‏SpinEdge LTD‏ ‏‏ תמונת נושא
SpinEdge LTD

SpinEdge LTD

Semiconductor Manufacturing

SpinEdge's AI analog accelerator boosts edge computing, enhancing efficiency for autonomous vehicles, IoT, and industry.


SpinEdge's spintronic AI analog accelerator revolutionizes edge computing by speeding up AI algorithm processing while consuming a fraction of energy compared to traditional accelerators. It leads to faster and more efficient edge computing, which is crucial for autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and IoT. It reduces energy consumption, lowers operational costs, and carbon emissions, making it an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for edge computing. This technology promises to transform the field of edge computing by improving processing speeds and energy efficiency.

אתר אינטרנט
Semiconductor Manufacturing
גודל החברה
11-50 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
בבעלות פרטית


עובדים ב- SpinEdge LTD


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של ‏SpinEdge LTD‏

    ‏‏51‏ עוקבים‏

    צפייה בדף הארגון של ‏Harbot Brasil‏

    ‏‏747‏ עוקבים‏

    Enquanto nós vemos a colheitadeira apenas fazendo seu trabalho no campo, o piloto agrícola com visão computacional da Harbot enxerga muito mais. Ele é capaz de identificar com precisão a colheita, outros tratores e obstáculos ao redor, garantindo uma operação mais segura e eficiente. Nossa tecnologia utiliza inteligência artificial para tomar decisões inteligentes em tempo real, trazendo autonomia ao processo agrícola e otimizando cada movimento no campo, sem a necessidade de depender exclusivamente de GPS. Com essa visão avançada, estamos transformando o jeito de trabalhar na agricultura. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- While we see the harvester simply doing its job in the field, the Harbot agricultural pilot with computer vision sees much more. It is capable of precisely identifying the harvest, other tractors, and obstacles around, ensuring a safer and more efficient operation. Our technology uses artificial intelligence to make smart decisions in real-time, bringing autonomy to the agricultural process and optimizing every movement in the field, without the need to rely solely on GPS. With this advanced vision, we are transforming the way we work in agriculture. #Harbot #TecnologiaAgrícola #IA #VisãoComputacional #AgriculturaInteligente #Automação #PrecisãoAgrícola #TecnologiaNoCampo #InovaçãoAgrícola

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