In 2024, Indonet has embarked on a groundbreaking expansion of its network infrastructure by deploying a significant increase in #FiberCapacity across the Greater #Jakarta Metro area. This much needed new capacity will be more than 10x in total fiber cores installed—surpassing the combined deployment of the entire past decade. This expansion is driven by a sharp rise in the market demand for dark fiber capacity. By significantly increasing fiber deployment, Indonet is ensuring that enterprises have access to the robust connectivity infrastructure they need to stay competitive and meet future demands. Indonet is ready to lead the charge in addressing the region’s growing #connectivity needs, reinforcing its commitment to empowering businesses with next-generation solutions for long-term growth and innovation. #FiberExpansion #NetworkInfrastructureUpgradeUnderway #DigitalInfrastructure #Indonet #EDGEDC #DigitalEdge