Bureau of Investment Promotion (BIP) is the nodal agency of the Government of Rajasthan to facilitate investments in various sectors in the State. Since its inception in the year 1991, BIP has been providing investment facilitation services mainly for the large projects by acting as an interface between investors and the Government for speedy clearances and redressal of issues. It acts as the single point of contact for complete back-up support right from project conceptualization to final implementation as well as for post investment services, for ensuring early fructification of the investment proposals.
The State Government has been taking various steps towards improving the investment climate and simplifying the regulatory system in the State. A Single Window Act has already been introduced with the objective to provide time-bound grant of various licenses, permissions and approvals. Under the Single Window Clearance System, E-filing facility of the application is available. At present this system covers 11 Departments with 86 forms. Under this Act, BIP is the Nodal Agency for the State Empowered Committee (SEC) headed by the Chief Secretary for investment above Rs. 10 crore. SEC examines applications for permissions and customized packages and makes recommendation to Council of Ministers. An Electronic Single Window help desk is in place at BIP.