Welcome aboard Ron Brightman, the new advisor and investor in our office!!
I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Advisor and Investor at Singit! Learning English is a must, yet the current teaching methods are tedious and cumbersome for most people. Personally, I hated English lessons at school and consequently I did badly, as long as it meant reciting words and grammar rules. The real shift happened when I was exposed to the English culture through friends and through music, which led me into a complete infatuation with the English language. Many people had similar experiences, including Michael Peled who took it to the next level through the creation of Singit, which teaches English through music! This unique service enables students to sign along with the words of their favorite songs. Learning while having fun and with an emotional connection to the subject is definitely the best way to learn. It is the only service with a license to use over 5 million songs and it is already implemented successfully in thousands of schools worldwide. Now the mobile app is set to conquer this lucrative market. I am happy and proud to join Michael, the SingIt team, and the amazing investors, on this important educational mission.