Last week, the High Court Of Kerala launched the first-ever 24x7 Open and Networked Court (#ONCourt) in Kochi, inaugurated by Justice Bhushan Ramkrishna Gavai, alongside Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala, Shri Pinarayi Vijayan, Hon’ble Law Minister P Rajeev, Hon’ble Finance Minister K.N. Balagopal, and several distinguished Supreme Court judges.
The ON Courts aim to make the judicial process more open and user-friendly. Operating 24x7, they enable litigants, lawyers, and judges to take actions anytime and anywhere, streamlining consent-based interactions with external institutions. Litigants will receive proactive alerts and guidance directly from the system, reducing bureaucratic hurdles. Additionally, the High Court of Kerala will open access to key APIs next month, enabling innovators to build citizen-focused services.
To know more about ON Courts, watch this video 👉
Samagra is an organisational contributor within PUCAR, a collective supporting the High Court of Kerala as a Knowledge Partner. With 4.3 Cr+ cases pending across subordinate courts in India and an average of 2-3 years for a case to be disposed of, the collective aims to transform the dispute resolution experience of every citizen.
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