Help Refugees Fleeing Ukraine 🟦 🟨 🟥 ⬜ 🟩 Since 2022, we’ve assisted over 13,500 refugees with free legal aid, information, and advocacy. But the government restrictions in Hungary risk leaving thousands without shelter or access to services. 💰 We’re raising €50,000 to continue our vital work. Your donation will help refugees access their rights, housing, and education. Donate today and make a real impact! #SupportRefugees #LegalAid #UkraineRefugees #Hungary
Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Civic and Social Organizations
Hungarian human rights and watchdog NGO. Defending the rule of law, refugees, and fair criminal justice in 🇭🇺 🇪🇺
The Hungarian Helsinki Committee is a non-governmental human rights organisation founded in 1989. It is a key defender of human rights and democracy in Hungary. It focuses on protecting human rights, promoting the rule of law and civil society space, and supporting a fair criminal justice system and the right to seek and enjoy asylum in Hungary and Europe.
- Weboldal
Külső hivatkozás a következőhöz: Hungarian Helsinki Committee
- Ágazat
- Civic and Social Organizations
- Vállalat mérete
- 11–50 munkavállaló
- Központ
- Budapest
- Típus
- Nonprofit
- Alapítva
- 1989
- Szakterületek
Dohány utca 20
Budapest, 1074, HU
Alkalmazottak a Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Kirs Eszter
Associate Professor - Public International Law
Miklos Timar
Digital transformation expert - digital project manager, transformation manager, business analyst
Magda Major
Lawyer, social worker
Zsofia Moldova
Program Coordinator at Hungarian Helsinki Comittee
We’re helping refugees from Ukraine 🇺🇦 who are in Hungary, amid growing government hostility and shrinking services. 🙏🏻 Your donation will help us to continue giving free legal aid and lawyers to refugees.
Tegyünk együtt azért, hogy senkinek ne kelljen választania a becsület és a megélhetés között! Mi segítünk Bátonyi Péternek, hogy megállapítsák: jogszerűtlenül távolították el állásából, és ezért elégtétel jár neki. Ő az a szakember, akit az Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium azonnali hatállyal bocsátotta el állásából, mert beszámolt a hazai műemlékvédelemben tapasztalt visszásságokról a Partizán műsorában. Adód 1%-ának felajánlásával te is segíthetsz abban, hogy azok, akik mindannyiunk érdekében kiállnak az igazságért, ne maradjanak magukra. Hogy ne a félelem, hanem a tisztesség legyen a norma. Támogasd a Magyar Helsinki Bizottságot adód 1%-ával! ADÓSZÁMUNK: 19013983-1-42
How do we raise a generation that stands up for human rights and democracy? How do we equip young people with the knowledge and tools to defend justice in an uncertain future? Our new handbook, "Human Rights Defenders of the Future", is designed for educators, NGOs, and youth advocates who want to inspire and empower tomorrow’s advocates for justice. Because defending human rights isn’t just about today - it’s about the future we build together. 📖 Download the handbook here: #humanrights #education #handbook #democracy #civilsociety
Next week, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will hold its quarterly meeting dedicated to the supervision of the execution of judgments by the European Court of Human Rights. The cases on the agenda include judgments against Hungary as well. We submitted communications to the Committee of Ministers in three of these cases, showcasing the wide-ranging problems when it comes to the implementation of European Court of Human Rights judgments by Hungary: 👩⚖️ In our communication in the Baka v. Hungary case, we presented evidence of the persisting threats to the freedom of expression of judges: 🗳️ In our joint communication with the Társaság a Szabadságjogokért - Hungarian Civil Liberties Union in the Bakirdzi and E.C. v. Hungary case, we highlighted that the discriminatory restriction of national minorities’ voting rights remains unresolved: ⛓️ In our communication in the Varga and Others and István Gábor Kovács v. Hungary cases, we warned that inhumane detention conditions remain widespread in Hungarian prisons: Our communications show that Hungary has not implemented any of these judgments and failed to address underlying systemic issues, resulting in continued human rights violations. The respective decisions of the Committee of Ministers will be available at the end of next week. #ruleoflaw #humanrights #freedomofspeech #judiciary #justice
💙💛 Every person in Ukraine - as well as we at the Hungarian Helsinki Committee - can recall what happened on the same day 3 years ago. Hungarian society demonstrated tremendous empathy towards those who had to flee from one day to another, but the Hungarian government keeps restricting its support to them from time to time. The HHC has so far helped over 14,000 people arriving from Ukraine, and will carry on no matter what. Read this interview about the past three hellish years, with Aniko Bakonyi, Refugee Programme Director at the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. 💬 Please donate to our work so we can continue helping people in need. 💗
📈 The number of pushbacks in Europe has risen sharply in recent years to the point of becoming a systematic practice. 📑 A new report by a group of human rights organisations, lays bare the extent of the pushbacks in Europe, the illegal practice of expelling migrants to prevent access to the asylum procedure, a right enshrined in both EU and international law. The removal was often done with violence with asylum seekers being beaten by border guards, abandoned at sea or left dying of cold in the forest. ❌ In Hungary 5,713 pushbacks were recorded in 2024. 🔦 Find out more: 🤝 The report was a collaborative effort between 11.11.11 (Belgium), the Hungarian Helsinki Committee (Hungary), We Are Monitoring Association (Poland), the Center for Peace Studies (CPS), SIPG, NSU (Croatia), the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH), Sienos Grupė VšĮ (Lithuania), the Center for Legal Aid - Voice in Bulgaria (CLA), the Foundation Mission Wings (Bulgaria) and I Want to Help Refugees (Latvia).
✨ Az EU Alapjogi Chartájában az emberi jogok érvényesítésére rejlő lehetőségek Magyarországon ✨ Lezárult a Magyar Helsinki Bizottság és a Társaság a Szabadságjogokért - Hungarian Civil Liberties Union kétéves CharterWise projektje. A projekt célja, hogy az EU Alapjogi Chartáját a jogi szakma figyelmének perifériájáról a magyarországi emberi jogi pereskedés középpontjába helyezze. Az elkészült anyagok időtállóak, ajánljuk használatukat: 👉 A projekt az Európai Unió „Polgárok, egyenlőség, jogok és értékek” (CERV) programjának finanszírozásával jött létre. 🙏
⛑️ Dolgozz a Helsinki csapatában menekültügyi gyakornokként! 👨💼 Az ideális jelölt legalább negyedéves jogi egyetemista, jó írás- és kommunikációs készséggel rendelkezik, szeret csapatban dolgozni és rugalmas, valamint magabiztos írott és beszélt angol nyelvtudása van. ✍ Ha érdekel a lehetőség, jelentkezz február 28-ig! Részletek 👇