Bizoneo - Data Protection and Client Management Solutions - GDPR, DORA, POPIA, CRM & HR reposted this
When I first read #DORA, I thought that one way for an organisation to be certain they are resilient is to check what happens when you "unplug" one of the services that IT told you will never go down. The backup would take over and no one should notice the difference. It made a number of people I spoke to -laugh. What a silly idea, this can never happen! Have you actually tried to see what happens when you unplug the ICT service? Beside that, remember to build your "Exit plans" at the time of procurement, it'll ease your life. It's a team exercise, and not one for the procurement team to do on their own. Need assistance? #Bizoneo has an Exit plan framework built-in, so you can ask yourself all the good questions on time. And remember, even if a vendor like Microsoft, used by the majority (if not all) financial services, suffered a significant outage that would disrupt the entire industry, it would actually likely impact your business, and I think it is where your business has a problem, CTPP or not...