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Legal Services

Educational providers of law workshops & tailored career advice. Premier provider of both e-learning & onsite workshops.

About us

Kate Fleming is a solicitor who also holds a Higher Diploma in Career Guidance & Counselling amongst other accolades. Over the past 10 years she has successfully operated 2 companies LawEd & CareerEd. Kate’s mission is to educate and lay bare the misconception around our legal world and deliver a programme into schools, youth groups, adult education that openly engages and educates today’s teenager/young adult. The services of LawEd are niche given their years of experience dealing and interacting with teenagers/young adults. LawEd specifically tailors their workshops around todays teenagers/young adults. We provide workshops to junior cycle students (short courses) transition year students, leaving certificate applied, LCVP, students interested in law as a career choice and further education workshops with the educational training boards (ETB). Kate is very proud to say that LawEd with over 10 years’ experience has established itself as a premier provider of law workshops in Ireland. Currently delivering courses year on year in over 80 schools, spread currently over 12 counties nationwide. LawEd offers a practical, instructive and topical educational workshop covering all aspects of law. Courses focus on social media implications, criminal age of responsibility, what sexual relationships and consent means amongst numerous other topics. Key to the learning outcomes is for teenagers/young adults to understand the consequences of what was once a simple prank or carless act, as now having a huge impact on their future. Be that getting a criminal record or leaving behind a social imprint. Therefore the motto of LawEd is simple “everyone needs to know the law not just lawyers”.

Legal Services
Company size
1 employee


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