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Sharing my takeaways from the recent CTOtalk event on 1st Mar in Chennai From Suresh Sambandam's (Founder & CEO, Kissflow) interaction 1. India has to catch up in the AI race led by the US and China. 2. School education lays a strong foundation for innovation. 3. Maths skill plays an important role. School students should embrace Maths rather than detesting it. 4. The supply & demand affect career opportunities, skills and compensation. 5. Popular programming will be English and harnessing Generative AI for software development. 6. For scenarios with deterministic rules, the application of AI/ML may be an overkill. From Aamir Ashraf Aazmi (Principal Architect, Flipkart) talk 1. Generative AI may be leveraged for images, categories, product recommendations and personalisation, etc. 2. Refactoring microservices may be required to reduce points of failure, complexity and cost. Modular monolith may be a good fit for a few scenarios. 3. Non-functional requirements play a critical role in product development. 4. AI and Graph DB facilitate fraud detection. Device, account, location, phone number, payment instrument are important data points. 5. Resilience encompasses many aspects like inter-datacentre dependencies, payment gateways, banks, network simulations and dry runs. 6. To handle peak load seasons, public cloud may be leveraged in addition to on-premise infrastructure by appropriate microservice configuration and data replication. #CTOTalk #Chennai #Kissflow #Flipkart #AI #GenAI #FraudDetection #Resilience #Event #Technology #TechEvent