Let’s get something straight about fossil fuel phase-out: renewables needn’t replace all the coal, oil and gas we use today bc most of it is just used to produce and move those fossil fuels around!We only need to replace the useful energy, that’s 37% of what we currently produce. In other words, 63% of the oil, gas, and coal we extract goes to waste in the production, refinement, and transportation process
Moving fossil fuels around is responsible for 45% of shipping traffic globally. That’s $42 billion per year on moving fossil fuels around. Transporting fossil fuels is actually one of the smallest contributors to inefficiency in upstream fossil fuel production. The real area of inefficiency is in fuel processing and power generation.
Internal Combustion Engines are some of the biggest energy wasters. They are at most 25% efficient, meaning that approx. 75 to 84% of the gasoline's original energy is lost. That is the equivalent of 2 million barrels of oil a day in the U.S. wasted because the oil industry has pummelled us with fear of scarcity, price and change through billions in advertising and relentless lobbying
When it comes to efficiency, EVs have gas powered cars beat. Not only do EV’s eliminate the reliance on gasoline for transportation, they would draw less from the electrical grid overall to charge because of their efficiency. The waste is actually astounding.
Realizing that this inefficiency is BY DESIGN is an eye-opener. We have spent the last 50 years basing our energy model on adding volume rather than value. It doesn’t have to be this way. Renewables outcompete fossil fuels for efficiency and without the billions Big Oil receives in subsidies, this would become evident.
Too often I hear people object to renewables and electrification due to mining impacts. There is no question governments need to do everything possible to reduce impacts on human rights, water, land and biodiversity and we cannot forget that a fossil fuel economy requires 535x more mining than a clean energy economy. Yes, solar panels, batteries, etc. will require minerals but the relevant comparison isn’t zero mining, it’s the mining requirements of our current fossil fuel system. One way to compare is by assessing the amount of waste rock electricity sources would produce.
Reliance on fossil fuels is foolish. We waste approx. $4.6 trillion/ year because of fossil fuel inefficiencies. That’s 40% of total global energy spending, or 5% of global GDP. Fossil fuel production will always be wasteful, inefficient, destructive and a distraction from life-saving alternatives. The science is clear, oil, gas and coal are the primary cause of floods, fires, lethal humidity, and air pollution that threatens everything we love.
We can transition to a cleaner and safer energy system. It is within our reach. We need to implement the Paris Agreement and build a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative to ensure the just transition is fast, fair and financed.