Looking beyond the likes
Many Linkedin gurus recommend writing every day. Some recommend twice a day. While others are adamant that the secret is posting exactly twice a week. I'm no Linkedin expert, but I do know what works for me (and a few of my clients). First of all, you need a few killer pieces. It can be a regular post, a video or even a carousel like this one. It needs to have an opinion. In this case, my opinion about Linkedin gurus. It needs to create interest and make the case for Why You. You need to be able to picture the person who will read this. If you believe you've created the right piece for the right person (let's say a founder or CEO of an innovative startup), you should probably sponsor it and make sure it reaches them (and other founders and CEO’s). How much should you put down for this? It depends, but I won't share that now. That's part of my pitch that I prefer giving in person. Once you have your killer piece and your audience all set, you can also start connecting with people who fall in that same category. They're quite likely to have seen this piece (or a similar one) and will be more receptive to your connection request. But right before you send out that connection request take a second. Think about all those annoying and irrelevant connection requests you get daily. Don't be one of those guys. (It’s always guys, right?) Be different. Or at least talk to me before you decide to do it (: Hope you find this helpful.