Uttar Pradesh Electronics Corporation Limited

Uttar Pradesh Electronics Corporation Limited

Government Administration

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 177 followers

Promote and develop Information Technology and Electronics industries in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

About us

U.P. Electronics Corporation Limited is wholly owned undertaking of the Uttar Pradesh Government. This Corporation was setup with the main object of promoting Information Technology and Electronics industries in the State of Uttar Pradesh. U.P. Electronics Corporation Limited is presently engaged to procure and supply of Computer Hardware, Development of Computer Software and to provide Computer Training to the employees of Government Departments/ Corporations/ Institutions through self and empanelled Business Associates. Besides the Corporation is also nominated as a Nodal Agency for implementation of various Projects/ Schemes allocated by the Government from time to time through various implementing agencies MAIN OBJECTS: To Promote and develop Information Technology and Electronics industries in the state of Uttar Pradesh. To implement and operate the Projects relating to development of IT and Electronics Industries in Uttar Pradesh as per instructions of the State Government and to establish electronic industrial enterprises etc. To undertake setting up of new electronic industrial units and/ or expansion of existing units in part or in full. To Promote research and development in electronic. To provide support to the entrepreneurs, desirous to set up Information Technology & Electronics industries and to act as an Industrial Management and Financial Consultant for them. To prepare Market Survey Report, Project Profiles, Project Study related to electronic products etc. to support electronic industries in different fields. To provide facilities of Testing, Calibration and Standardization. Development and Training to entrepreneurs and Technical Man power.

Government Administration
Company size
51-200 employees
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Government Agency


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    10-Ashok Marg Lucknow-226001

    Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001, IN

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