Green Watt

Green Watt

Services for Renewable Energy

Budapest, Pest 57 followers

We offer heatpump solutions to all kinds of heating-cooling inquiries from public needs to industrial requirements.


Nowdays, heat pump technology is gaining widespread recognition and utilization for the purpose of heating and cooling various buildings. Whether it pertains to residential properties or edifices with substantial power demands reaching hundreds of kilowatts, heat pumps have the capability to guarantee optimal thermal comfort. At GREENWATT Zrt., our unwavering dedication lies in delivering comprehensive heat pump solutions, backed by our extensive expertise in planning, maintenance, and construction. Employing a customer-centric approach, we provide tailored support for diverse building types. Our offerings encompass end-to-end services featuring complete product provisions, inclusive of comprehensive services, consultation, planning, and monitoring. Since our establishment in 2009, GreenWatt Kft. has been actively seeking innovative solutions to empower stakeholders in the heat pump industry to effectively address the pressing challenges of the present era, adopting a modern and sustainable approach. The events and consequences stemming from climate change in recent years have further solidified our belief that a continuous pursuit of innovation is indispensable.

Services for Renewable Energy
Vállalat mérete
2–10 munkavállaló
Budapest, Pest
Privately Held


Alkalmazottak a Green Watt


  • Green Watt újraposztolta ezt

    A(z) Geo Concept szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    383 követő

    GeoDesign Forum 2024 – Sustainable Buildings Worldwide🌍 On October 17-18, we hosted the GeoDesign Forum 2024 conference and professional day in Budapest, bringing together sustainable building engineering and modern technology. At the conference held in Lóvasút Cultural and Event Center, our partners had the opportunity to meet the international suppliers with whom Geo Concept, SmartCool Engineering Ltd., and Green Watt closely collaborate. The event concluded with an engaging roundtable discussion covering European gas and electricity prices, the heat pump market, and energy regulations unique to each country, offering genuine insights into the dynamics of international markets. One special feature of the location was that we had designed its geothermal heat pump system during the building’s modernization, providing participants a live viewing of one of our projects through a guided tour of the mechanical room. On Friday, the event continued with a professional day at Concept Group Office Building, where we enriched the program with practical questions and demonstrations. A special thank you to our guest speakers for their participation: Adib Kalantar, Ph.D.MuoviTech Nicolás Alonso Cameselle and Miguel Ansede VilasEcoforest Paolo Nobile and Pier Mattia BarinaEneren S.r.l. Albert Yam – TICA Group Bruno OriettiETT - ENERGIE TRANSFERT THERMIQUE Alessia Boaro and enrico biasinAertesi David VitariusDanfoss We are grateful to all participants for making it possible to share valuable, real-world insights with each other! 💡 📷: Peter Pasztor #geoconcept #smartcool #greenwatt #conceptgroup #geodesignforum #sustainability

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  • Let’s take another look at our EcoAward-winning project from last year! Thank you for the recognition, Ecoforest! 🤝

    A(z) Ecoforest  szervezeti oldalának megtekintése, grafikus

    10 211 követő

    #heatpumpinstallation #ecoaward | High performance in a historic building: a cascade of three domestic heat pumps provides heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) in a historic Hungarian building: the Keglevich Castle. Despite the challenges posed by a 100-year-old structure, our partner Green Watt has successfully integrated cutting-edge technology to deliver exceptional heating, cooling, and domestic hot water (DHW) performance. The installation required the drilling of thirteen 100-metre deep boreholes to supply power to three heat pumps ecoGEO+ B4T 5-22 HTR EH and two 500-litre buffer tanks made of carbon steel from Ecoforest.   The result? A remarkable seasonal performance factor (SPF) of 4.7—proof that even in a century-old building and with a compact technical room, modern technology can achieve high energy efficiency (and being recognised with an ecoAWARD).   Read more on this sustainable energy solution at: 👉   -- Alto rendimiento en un edificio histórico: una cascada de tres bombas de calor domésticas proporciona calefacción, refrigeración y agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) en un edificio histórico húngaro: el castillo de Keglevich. A pesar de las dificultades que plantea una estructura centenaria, nuestro socio Green Watt  ha integrado con éxito tecnología punta para ofrecer un rendimiento excepcional en calefacción, refrigeración y agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). La instalación requirió la perforación de trece pozos de 100 metros de profundidad para suministrar energía a tres bombas de calor ecoGEO+ B4T 5-22 HTR EH y dos depósitos de inercia de 500 litros fabricados en acero al carbono de Ecoforest.   ¿El resultado? Un notable factor de rendimiento estacional (SPF) de 4,7, prueba de que incluso en un edificio centenario y con una sala técnica compacta, la tecnología moderna puede lograr una alta eficiencia energética (y ser reconocido con un ecoAWARD).   Más información sobre esta solución energética sostenible en: 👉

    • Efficient heat pump installation in Hungary.
  • Green Watt újraposztolta ezt

    Az elmúlt időszak egyik legérdekesebb projektje volt számunkra a Melea - The Health Concept hibrid hőszivattyús rendszerének megvalósítása. Az Eneren S.r.l. geotermikus és levegő-víz hőszivattyúinak ötvözésével a rendszer biztosítani tudja a kiegyensúlyozott működést és a magas hatékonyságot az év minden napján. Örömmel tölt el bennünket, hogy részesei lehetünk ennek a Magyarországon egyedülálló koncepciónak.🌿✨ -- One of the most interesting projects for us in recent times was the implementation of the hybrid heat pump system by Melea - The Health Concept. By combining the geothermal and air-to-water heat pumps of Eneren, the system can ensure balanced operation and high efficiency every day of the year. We are delighted to be part of this unique concept in Hungary.🌿✨ #GeoConcept #ConceptGroup #hybridheatpumpsystem #sustainability #Melea

    🌱✨ We're proud that Melea not only utilizes sustainable energy sources but also actively promotes environmental protection in other areas. Progressing towards plastic-free solutions, our cleaning products are made from less harmful substances, and we have our 3.5-hectare garden that contains a little herb garden as well. Additionally, we source a significant portion of our menu ingredients from local farmers, supporting the local economy and reducing our ecological footprint. It is also important for our Chef and his amazing team to source organic and bioproducts and ingredients. 🌿🌍 Besides, with our innovative hybrid heat pump system, we've taken another step towards sustainability and energy efficiency. Executed by Geo Concept Ltd., our system combines ground source and air-to-water heat pumps to provide exceptional efficiency throughout the year. The ground source heat pump serves as an eco-friendly energy source, utilizing the earth's thermal energy for heating and cooling. Our system aims to extract this energy from the depths of the earth to regulate temperatures. Through the design of our hybrid system, we've optimized the size of ground probes, minimizing the number required. In total, we've installed 81 ground probes at a depth of 120 meters on the hotel premises. These are operated by 2 geothermal heat pumps and 3 air-to-water heat pumps, suitable for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water. To ensure coordinated operation, we've installed advanced heat pump automation. This system considers weather forecasts, ground and air temperatures, as well as seasons and time of day, optimizing system performance and minimizing energy consumption. #Earthday #sustainability #innovation #MeleaTheHealthConcept #Melea #MeleaSarvar #longevity #health #balancedlife

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    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • Green Watt újraposztolta ezt

    Múlt héten Offenburg-ban jártunk a GeoTHERM expo & congress-en, ahol rajtunk kívül a Green Watt és a GEORT is képviseltette magát. Rengeteg izgalmas, geotermikus rendszerekkel kapcsolatos szakmai újdonságot láttunk, előadásokon vettünk részt, illetve meglátogattunk partnercégeinket is. Ezúton is köszönjük a Jansen Group és a separatus csapatának a meghívást, jó volt találkozni!🤝🏼 -- Last week, we attended the GeoTHERM expo & congress in Offenburg, where Green Watt and GEORT were also joined us. We witnessed plenty of exciting professional innovations related to geothermal systems, participated in presentations, and visited our partner companies. We would like to extend our thanks to the Jansen Group and the separatus team for the invitation; it was great to meet you! 🤝🏼 #geoconcept #conceptgroup #geothermalenergy #sustainability

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    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • A héten nálunk járt Javier Varela Capelán és Miguel Ansede Vilas az Ecoforest-től. Ittlétük alatt tovább erősítettük sok évre visszanyúló partneri kapcsolatunkat, beszélgettünk cégeink jövőbeni terveiről, valamint ellátogattunk az egyik, még futó projektünkre is, ahová 5 darab ecoForest ecoGEO HP1 25-100 kW-os geotermikus hőszivattyú került beépítésre. Köszönjük a látogatás Javier és Miguel, hamarosan újra találkozunk!🤝🏼 – This week, we had the pleasure of hosting Javier Varela Capelán and Miguel Ansede Vilas from Ecoforest. During their visit, we further strengthened our long standing partnership, discussed the future plans of our companies, and even visited one of our ongoing projects where 5 ecoForest ecoGEO HP1 25-100 kW geothermal heat pumps were installed. Thank you for the visit, Javier and Miguel! Looking forward to meeting again soon!🤝🏼 #greenwatt  #ecoforest #conceptgroup #partnership

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    • Nincs alternatív szöveges leírás ehhez a képhez
  • Napsütéses csapatépítésen jártunk a Mátrában!☀️ Múlt héten az Ecoforest támogatásával egy szuper csapatépítésen vettünk részt a mátraházai Hotel Ózonban, melyen csatlakozott hozzánk a Geo Concept és a GEORT is. A két nap során kirándultunk, feltöltődtünk és szakmáztunk is egy kicsit, felkészültünk a 2024-es év kihívásaira. De mi köze van ehhez az ecoForest-nek?🤔 Azzal, hogy tavaly év végén megnyertük az ecoForest által meghirdetett EcoAwards-ot a legjobb lakossági méretű rendszer kategóriában, egy 4 fős spanyolországi utat is nyertünk. Szerettük volna, hogy a jutalomból a cég minden alkalmazottja részesüljön, hiszen valamilyen formában mindenki kivette a részét a projekt sikeréből. Ebben kértük az ecoForest támogatását is, akik készséggel segítettek. Ezúton is szeretnénk köszönetet mondani az ecoForest csapatának, akik támogatásukkal lehetővé tették ezt a felejthetetlen élményt számunkra!💚 -- We recently enjoyed a sun-soaked team-building retreat in Mátra! ☀️ Last week, with the generous support of ecoForest, we had the opportunity to participate in a team-building event at Hotel Ózon in Mátra, where we were joined by Geo Concept and GEORT. During the two days, we went hiking, recharged, and discussed some professional topics, we prepared for the challenges of 2024. But what does ecoForest have to do with this? 🤔 By winning the EcoAwards at the end of last year—an accolade presented by ecoForest in the category of the best installation with domestic heat pumps — we also won a trip for 4 to Spain. We wanted every employee of the company to benefit from the reward, as everyone contributed in some way to the success of the project. This is what we requested the support of Ecoforest for, and they kindly assisted us. We would like to express our gratitude to the ecoForest team for making this unforgettable experience possible for us! 💚 #greenwatt #geoconcept #geort #ecoforest #ecoawards #teambuilding

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  • 🏆 EcoAwards 2023 - Legjobb lakossági méretű projekt🏆 A csécsei Keglevich-kastély hűtés-fűtési rendszerének korszerűsítése tökéletes példa arra, hogy egy 100 éves épület is lehet energiahatékony és környezetbarát. A kastély fűtését, hűtését és melegvíz-készítését talajszondás hőszivattyús rendszer biztosítja, ami 13 darab talajszondából, 3 darab ecoForest ecoGEO B4T hőszivattyúból és 2 darab, egyenként 500 literes ecoForest puffer tartályból áll össze. A projekttel nemrégiben megnyertük az Ecoforest által meghirdetett EcoAwards pályázat legjobb lakossági méretű rendszerének járó elismerést!🎉 További érdekességek és részletek a cikkben⬇️ -- 🏆 EcoAwards 2023 - Best Installation with Domestic Heat Pumps 🏆 The modernization of the heating and cooling system of Keglevich Castle in Csécse is a perfect example that a 100-year-old building can be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. The castle's heating, cooling, and hot water production are provided by a ground-source heat pump system, consisting of 13 ground probes, 3 ecoForest ecoGEO B4T heat pumps, and 2 500-liter ecoForest buffer tanks. We recently won the award for the best domestic-sized installation in the EcoAwards competition, organized by ecoForest! 🎉 #greenwatt #conceptgroup #ecoforest #ecoawards #sustainability

    Projektbemutató | Csécse, Keglevich-kastély - GreenWatt

    Projektbemutató | Csécse, Keglevich-kastély - GreenWatt

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