#aplusdhomes Located in the western suburbs of Mumbai, AIKYAM by Avn interior architects is a 3500 sq. ft. home that brings together three generations of one family. The home offers views of the sea and airplanes flying overhead, giving residents a unique perspective of the city while being close to the airport. Designed with modern elements and a simple colour palette, the space balances luxury with practicality, catering to the needs of every family member. The C-shaped layout of the apartment posed a challenge when designing the space to meet the needs of the grandparents, parents, and children. To address this, the design separated the private areas of the family. One side of the apartment is dedicated to the parents and children, while the other side is for the grandparents and their mandir, allowing everyone to have their own space. The living, dining, and terrace areas were placed centrally, connecting the two sections. Read the full story here- https://shorturl.at/h5KA6 Photography by Nayan Soni Styling by Samir Wadekar #aplusd #architectureplusdesign #avninteriors #interiordesign #familyhome #moderninteriors #aikyam #homestyling #mumbai #mumbaihomes #architecture #designinspiration #desingtrends #monochrome