PT. Arjuna Samudera Indonesia

PT. Arjuna Samudera Indonesia

Transportasi Laut


Arjuna Samudera Indonesia - We make people sail. Thrusted Partner Marine Crew Management and Marine Crew Training.

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Arjuna Samudera Indonesia is a dedicated provider of quality crewing and training solutions to the most discerning Principals, based in Jakarta. The company was founded in 2021 with the mission to be the crew and training provider of choice of the most discerning shipping companies. We comply with the applicable national, international law and regulations relating to the recruitment practice. Our team is specialized in selecting and providing our principals with trained, qualified, and experienced seafarers. We do so in ways that unconditionally meet our ethical standards, respect the well-being of our seafarers and employees and maintain the sustainability and future development of our operations.

Transportasi Laut
Ukuran perusahaan
51-200 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Perusahaan Publik
Tahun Pendirian


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    Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240, ID


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Karyawan di PT. Arjuna Samudera Indonesia


  • Indonesia Menuju Transformasi Net Zero Emission 2060 dalam sektor maritim. Jika sebelumnya kita sudah membahas langkah-langkah konkret IMO dalam mengurangi emisi karbon di bidang maritim dengan kampanye ambisius Zero Emission 2050. Sebagai negara kepulauan dengan sektor maritim strategis, Indonesia memiliki peran penting dalam upaya pengurangan emisi karbon global. Pemerintah menargetkan Net Zero Emission (NZE) paling lambat tahun 2060. Komitmen ini ditegaskan melalui Long-term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050 (LTS-LCCR 2050) kepada UNFCCC. #NetZeroEmission2060 #GreenMaritime #EnergiBaruTerbarukan #Dekarbonisasi #LNG #Biofuel #GreenPort #MaritimBerkelanjutan #ParisAgreement #EnergiHijau #Indonesia2050

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Indonesia Menuju Transformasi Net Zero Emission 2060 dalam sektor maritim. Jika sebelumnya kita sudah membahas langkah-langkah konkret IMO dalam mengurangi emisi karbon di bidang maritim dengan kampanye ambisius Zero Emission 2050. Sebagai negara kepulauan dengan sektor maritim strategis, Indonesia memiliki peran penting dalam upaya pengurangan emisi karbon global. Pemerintah menargetkan Net Zero Emission (NZE) paling lambat tahun 2060. Komitmen ini ditegaskan melalui Long-term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050 (LTS-LCCR 2050) kepada UNFCCC. Langkah-Langkah Strategis Indonesia Menuju NZE yang sudah diberlakukan di Sektor Maritim meliputi: 1. Implementasi Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (EBT). -Pemasangan panel surya di pelabuhan besar seperti Tanjung Priok dan Tanjung Perak. -Fasilitas Cold Ironing System dan Shore-to-Ship Power (S2S) yang memungkinkan kapal bersandar tanpa emisi dari mesin utama. -Perubahan alat operasional seperti crane dan RTG dari diesel ke listrik. Efeknya mencakup pengurangan 30% emisi karbon pelabuhan pada 2030, efisiensi biaya jangka panjang, dan citra green energy port yang lebih kompetitif. 2. Transisi Bahan Bakar Ramah Lingkungan dengan LNG & Biofuel (B30 dan Beyond). 3. Penguatan Regulasi untuk Mendukung NZE: -PP No.98/2021: Mekanisme nilai ekonomi karbon melalui perdagangan karbon dan insentif pajak. -PM Perhubungan No.59/2021: Sertifikasi kapal terkait pengelolaan lingkungan. -PP No.22/2021 & Instruksi Presiden No.7/2022: Elektrifikasi pelabuhan dan pengelolaan limbah ramah lingkungan. -UU No.66/2024 (Revisi UU No.17/2008): Pengawasan ketat EEDI, EEXI, dan CII untuk kapal berbendera Indonesia, serta penerapan green port program. Kesimpulan: Indonesia sedang menghadapi tantangan besar untuk mencapai NZE 2060 di sektor maritim. Namun, langkah nyata seperti implementasi EBT, transisi bahan bakar, dan penguatan regulasi mencerminkan komitmen yang serius. Dengan sinergi antara pemerintah, industri, dan masyarakat, transformasi ini bukan hanya visi, tetapi misi kolektif menuju keberlanjutan. Mari bersama mendukung perjalanan menuju masa depan maritim yang lebih hijau dan ramah lingkungan demi generasi mendatang. #RizkaFathoni #NetZeroEmission2060 #GreenMaritime #EnergiBaruTerbarukan #Dekarbonisasi #GreenPort #MaritimBerkelanjutan #ParisAgreement #EnergiHijau #Indonesia2050

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  • Understanding Global Sulphur Emission Control Areas (ECA) & Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) For anyone working in the maritime sector, knowing about Emission Control Areas (ECA) and Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) is a MUST. It’s not just about meeting regulations, but it’s about caring for the environment and reducing the air pollution that ships can cause. Emission Control Areas (ECA) are specific regions where strict limits on emissions apply. This includes sulfur, nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), and particulate matter. Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) are a special type of ECA focused solely on sulfur emissions. In SECA zones, ships need to use low-sulfur fuel or alternative tech like scrubbers to cut down on emissions. #RizkaFathoni #MaritimeIndustry #SustainableShipping #EmissionReduction #SulphurEmissionControl #SECA #ECA #MarineRegulations #MaritimeExpert #MaritimeLeader #MaritimeProfessional #MaritimeCommunity #NetZeroEmissions

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Understanding Global Sulphur Emission Control Areas (ECA) & Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) For anyone working in the maritime sector, knowing about Emission Control Areas (ECA) and Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) is a MUST. It’s not just about meeting regulations, but it’s about caring for the environment and reducing the air pollution that ships can cause. Emission Control Areas (ECA) are specific regions where strict limits on emissions apply. This includes sulfur, nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), and particulate matter. Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) are a special type of ECA focused solely on sulfur emissions. In SECA zones, ships need to use low-sulfur fuel or alternative tech like scrubbers to cut down on emissions. Since beginning of 2020, IMO has enforced the Sulphur Emission Regulations under the MARPOL convention. The new Sulphur limit requires that all ships shall reduce their Sulphur emissions from 3,5 % to 0,5 % in all the world's seas. There are currently four Emission Control Areas (ECAs). These ECAs cover North America, the US Caribbean Sea Areas, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea. From 1 January 2015, ships have been required to use fuel with a 0.1% Sulphur content limit while operating in these ECAs. The implementation of the global Sulphur limit of 0.50 %, designated under Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI, has not changed the requirements applicable in the four ECAs. Since Regulation 4 of the Annex VI allows the usage of exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) as commonly known scrubber as an alternative method of compliance with Regulation 14, the 0,10 % Sulphur limit continue to apply. In addition to global ECA and SECA zones, several countries have implemented their own domestic ECA and SECA zones. These national initiatives reflect a strong commitment to reducing air pollution and improving air quality for both their territories and citizens. By establishing these zones, countries take proactive steps toward environmental protection, aligning with international standards while prioritizing the health and well-being of their populations such as China, South Korea, Australia, Iceland, Norway, Ireland, and Turkey. These zones could expand in the future, so staying up-to-date is key. For maritime professionals, it’s important to keep up with these rules and make sure ships are operating accordingly. #RizkaFathoni #MaritimeIndustry #SustainableShipping #EmissionReduction #SulphurEmissionControl #SECA #ECA #MarineRegulations #MaritimeExpert #MaritimeLeader #MaritimeProfessional #MaritimeCommunity #NetZeroEmissions

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  • 10 November. Di setiap hembusan angin, di setiap langkah, dan di setiap jengkal tanah Indonesia ini, tersemat perjuangan para pahlawan yang tidak mengenal takut dan tidak gentar menghadapi tantangan. Mereka tak hanya berjuang dengan senjata, tetapi dengan hati, jiwa, dan segala pengorbanan demi masa depan yang kita nikmati saat ini. Hari ini, kita tidak hanya mengenang mereka, tetapi menyalakan kembali semangat juang mereka dalam diri kita, dalam tindakan kita, dalam perjuangan kita melawan batas diri untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik. Selamat Hari Pahlawan! Perjuagan masih berlanjut. #RizkaFathoni #HariPahlawan #PahlawanIndonesia #SemangatPerjuangan #IndonesiaMerdeka #BanggaIndonesia #LanjutkanPerjuangan #IndonesiaEmas

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    10 November. Di setiap hembusan angin, di setiap langkah, dan di setiap jengkal tanah Indonesia ini, tersemat perjuangan para pahlawan yang tidak mengenal takut dan tidak gentar menghadapi tantangan. Mereka tak hanya berjuang dengan senjata, tetapi dengan hati, jiwa, dan segala pengorbanan demi masa depan yang kita nikmati saat ini. Hari ini, kita tidak hanya mengenang mereka, tetapi menyalakan kembali semangat juang mereka dalam diri kita, dalam tindakan kita, dalam perjuangan kita melawan batas diri untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik. Selamat Hari Pahlawan! Perjuagan masih berlanjut. #RizkaFathoni #HariPahlawan #PahlawanIndonesia #SemangatPerjuangan #IndonesiaMerdeka #BanggaIndonesia #LanjutkanPerjuangan #IndonesiaEmas

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  • Milestone Achieved! The TEAM successfully completed the annual SIUPPAK-SIUPKK verification with Indonesia's Ministry of Transportation. This was not just an audit but a testament to our dedication, preparation, and commitment to excellence. #RizkaFathoni #AchievementUnlocked  #SIUPPAK  #AuditSuccess  #TeamWork  #QualityMatters  #Auditing #KementerianPerhubungan #MaritimIndonesia #IndustriTransportasi

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Milestone Achieved! The TEAM successfully completed the annual SIUPPAK-SIUPKK verification with Indonesia's Ministry of Transportation. This was not just an audit but a testament to our dedication, preparation, and commitment to excellence. Preparing for an audit requires a thorough, structured approach to ensure that all necessary information, procedures, and compliance requirements are met. Starting with understanding the audit scope and requirements then following with organize key documentation and record then most importantly conduct a self-assessment or internal audit in order to determine the current stand condition to the desire condition (gap analysist) and do not forget to train and inform relevant staff in order to make them aware and familiar. Dengan persiapan yang sangat matang tersebut guna memastikan proses audit berjalan lancar. Kami berdiskusi berbagai aspek penting, baik dari segi praktik lapangan maupun segi kepatuhan terhadap regulasi utama seperti PM 59/2021, PP 31/2021, PP 22/2022, dan UU 66/2024 (Perubahan ke-3 dari UU 17/2008). Muchas gracias to the resilient team, whose hard work and attention to detail turned this challenge into a success. Oni Sahroni Haratua Panggabean Khalishah Ibrahim #RizkaFathoni #ArjunaSamuderaIndonesia #AchievementUnlocked #SIUPPAK #SIUPKK #AuditSuccess #TeamWork #QualityMatters #Auditing #KementerianPerhubungan #MaritimIndonesia #IndustriTransportasi

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  • Menavigasi Dualisme Regulasi: Harapan dan Tantangan bagi Pelaut Indonesia Sudah menjadi masalah umum di Indonesia bahwa regulasi sering tumpang tindih. Carut-marut tata kelola penempatan awak kapal terjadi antara UU PPMI, PP 31 Tahun 2021, PP 22 Tahun 2022, PM Perhubungan No.59 Tahun 2021, dan Putusan MA No 67/P/HUM/2022. Pada satu sisi, UU No. 18 Tahun 2017 (UU PPMI) memberi mandat kepada Kemenaker untuk melindungi dan mengatur penempatan awak kapal melalui SIP3MI. Di sisi lain, ada PP No. 31 Tahun 2021 dan PP No. 22 Tahun 2022 yang mengatur perizinan penempatan awak kapal dalam dan luar negeri, yang memperlihatkan kesan tumpang tindih dari pemerintah sendiri. Dualisme perizinan ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran tumpang tindih kewenangan dan inefisiensi birokrasi. Putusan MA No. 67 P/HUM/2022 menegaskan bahwa penempatan awak kapal berada di bawah kewenangan Kementerian Perhubungan, yang diperkuat dengan PM 59 Tahun 2021 melalui SIUPPAK. Kemenhub memiliki kapasitas lebih dalam hal pelatihan dan regulasi terkait pelaut. Adanya permohonan di Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk mengeluarkan pelaut dari kategori pekerja migran semakin memperumit pertanyaan: Siapa yang berwenang melindungi awak kapal Indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri? #RizkaFathoni #DualismeRegulasi #KementerianPerhubungan #KementerianKetenagakerjaan #PerlindunganPekerjaMigran #KesatuanPelautIndonesia #MaritimeRegulation #ShipCrewManagement #MaritimePolicy #EffectiveGovernance #MaritimeCommunity

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Menavigasi Dualisme Regulasi: Harapan dan Tantangan bagi Pelaut Indonesia Bulan ini, Indonesia resmi memiliki Presiden dan Wakil Presiden baru. Dengan masa jabatan 2024-2029 diharapkan menjadi masa pemenuhan janji-janji kampanye yang terbilang banyak. Presiden juga telah menunjuk para pembantunya yaitu menteri, wakil menteri, dan pimpinan lembaga tinggi negara berlabel Kabinet Merah Putih yang tergolong gemuk. Dari 48 Kementerian ada tiga yang cukup menarik dan juga mebuat sedikit “worry” yaitu Kemenhub, Kemenaker dan Kementerian Perlindungan PMI/Kepala P2MI. Dimana Kementerian Perlindungan PMI ini sebelumnya adalah dibawah Kemenaker setingkat Badan yaitu Badan P2MI. Kenapa menarik dan membuat sedikit "worry"? Sudah menjadi "general truth" di Indonesia bahwa regulasi sering tumpang tindih. Carut-marut tata kelola penempatan awak kapal terjadi antara UU PPMI, PP 31 Tahun 2021, PP 22 Tahun 2022, PM Perhubungan No.59 Tahun 2021, dan Putusan MA No 67/P/HUM/2022. UU No. 18 Tahun 2017 (UU PPMI) memberi mandat kepada Kemenaker untuk melindungi dan mengatur penempatan awak kapal melalui SIP3MI. Di sisi lain, ada PP No. 31 Tahun 2021 dan PP No. 22 Tahun 2022 yang mengatur perizinan penempatan awak kapal dalam dan luar negeri, yang memperlihatkan kesan tumpang tindih dari pemerintah sendiri. Putusan MA No. 67 P/HUM/2022 menegaskan bahwa penempatan awak kapal berada di bawah kewenangan Kementerian Perhubungan, yang diperkuat dengan PM 59 Tahun 2021 melalui SIUPPAK. Kemenhub memiliki kapasitas lebih dalam hal pelatihan dan regulasi terkait pelaut. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya permohonan di MK untuk mengeluarkan pelaut dari kategori PMI semakin memperumit pertanyaan: "Siapa yang berwenang melindungi awak kapal Indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri?" Dengan dipisahkannya P2MI menjadi kementerian tersendiri, diharapkan tidak memperburuk tata kelola penempatan awak kapal yang masih diwarnai dualisme regulasi, ketidakjelasan kewenangan, dan perlindungan yang belum optimal. Masalah dualisme ini menciptakan ketidakpastian hukum yang memengaruhi kepercayaan investor dan perusahaan pelayaran internasional terhadap pelaut Indonesia. Hal ini merugikan pelaut dan negara, baik dalam bentuk devisa maupun birokrasi inefisien. Dengan pemerintahan yang baru, diharapkan solusi konkret dari Kemenhub, Kemenaker, dan Kementerian Perlindungan PMI dapat menyelesaikan masalah antara UU PPMI, PP 31/2021, dan PP 22/2022, menciptakan regulasi tunggal yang koheren. #RizkaFathoni #DualismeRegulasi #KementerianPerhubungan #KementerianKetenagakerjaan #PerlindunganPekerjaMigran #KesatuanPelautIndonesia #MaritimeRegulation #ShipCrewManagement #MaritimePolicy #EffectiveGovernance #MaritimeCommunity

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  • Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Hari ini kita peringati semangat persatuan, keberanian, dan tekad para pemuda Indonesia yang berikrar satu bangsa, satu tanah air, satu bahasa. Mari lanjutkan perjuangan ini dengan karya dan inovasi untuk membangun negeri! Bersama kita bisa mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih maju. #HariSumpahPemuda #SumpahPemuda #PemudaIndonesia #IndonesiaBersatu #BanggaIndonesia #SemangatPemuda #PemudaBerkarya #IndonesiaMaju #GenerasiBangsa #BangkitBersama #CintaIndonesia #PersatuanIndonesia #MudaMembangunNegeri #IndonesiaJaya

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda! Hari ini kita peringati semangat persatuan, keberanian, dan tekad para pemuda Indonesia yang berikrar satu bangsa, satu tanah air, satu bahasa. Mari lanjutkan perjuangan ini dengan karya dan inovasi untuk membangun negeri! Bersama kita bisa mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih maju. #HariSumpahPemuda #SumpahPemuda #PemudaIndonesia #IndonesiaBersatu #BanggaIndonesia #SemangatPemuda #PemudaBerkarya #IndonesiaMaju #GenerasiBangsa #BangkitBersama #CintaIndonesia #PersatuanIndonesia #MudaMembangunNegeri #IndonesiaJaya

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  • Championing Maritime Standards by Successful MLC Audit Completion with Bureau Veritas (BV).   Proud to announce that we’ve achieved another milestone by successfully passing the rigorous MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) annual audit this year with Bureau Veritas (BV).   This isn’t just a compliance checkbox, it’s a commitment to our crews’ welfare, rights, and safety.   #RizkaFathoni #MLCCompliance #BureauVeritas #MaritimeLaborConvention #MaritimeIndustry #GlobalShippingStandards #ShippingInnovation #MaritimeLeadership #ShippingOperations #MLC2022Amendments #LinkedInGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #MaritimeNews #IndustryExcellence #OceanSustainability #MarineCompliance #ShippingCommunity #LinkedInInfluence

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Championing Maritime Standards by Successful MLC Annual Audit Completion with Bureau Veritas (BV). Proud to announce that we’ve achieved another milestone by successfully passing the rigorous MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) annual audit this year with Bureau Veritas (BV). This isn’t just a compliance checkbox, it’s a commitment to our crews’ welfare, rights, and safety. Why MLC Compliance Matters? The MLC sets global benchmarks to protect seafarers’ working conditions, ensuring fair treatment and essential rights. This year, we’re especially focused on implementing the 2022 MLC amendments with reinforcing our proactive approach to staying at the forefront of industry standards. Key 2022 MLC Amendments that will enter into force on 23 December 2024: 1. Recruitment and Placement with updated practices in Standard A1.4 ensure ethical recruitment standards, replacing paragraph 5(c)(vi). 2. Repatriation with new guidelines under Standard A2.5.1 introduce added protections for repatriation (new paragraph 9). 3. Accommodation & Recreation with revised regulations 3.1 and 4.4 enhance onboard accommodations and shore-based welfare facilities. 4. Food & Catering with Standards A3.2, paragraphs 2(a) and (b), were updated to improve food quality and catering practices. 5. Medical Care with Standards A4.1 now include additional medical provisions onboard and ashore (new paragraphs 5 and 6). 6. Health & Safety with enhanced protocols in Standard A4.3 provide better health, safety, and accident prevention. 7. Financial Security with appendix A2-I reinforces financial security standards under Regulation 2.5. For our clients, it’s assurance that we prioritize ethical, safe, and efficient operations aligned with the latest global standards. This audit success with BV is a testament to our team’s dedication. A big thank you to everyone who made it possible. #RizkaFathoni #MLCCompliance #BureauVeritas #MaritimeLaborConvention #MaritimeIndustry #GlobalShippingStandards #ShippingInnovation #MaritimeLeadership #ShippingOperations #MLC2022Amendments #LinkedInGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #MaritimeNews #IndustryExcellence #OceanSustainability #MarineCompliance #ShippingCommunity #LinkedInInfluence

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  • Building on the IMO's Decarbonization Mission - The Final Piece SEEMP Phases 1, 2, 3 and IMO DCS Previously we've already dive into ambitious steps the IMO has taken to reduce GHG emissions through EEDI, EEXI, and CII, but our journey is far from complete. SEEMP Phases 1, 2, and 3, together with the IMO DCS, represent crucial components of the IMO’s strategy for a greener and more sustainable maritime industry.

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Building on the IMO's Decarbonization Mission - The Final Piece SEEMP Phases 1, 2, 3 and IMO DCS Previously we've already dive into ambitious steps the IMO has taken to reduce GHG emissions through EEDI, EEXI, and CII, but our journey is far from complete. SEEMP Phases 1, 2, and 3, together with the IMO DCS, represent crucial components of the IMO’s strategy for a greener and more sustainable maritime industry. SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) SEEMP is a framework designed to improve a ship’s energy efficiency through continuous monitoring and planning. Let’s break down the SEEMP phases: 1. SEEMP Phase 1 (2013): Ships were required to develop a basic plan to monitor and improve energy efficiency. This phase was the first step toward raising awareness of fuel consumption and its impact on the environment. 2. SEEMP Phase 2 (2019): The game changed with mandatory data collection and more specific monitoring targets for each vessel. Ships were required to set annual improvement goals, directly tying the plan to actual performance results. 3. SEEMP Phase 3 (2023): With the introduction of this phase, IMO has now aligned SEEMP with the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII). Ships must include mandatory corrective action plans if their CII rating drops, with the ultimate goal of continuous energy efficiency improvement and lower emissions. IMO DCS (Data Collection System) While SEEMP focuses on the strategic approach to energy efficiency, the IMO DCS focuses on data. The DCS requires ships to report annual fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, which allows the IMO to track progress toward global decarbonization targets. These systems together act as the operational backbone of maritime decarbonization, enabling the shipping industry to monitor, report, and adjust its approach toward achieving a sustainable future. #RizkaFathoni #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipDevelopment #MaritimeInnovation #SustainableShipping #GreenShipping #IMORegulations #Decarbonization #ShippingSustainability #EnergyEfficiency #ClimateAction #MaritimeIndustry #SEEMP #EEDI #EEXI #CIICompliance #SustainableFuture

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  • Decarbonizing the Future: A Deep Dive into CII In previous posts has been covered the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) which is two from three vital components of IMO’s ambitious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Today, we will dive into the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), the final piece of the puzzle in ensuring a more sustainable future for global shipping. The CII is a game changer, focusing not just on design and technical efficiency but on operational efficiency. It measures the amount of CO₂ emitted per ton of cargo transported per nautical mile, encouraging shipowners to actively manage their fleet’s performance year-on-year. #RizkaFathoni #ThoughtLeadership #MaritimeSolutions #SustainableLeadership #Sustainability #Decarbonization #GreenShipping #ShippingIndustry #MaritimeIndustry #CleanEnergy #CarbonReduction #IMO #EnvironmentalImpact #EnergyEfficiency #FutureOfShipping #DigitalTransformation #ClimateAction #SustainableBusiness #SmartShipping #Technology #MarineTech

    Lihat profil Rizka Fathoni, grafis

    Marine Business Development Specialist | Marine Expert Specialist | Marine QHSE Specialist | Marine Risk Assessment I DPA-CSO-PFSO | ISM-ISPS Internal Auditor | SIRE-TMSA-CDI-RIGHTSHIP-OVID Inspection |

    Decarbonizing the Future: A Deep Dive into CII In previous posts has been covered the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) which is two from three vital components of IMO’s ambitious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Today, we will dive into the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), the final piece of the puzzle in ensuring a more sustainable future for global shipping. The CII is a game changer, focusing not just on design and technical efficiency but on operational efficiency. It measures the amount of CO₂ emitted per ton of cargo transported per nautical mile, encouraging shipowners to actively manage their fleet’s performance year-on-year. From 1 January 2023 it became mandatory for all ships to calculate their attained Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) to measure their energy efficiency and to initiate the collection of data for the reporting of their annual operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and CII rating. The CII determines the annual reduction factor needed to ensure continuous improvement of a ship's operational carbon intensity within a specific rating level. The actual annual operational CII achieved must be documented and verified against the required annual operational CII. This enables the operational carbon intensity rating to be determined. Based on a ship's CII, its carbon intensity is rated A, B, C, D or E (where A is the best). The rating indicates a major superior, minor superior, moderate, minor inferior, or inferior performance level. The performance level is recorded in a "Statement of Compliance" to be further elaborated in the ship's Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). A ship rated D for three consecutive years, or E for one year, has to submit a corrective action plan to show how the required index of C or above will be achieved. To maintain a favorable CII rating, shipowners can consider: - Optimizing Voyage Planning: Minimize fuel consumption by optimizing routes and speed. - Implementing Energy-Saving Technologies: Use wind-assisted propulsion, air lubrication, or advanced hull coatings. - Switching to Low-Carbon Fuels: Adopt alternative fuels like LNG, biofuels, or methanol. - Digitalization: Leverage data analytics to monitor real-time performance and adjust operations. CII challenges the global shipping industry to not only innovate in design but also continuously improve its operational footprint. The journey to decarbonization is long, but with tools like CII, the path becomes clearer along with EEDI and EEXI, we are heading toward a cleaner, more sustainable maritime future. #RizkaFathoni #ThoughtLeadership #MaritimeSolutions #SustainableLeadership #Sustainability #Decarbonization #GreenShipping #ShippingIndustry #MaritimeIndustry #CleanEnergy #CarbonReduction #IMO #EnergyEfficiency #FutureOfShipping #DigitalTransformation #ClimateAction #SustainableBusiness #SmartShipping #Technology #MarineTech

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  • Inferno at Sea: Explosion Rocks Taiwanese Cargo Vessel at China's Ningbo Port Ningbo, China—In a chilling turn of events, the MV YM MOBILITY, a cargo vessel owned by Taiwan's Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp., was engulfed in flames after a massive explosion tore through a container on board. The incident occurred at the bustling Ningbo port in eastern China on Friday, sending shockwaves—both literal and figurative—through the maritime community. The explosion, which took place around 1:40 p.m., was so powerful that it could be felt up to a kilometer away, rattling nearby structures and sowing panic across the port. Eyewitnesses described the scene as apocalyptic, with thick plumes of black smoke spiraling into the sky and the acrid scent of burning chemicals hanging heavily in the air. In an official statement, Yang Ming Marine confirmed the harrowing incident, revealing that the blast originated from a container holding hazardous materials on the YM Mobility. The vessel, which had only just arrived at Ningbo after its last port of call in Shanghai, was docked at the Beilun terminal when catastrophe struck. #MaritimeIndustry #Shipping #MarineTechnology #MaritimeInnovation #OceanTransportation #PortsAndTerminals #MarineEngineering #MaritimeLogistics #MaritimeTrade #NavalArchitecture #Seafarers #MaritimeSafety #Oceanography #MaritimeLaw #MarineEnvironment #MaritimeEducation #MaritimeHistory #Shipbuilding #MaritimeEconomics #MaritimeSecurity #CruiseShipDepartures #ThrusterControl #MaritimeMastery #JourneyOfDiscovery #PassionForTheSea

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