"Here's to moving forward".
Deciding to close down your startup is incredibly difficult. Some feelings that bubble up: - Disappointment in myself. - "Couldn't have I tried harder?" - Will people think of me as a "failure"? But still, a choice has to be made. I truly believe PrediMed has the potential to drastically improve the lives of children undergoing medical care. But without the proper tools and business viability, a company cannot exist. Every closing door is a lesson in life. PrediMed has taught me essential insights about the medical industry, business acumen, and mainly the importance of teamwork. I want to thank all the consultants, advisors, partners, accelerators, investors, medical staff, and especially my co-founders (Yael Derdikman Ofir MD, PhD, Eddie Garber, MD ,MBA, Shaked Ron, Josef Friedman) for your advice, tips, late hours, and amazing dedication. Here's to moving forward. PrediMed