It is not easy eating humble pie. But the after taste is excellent!
#patent #commercialization You might see these two hashtags on my posts most days. In fact even my LI banner has patent monetization on it. See, early on in 2021 when I started Patented Network, I had some idea of the beast called patent commercialization/monetization. So I started PN and managed to populate the various tech domain bins. Then I thought, my biggest challenge is getting sellers to pay for the valuation of patents. It was not that. Or actually, it was partly that. Sellers would say "Value now, get paid when you close the deal". I quickly realized no cure, no pay wont work. So I recommended them to stick whatever price tag they wanted at the beginning and we could revisit the point later. But then the real problem was finding buyers. I spoke to several people who either kindly told me I was not doing myself and them any favors and others who quietly ghosted me. I focussed on my Ph.D. and kept doing valuation projects on the side while also growing #mgip. I kept thinking "If I get more patents, that will be it. If I get more buyers, that will be it". But the truth is, I had no clue what I was meant to do. So I am fixing that. You haven't heard from me in days and probably won't for a few more months. I am working on fixing what I don't know and on converting it to "I know". Stay tuned. #shalinionpatents