CSR with improved Smoke Less Cook Stoves

CSR with improved Smoke Less Cook Stoves

Research Services

Clean Energy Solutions for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources using Bosch Modern Chulha

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Biomass has been the main source of cooking energy in various states of India that mainly comes from forests. Enormous quantity of firewood is being extracted annually from the forests leading to forest degradation. According to an estimate, in India about 300 million tons of firewood is being extracted annually from forests in about 160 million villages (Govt. of India, 2010).Taking this into consideration, this concept note has been developed for villages where the communities depend upon the forest to meet their fuel needs that too by using conventional cook stoves made up of mud and stones without chimneys. The Bosch Modern Chulha Improvised Cooking Stoves carry various benefits Efficiency The thermal efficiency of these traditional stoves has been measured as 12 % to 15% because of various reasons like heat loss, inefficient heat transfer, and inefficient burning of wood etc.These stoves are less efficient in converting biomass into heat energy and therefore it not only increases the fuel wood consumption but also pose pressure on the forest and threat to biodiversity. Health The smoky kitchen with ill ventilation in these rural areas has been a major health hazard. Smoke produced as a consequence of inefficient and incomplete burning of wood is inhaled by women while cooking which leads to lung problems. Faster Cooking The Improvised Cooking Stoves due to their superior design construction generate more heat and help cook food faster. It cooks twice as fast as compared to the traditional stove Portable and Durable Being just 1.8 kgs in weight made of Stainless Steel the Bosch Modern Chulha can be carried anywhere. So it may be taken in the fields or used by migrant workers.In rural homes there are usually three mud One in the open for cooking, the other inside when it rains and the third as standby in case any breaks. The Modern Chulha eliminates the requirement of more than one stove in the house.

Research Services
Company size
2-10 employees
new delhi


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