Thanks Oliver Dauert for putting it so well. We can all vote with our wallets.
Biodiversity Builder | I empower you to build a wilder world | Founder of Wildya & Wild Business Mates | Linkedin Top Green Voice
"Bottled water companies don't produce water; they produce plastic bottles." Earthlyeducation Sugar drink companies, don't produce joy ↳ They produce obesity & diabetes Pesticide companies, don't produce food for the world ↳ They steal it from the next generation A quick look into our current system reveals that plenty of companies have a NET NEGATIVE IMPACT on our world. We, as people & other species, subsidize their existence at horrific costs. Yet, through heavy marketing, they sold us the idea that they should continue to exist. BUT WHY BOTHER? 👉 Impact on you 1 liter of bottled water includes about 240,000 tiny pieces of plastic ↳ Causes cancer, reduces reproduction health, create chronic diseases 1 Cola can has more than the recommended sugar intake per day ↳ Causes obesity, sugar addiction, dental issues In the U.S. alone 50 million people get their drinking water from groundwater that is potentially contaminated by pesticides ↳ Cause headaches, seizures, cancer, asthma 👉 Impact on other species Plastic ↳ When plastic hits corals their chances of getting disease jumps from 4 to 89% ↳ Corals are home to 25% of all life in our oceans Pesticides ↳ Germany study showed that 76% decline in flying insects are connected to heavy pesticide use ↳ insects are crucial for the food web, without them birds, mammals crash too This is great because it shows us that if you start treating your health seriously, you will also boost biodiversity. 3 ACTIONS YOU CAN TAKE ☑️ If you work for a mentioned industry, try to push for positive changes from within. ☑️ Vote with your wallet for the world you want to see. ☑️ Listen to the podcast with a leading toxicologist, which I will link below. Will open your eyes to all the toxic stuff we expose us to. To boost your health & biodiversity we need to go from: Plastic producers -> Water guardians Sugar dealers -> Health supporters Disease spreaders -> Food revolutionists Are you in? P.S. What's your take on this? #biodiversity #nature #environment