I see a lot of ads lately about "the 25 books CEO's must read" or how to be "the most interesting person in the room" and so on and so forth.
While I'm sure there is a certain type of person (obviously not a CEO) who might be inclined to click those baits, it actually got me thinking about one of the most interesting people out there that quite a few CEO's actually do listen to.
And I'm not talking about Gary Vaynerchuk.
I'm talking about comic genius Tim Dillon who can't even be tagged bc he doesn't really give a f&*% about what's happening here on #Linkedin.
But before you go check out his weekly podcast expecting some practical go-to-market strategies or managerial insights, be warned that his style isn't for everyone.
Dillon has mastered the art of seemingly talking about NOTHING while actually talking about EVERYTHING.
He not only articulates the zeitgeist, he actually interprets it.
For example, in one show he discusses with someone "what is more poor?ocean-front or lake front property". For over an hour they attack this seemingly trivial issue from every angle until it turns into something truly existential. Until the audience gets a glimpse into what it truly means to be rich, American, paranoid, prosperous, happy, hopeful etc...until the audience truly feels what it is to live the #zeitgeist, and not just read a definition.
But what surprises most about Dillon is that quite a few CEO's actually do listen to him (I've met 3 over the past 2 months who have a man crush on him), not to mention Gary who was on his show a little while back.
Beneath his moronic facade lies a brilliant guy who sees modern society, brands, business and culture, in a truly spot-on way, constantly challenging conventions and provoking thought. Almost every week he leaves me with multiple a-ha moments, not to mention the simply immeasurable pleasure of listening to his naughty delivery.
While his style and substance might prevent him from ever appearing in the top 25 list of books a CEO should read...he is nonetheless an invaluable, inspiring, and even addictive resource to those who seek a better understanding of the human condition in all its gore and glory.