AGRI-FOOD.AI Podcast: The Future is Now! 🌾🎧 Blockchain technology in the agrifood sector? 📲 AI & animal welfare: Friend or Foe? 🐄 The perfect chicken, is it possible? 🐔 Dive into the tech that's feeding the future. New episodes are coming soon! 🎙️
Muddy Boots - IT Brains: fluent in agro-speak. Tailoring precision IT solutions for your needs! Machine vision, AI, IoT – our fields of expertise. Problem solvers, offering tomorrow's AgriFood technologies - TODAY!
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- 2024
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📈 Revolutionizing Animal Nutrition and Welfare with AI AI is reshaping livestock farming with smarter, more sustainable solutions. Our innovative PigBrother system provides: 🐓 Real-time environmental monitoring for optimal breeding conditions 🐄 Precision feeding to reduce waste and enhance nutrition 🩺 Early detection of diseases and behavior anomalies This technology not only boosts efficiency and profitability but also reduces methane emissions for a more sustainable future. 🔗 Read the Full Case Study: #AgriTech #LivestockManagement #SustainableAgriculture
⬇ English version below ⬇ Optimiza la selección de las bayas de café con Maduro ¿Por qué Maduro? 📸 Sencillo y Rápido – Solo toma una foto, obtén resultados instantáneos y reduce el trabajo manual. ✅ Evaluación de Calidad Objetiva – Elimina la subjetividad en la evaluación de las bayas. 💼 Asequible y Compacto - En lugar de una maquinaria costosa y grande, cabe perfectamente en tu bolsillo. 📊 Mantenimiento de Registros Digitales - Guarda, organiza y exporta los datos para futuras referencias. 🌎 Funciona sin Conexión - Ideal para áreas remotas sin acceso a internet. 💰 Mejora la rentabilidad - Garantiza un mejor control de calidad, lo que conduce a mayores ganancias. ¿Estás listo para la aplicación Maduro? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimize coffee cherry selection with Maduro Why use Maduro? 📸 Simple and Quick - Just take a photo, get instant results and reduce manual labor. ✅ Objective Quality Assessment - Removes subjectivity from cherry evaluation. 💼 Affordable and compact - Instead of an expensive and big machinery it fits right into your pocket. 📊 Digital Record Keeping - Save, organize and export data for future reference. 🌎 Works Offline - Ideal for remote areas without internet access. 💰 Improves Profitability - Ensures better quality control, leading to higher earnings. Are you ready for the Maduro app?
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#SIA2025 : L'innovation agricole dopée à l'IA majoritairement concentrée autour de la La Ferme Digitale Le Salon International de l'Agriculture se tient en ce moment au Parc des Exposition de la Porte de Versailles à Paris #agriculture GWELLIT a pu découvrir les avancées dans le domaine du numérique autour de l'Agriculture. Cette année, les sujets restaient majoritairement tournés vers les environnements logiciels et plate-forme SaaS désormais dopés l' Intelligence Artificielle (gestion des exploitations BAOBA Open Business Agriculture TerraGrow, suivi des parcelles KERMAP Abelio), la décarbonation avec les outils logiciels associés (SysFarm, Carbon Maps, Carbone Farmers), la gestion de l'eau (Aquasys, Weenat) ou des équipements de stockage (Javelot) ou le photovoltaïque (Ombrea ) En résumé, le domaine de l'agriculture reste un terrain de jeu immense pour l'insertion des technologies d'IA dans la collecte, le traitement, l'analyse et la restitution des données relatives aux exploitations, aux outils, aux cultures ou encore l'élevage (génétique, alimentation, production). Un Hackaton GAIA a également été salué par la présence Clara Chappaz (Ministre Déléguée chargée de l’Intelligence Artificielle et du Numérique · Gouvernement) Nous retenons également une prise de parole inspirante intitulée "Le digital, un levier d’innovation et d’efficience pour l’élevage et les coopératives agricoles - CCPA Group " Pour GWELLIT qui accompagne le projet de système de pesée automatique de volailles de chair par caméra développé en partenariat avec AGRI-FOOD.AI, plusieurs contacts ont pu être pris pour préparer la sortie de la première série commerciale de l'outil auprès des principaux acteurs de la filière volailles de chair en France et en Europe. Interprofession ANVOL Sanders Nutrition animale Groupe Avril ROMAIN FAROUX Jerome LE ROY
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🌾 Can we predict the crops of the future? 🌍 In a world of unpredictable weather and rapid change, how can farmers adapt and thrive? 🤔 Join @feldman zsolt Zsolt Feldman, Hungary's State Secretary for Agriculture, and Gergő Boromisza, AGRI-FOOD.AI's AI expert, as they explore: 🔹 Why small farms hold the key to sustainable innovation 🔹 How precision agriculture is reshaping Hungary’s agri-future 🔹 Game-changing tech for small farms, backed by the state This is not just about technology; it’s about survival, growth, and shaping the future of farming. 🎧 Don’t miss the conversation: 👉 #PrecisionFarming #AI #SmallFarms #Sustainability #FutureOfAg
AGRI-FOOD.AI újraposztolta ezt
⏬ English version below ⏬ Optimiza la selección de las bayas de café con Maduro ¿Qué es Maduro? 📱 Aplicación Móvil – Evalúa la madurez y calidad de las bayas de café recién cosechadas de manera sencilla. 📸 Análisis Basado en Fotografías – Herramienta rápida y objetiva para evaluar la calidad mediante imágenes. 🍒 Bayas Categorizadas – Clasifica las bayas en cinco categorías según su madurez. ✅ Resultados Digitales – Acceso rápido y eficiente a los resultados en formato digital. ¿Estás listo para la aplicación Maduro? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimize coffee cherry selection with Maduro What is Maduro? 📱 A mobile app - A simple application to assess the ripeness and quality of freshly harvested coffee cherries. 📸 Photo-based analysis - It offers a fast and objective quality assessment tool using photo-based analysis. 🍒Categorized cherries - It classifies cherries into five categories based on their ripeness. ✅ Digital results - The delivery of the results will be conducted digitally, ensuring quick and efficient access for all relevant parties. Are you ready for the Maduro app?
AGRI-FOOD.AI újraposztolta ezt
AGRI-FOOD.AI Podcast: The Future is Now! 🌾🎧 Blockchain technology in the agrifood sector? 📲 AI & animal welfare: Friend or Foe? 🐄 The perfect chicken, is it possible? 🐔 Dive into the tech that's feeding the future. New episodes are coming soon! 🎙️
⏬ English version below ⏬ Optimiza la selección de las bayas de café con Maduro ¿Qué es Maduro? 📱 Aplicación Móvil – Evalúa la madurez y calidad de las bayas de café recién cosechadas de manera sencilla. 📸 Análisis Basado en Fotografías – Herramienta rápida y objetiva para evaluar la calidad mediante imágenes. 🍒 Bayas Categorizadas – Clasifica las bayas en cinco categorías según su madurez. ✅ Resultados Digitales – Acceso rápido y eficiente a los resultados en formato digital. ¿Estás listo para la aplicación Maduro? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimize coffee cherry selection with Maduro What is Maduro? 📱 A mobile app - A simple application to assess the ripeness and quality of freshly harvested coffee cherries. 📸 Photo-based analysis - It offers a fast and objective quality assessment tool using photo-based analysis. 🍒Categorized cherries - It classifies cherries into five categories based on their ripeness. ✅ Digital results - The delivery of the results will be conducted digitally, ensuring quick and efficient access for all relevant parties. Are you ready for the Maduro app?
AGRI-FOOD.AI újraposztolta ezt
🌾 Can we predict the crops of the future? 🌍 In a world of unpredictable weather and rapid change, how can farmers adapt and thrive? 🤔 Join @feldman zsolt Zsolt Feldman, Hungary's State Secretary for Agriculture, and Gergő Boromisza, AGRI-FOOD.AI's AI expert, as they explore: 🔹 Why small farms hold the key to sustainable innovation 🔹 How precision agriculture is reshaping Hungary’s agri-future 🔹 Game-changing tech for small farms, backed by the state This is not just about technology; it’s about survival, growth, and shaping the future of farming. 🎧 Don’t miss the conversation: 👉 #PrecisionFarming #AI #SmallFarms #Sustainability #FutureOfAg
AGRI-FOOD.AI újraposztolta ezt
Redefining coffee farming at Banyai Coffee Estate with the latest tech. ☕