💥 Wonderful News!
👍 We have received the evaluation of our Financial Report from Tempus Public Foundation, detailing project activities from 📅 June 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023 and financial report covering the whole project up till 31 December 2023.
💪 The evaluation said D-ILA in V4 is a "very high-quality project with exemplary realisation". More details below.
☝ About WP3: "Very complex project phase which required proper coordination and well organised and timed schedule. The smooth process proves the efficiency of the consortium and the well-designed project management documents that helped it created. Ample documentation provides details of the work and ensures anyone is able to utilize the same results in case would like to apply the project findings."
☝ About the project implementation: "The project has been progressing according to the pre-planned schedule. The original aims have been observed though the consortium have encountered considerable difficulties previously. The project application is of a very high standard just like the realisation of the project. The routine of the project coordinator is visible in several details of the project.
The workplan has been followed and the so far achieved results are consistent to it. Special attention is paid to make the project green, to reduce its carbon footprint which makes the consortium’s efforts special.
Available documentation is sufficient to conclude the progress of the project is appropriate."
☝ About the Impact: "The topic is highly sought after these days as the importance of AI cannot be overemphasised. The good topic choice together with professional project management skills of the consortium can multiply
its effects. It is clear from the description and the documentation that the impact of the project on the consortium and its individuals is very promising and with their dissemination efforts the work can reach a wide range of stakeholders. Peer learning and partners’ benefit are also important factors."
🙏 Thank you very much to our Partners for their persistent work: Zdenka Simová, Markéta Tucková, Lubica Gallova, Katarína Šmálová, Zuzana Izakova, Horacy Dębowski, Wojciech Stechly, Zsuzsanna Lányi-Kaszab, Delila Amroun, Salomvári György.
🤝 Stay tuned for more updates and follow us on LinkedIn!