Going green and feeling serene! 🌍 Each eco-friendly choice you make helps create a cleaner, greener future. Celebrate the small changes that lead to a big impact and join the movement for a healthier earth. Be a part of the change with Unplastik India! 🌱 #ecofriendlyplastic #ecofriendlyplastics #ecofriendlyplasticbags #bioplastics #bioalternatives #biodegradeableplastics #reducingplasticwaste #recyclebottles #recyclebottleart #compostableplastics #renewableplastics #bioawareness #biodegradeablerevolution #innovationsinplastics #biodegradablesolutions #plastucreductiongoals #biodegradablealternatives #reducingplasticfootprint #plasticwastesolutions #plasticfreeoptions #plasticreductioninitiative #plasticwasterreduction #plasticfreelivingtips #homecompostableplasticbags #compostableplasticbags #unplastik #unplastikindia
Unplastik India
Wholesale Recyclable Materials
Gurugram, Haryana 286 followers
Door to Door Collection of Single Use Plastic and Inhouse Recycling of the same
About us
Door to Door Collection of Single use Plastics and Inhouse recycling of the same
- Website
External link for Unplastik India
- Industry
- Wholesale Recyclable Materials
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Gurugram, Haryana
- Type
- Self-Employed
- Founded
- 2023
DLF Phase IV Road
P 6/3
Gurugram, Haryana 122009, IN
Our planet is drowning in plastic. 🌍 Plastic waste is choking our oceans and harming wildlife. 🌊 It's time to choose change and embrace sustainable alternatives to protect our Earth.💙 Make a difference today with Unplastik India. #protecttheoceans✌️❤️🌍 #protecttheoceansandallanimals #marineconservationsocietyuk #marineconservationproject #marineconservationinstitute #marineconservationist #ecowarriorlifestyle #ecowarriorsoap #ecowarriorph #ecowarrioryogis #greenrecognition #ecorecognition #ploythenepollution #milkbagstorage #plasticbagrecycling #plasticbagchallenge #ecowarriorstyle #ecoevolution #ecoevolutionact #sustainablelivingguide #sustainableguideiscool #sustainblelivingonbudget #sustainablelivingnz #unplastik #unplastikindia
Be the change: live without plastic regrets!✨ Embrace a plastic-free lifestyle and cherish every eco-friendly choice. 🚯 Let's protect our planet for future generations. 💚 Join the movement towards sustainability today with Unplastik India #recycleupcyclereppurpose #recycleupcyclereuse #recyclereusereinvent #recyclereuserenew #recyclereuserethink #greenlivingmadeeasy #ecofriendlychoice #plasticbagrecycling #plasticbagsfree #reuserecycle #reuserecyclerestyle #reuserecyclerepeat #recycleinstyle #recycleing #recycleup #reuserecycle #reuserecyclerestyle #reuserecyclerepeat #recycleinstyle #plasticbagrecycling #plasticbagrecycling #protectenvironmente #protectenvironment #protectearth #protectmothernature #protectmotherearth& #reusebeforerecycle #reduceresuserecycle #reducereuseandrecycle #unplastikindia
Plastic-free living, planet-positive vibes! 🌎 It's time to say no to plastic and yes to a greener world. Every time we choose reusable over single-use, we're taking a stand for Mother Earth. 💙 Let's swap out plastic bags for totes, bottles for refillables, and straws for alternatives. Small changes add up to big impacts. Start today with Unplastik India to make a difference! ✨ #planetoverplastics #planetoverplasticpledge #zerowastelifehacks #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastelifehacker #ecoevolution #ecoevolutionact #plasticrevoltionnow #plasticrevoloution #wasteplastic #wasteplastic_art #wasteplastics #wasteplasticproducts #trashtotreasuretransformation #upcycledartwork #upcycledartistic #upcycledartshow #upcycledarts #wasteplasticrecycling #wasterecycleideas #wasterecycling #wasterecyclingsolutions #reducereuseandrecycle #reusetoreduce #reuseandreduce #plasticfreeearth #banplasticwaste #unplastik #unplastikindia
Breaking free from plastic's grip, one eco-friendly step at a time ♻️ By ditching single-use plastics, we're not just reducing waste; we're reclaiming our planet's health. 💚 Let's break up with plastic for good and pave the way for a cleaner, brighter future. Small changes make a big difference. Join the movement with Unplastik India and stop plastic pollution today! #plasticpollutionprevention #plasticpollutionfacts #plasticpollutioneducation #plasticpollutionsolutions #plasticpollutions #plasticpollutioncoallition #plasticpollutionsucks #plasticpollutionproject #plasticpollutionproblem #ecofriendlylivingculture #ecofriendlyliving♻️👌🌳💕 #ecofriendlylivingwitharmy #unplasticyourlife #plasticbagstore #plasticbagrecycling #plasticbagsfree #ecofriendlylivingproducts #ecofriendlyliving♻️ #ecoconciousbusiness #ecoconciousbrands #ecoconciousness #greentechnologyindustries #unplasticyourlife #unplasticindia #ecofriendlylivinggoals #ecofriendlyliving♻️🌎 #greenlivingshow #unplastik #unplastikindia
Radiate Peace on Buddha Purnima 🌼 May the wisdom of Buddha illuminate your path and bring tranquillity to your soul on this sacred day. 🌟 Let’s honour his teachings by embracing compassion, kindness, and mindfulness in our daily lives. 🌸 🕊️Wishing you a peaceful and joyous Buddha Purnima to all from Unplastik India #buddhapurnima🙏 #buddhapurnima☸️🌷 #buddhapurnimastatus #buddhapurnimawishes #buddhapoornimacelebration #buddhapoornimaspecial #buddhapurnima2024 #buddhapurnima2024☸️ #buddhapurnima2024💙🙏🙏 #gautamabuddhaquotes #gautamabuddha☸️🙏 #gautamåbuddha #buddhistfestival #buddhistcelebration #buddhistfestivals #buddhateachings🙏 #buddhateachingsforthesoul #buddhateachings😊 #buddhateachíngs #buddhistculture☸️ #buddhistculture🙏 #buddhistcultures #buddhistcultureday #buddhistculture4 #unplastik #unplastikindia
A Cleaner Planet Starts with Us 🌱 It's time to embrace a plastic-free lifestyle. Every choice we make impacts our planet, so let's choose wisely and reduce our plastic footprint.💚 Make the switch today with Unplastik India—our Earth deserves it! #cleanerplanet #cleanerplanettips #reducingplasticfootprint #plasticwastesolutions #plasticfreeoptions #plasticreductioninitiative #plasticwasterreduction #plasticfreelivingtips #homecompostableplasticbags #compostableplasticbags #ecofriendlyplastic #ecofriendlyplastics #ecofriendlyplasticbags #planetoverplastics #planetoverplasticpledge #zerowastelifehacks #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastelifehacker #cleanerfutureforourkids #cleanerfutureahead #cleanerfutures #bioplastics #bioalternatives #biodegradeableplastics #reducingplasticwaste #compostableplastics #unplastik #unplastikindia
Love grows greener without plastic! 🌿 Shield what we cherish: Each plastic-free choice is a vow to our planet and future. Each eco-choice nurtures our planet. Take the pledge today with Unplastik India and let's build a future where love for our planet shines brighter than ever! 🌎 #plasticfreeoptions #sustainablefuture♻️ #sustainablefutures2023 #sustainablefuturewithuob #sustainablefutureisyours #sustainablefuturedesign #sustainablefutureforall #sustainablefuturefestival #sustainablefuturenow #ecowarriorsoap #ecowarriorph #ecowarrioryogis #ecowarriorstyle #ecoevolution #ecoevolutionact #plasticbagrecycling #plasticbagchallenge #recycleup #recycleupcyclereppurpose #recycleupcyclereus #recyclereusereinvent #recyclereuserenew #recyclereuserethink #unplastik #unplastikindia
Plastic need not have to be a problem. ♻️ Recycle it and witness the transformation! Imagine a cleaner world where every piece of plastic is a potential resource. Together, we can make waste a thing of the past and create a greener future. 🌍 Join the movement today with Unplastik India and recycle. #cleanerfutureforourkids #cleanerfutureahead #cleanerfutures #ecoconsiouslifestyle #ecoconciousbusiness #ecoconciousbrands #ecoconciousness #greentechnologyindustries #unplasticyourlife #unplasticindia #unplasticyourlife #plasticbagstore #plasticbagrecycling #plasticbagsfree #recycleupcyclereppurpose #recycleupcyclereus #greenlivinggoddess #greenlivingstyle #greenlivingmadeeasy #greenlivingideas #greenlivingph #greenlivingspaces #protectearth #protectmothernature #protectmotherearth& #reusebeforerecycle #reduceresuserecycle #unplastik #unplastikindia
Break free from plastic pollution! 💪 Our planet craves conscious choices—abandon plastic and adopt eco-friendly innovations. Even the smallest shifts can create ripples of positive change across our environment.✨ Join the eco-revolution with Unplastik India and be a catalyst for a greener world! 💚 #plasticpollutionsolutions #plasticpollutions #plasticpollutioncoallition #plasticpollutionsucks #wastemanagementopen2023 #plasticpollutionproblem #unplasticyourlife #plasticbagstore #plasticbagrecycling #wastemanagementcompany #wastemanagementsolutions #plasticpollutionprevention #plasticpollutionfacts #ecoconciousbusiness #plasticpollutionproject #wastemanagementservices #ecoconciousbrands #ecoconciousness #greentechnologyindustries #unplasticyourlife #unplasticindia #wastemanagementsystem #plasticbagsfree #recycleupcyclereppurpose #recycleupcyclereus #recyclereusereinvent #recyclereuserenew #recyclereuserethink #unplastik #unplastikindia