power & Energy Society (#PES) proudly hosted the 2024 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE 2024) conference from October 14-17 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. With the generous support of HOPS Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc., RTDS Technologies Inc., Pro Integris, ProfessionEnergia, and imperix, this year’s conference brought together nearly 600 participants and offered an outstanding lineup of expert speakers and interactive sessions. 🌍⚡ Event Highlights: 📢 Keynote Speakers: Dr. Damir Novosel (Quanta Technology, LLC) on "Sustainable Electrical Energy Delivery Solutions," Prof. Vladimir Terzija (Newcastle University) on "Data-Driven Solutions Supporting Future Resilient Power and Energy Systems," and Prof. Lina Bertling Tjernberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) on "AI-Based Machine Learning for Asset Management." 🙌 Engaging Sessions: 4 panels, 8 special sessions, 3 tutorials, 51 paper sessions, a vibrant poster session, and an interactive “Job Fair” for valuable networking. 🛠️ Technical Visits: Participants experienced first-hand the HPP Zavrelje (2 MW) and HPP Dubrovnik (2x126 MW) facilities, as well as the 220/110/35/20(20) kV PLAT substation. The success of ISGT EUROPE 2024 was made possible by the dedicated organizing committee from our Department, led by professor Igor Kuzle (General Chair), assistant professor Ninoslav Holjevac (General Co-Chair), and Dr. Tomislav Baškarad (Organizing Committee Chair). A heartfelt thank you to our incredible organizing team, including professor Hrvoje Pandzic (Technical Program Chair), professor Marko Delimar (Best Paper Award Committee) assistant professor Mirna Gržanić Antić, Dr. Matija Zidar, assistant professor Goran Grdenić, Dr. Sara Raos, Dr. Matija Kostelac, Dr. Ivana Hrgović, Matko Mesar, Anica Šešok, Petra Drašković, Lovro Lukač, and Karlo Kobeščak. Your hard work and commitment made this event an inspiring and impactful experience for all. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making ISGT EUROPE 2024 a platform for advancing smart grid technologies and fostering meaningful industry connections. Through more than 420 presented excellent papers, we are excited to see the progress driven by the insights and collaborations from this event! #ISGTEurope2024 #SmartGrid #Innovation #PowerEnergy #IEEE #Networking #SustainableEnergy
On Saturday, October 12th 2024., two ceremonial promotions of the Doctor of Science and Doctor of Arts of the University of Zagreb / Sveučilište u Zagrebu were held. Among 299 Doctors of Science and Doctors of Arts, there were four members of our Department: dr. sc. Hrvoje Bašić, dr. sc. Matija Kostelac, dr. sc. Sara Raos and dr. sc. Nina Stipetić as well as one former member/external associate dr. sc. Matej Krpan. Dear colleagues, we are so very proud of you and wish you best of luck in the future! 👏 👩🎓 👨🎓 🍀 https://lnkd.in/duTdu4FV FER #doctorsofscience
Our Professor Igor Kuzle delivered a #keynotespeech "Power System Inertial and Frequency Response" at the International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems (#ISAP'24) in Budapest, Hungary on September 16-19, 2024. It was the 22nd edition of this prestigious conference focused on how the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) can impact the way in which Power and Energy Systems (PES) are planned, operated, and controlled. Another keynote was distinguished professor Chen-Ching Liu (Director of the Power and Energy Center - Virginia Tech, USA). #artificialintelligence #powerandenergysystems #AI #PES
See what our experts have to say about #hydrogen as a key component for storage and energy transport as well as for the decarbonization of industry and transport. Tomislav Capuder Hrvoje Pandzic
Porastom udjela #obnovljivih izvora, #vodik bi mogao postati #ključni alat za #pohranu i #transport #energije, kao i za #dekarbonizaciju industrije i prometa", naglasio je danas na Znanstvenom kolokviju o vodiku prodekan za istraživanje i inovacije FER-a, prof. Tomislav Capuder te dodao da su istraživanja i razvoj vodikovih tehnologija izuzetno važni za zadržavanje europskog #vodstva u ovom sektoru te za #ubrzanje prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije. Istaknuo je i da Hrvatska već godinama provodi niz relevantnih istraživanja u području vodikovih tehnologija. Pitanjem je li vodik mit ili hit, prof. Ankica Kovač s FSB-a istaknula je da vodik ima široku primjenu te se može koristiti u proizvodnji električne, toplinske, pa čak i rashladne energije. Pogodan je za primjenu u #industriji, #transportu, #kućanstvu, općoj #energetici, te za uravnoteženje #elektroenergetskoga sustava. Danas vodik zapravo nitko ne odbacuje te pitanje više nije ima li vodik ulogu u energetskoj tranziciji i ostvarenju energetske neovisnosti nego je pitanje kako se i na koji način #potencijal vodika može ostvariti, proširiti i iskoristiti u postizanju #klimatskih ciljeva. "Serijom znanstvenih kolokvija potičemo #međuinstitucionalnu suradnju i izvrsnost u istraživanju #sastavnica zagrebačkog sveučilišta, a industriji i široj javnosti nastojimo predstaviti istraživanja koja se provode u Hrvatskoj. Ta izvrsna istraživanja uvijek moraju gledati u budućnost, ali i biti primjenjiva i razvijana u suradnji s industrijom kako bi ih lakše u nju transferirali te unaprijedili poslovno okruženje u Hrvatskoj", poručio je dekan FER-a Vedran Bilas. Više informacija pronađite na https://lnkd.in/d-Dhe4zz University of Zagreb / Sveučilište u Zagrebu Ruđer Bošković Institute University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Our #assistant Franjo Vuković participated in the 37th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), held in Dresden from September 1-7, 2024. He presented a paper titled “Correlation of Prototype Lightning Current Waveform Measurement System With LLS Data”, which utilizes results from a system monitoring lightning activity at a wind farm lightning observatory site in southern Croatia. The #coauthors were Božidar Filipović-Grčić, Nina Stipetić and Bojan Franc from our Department (FER) and Dirk Brändlein from nowcast. For the #paper and #presentation, Franjo was awarded a Young Scientist Diploma, an honor given for high-quality presentation of a paper at the International Conference on Lightning Protection, in recognition of his notable contributions to lightning research and lightning protection. Bravo Franjo! 🎉