We can't believe that it has been a year since we completed building our inner circle! It sure has been a beautiful journey with a fair share of both ups and downs, and things are only going to get better and more exciting from here on... 😁
Today marks the 1st anniversary of the inner circle at Whaterr.com; it has been one whole year since we hit the milestone of 100 members (it definitely feels surreal that it has been a year since the community of our inner circle was built)! Even though currently we are not expanding our circle, we do have a few announcements and offerings for the larger mental health professional community to celebrate this milestone. From henceforth, I am waiving the financial charges for all my services towards mental health professionals. This means I shall not be charging a monetary fee for my case supervision, mentorship, live workshops, and live courses from the mental health professional community. A few products like journals, worksheets, and pre-recorded courses are in the pipeline, and they will be available at a moderate financial fee. The fundamental reason behind this decision is that I acknowledge how money is just one of the primary resources; the others being time, health, energy, and effort, which the reception of services require immediately, while products can be consumed at the consumer's own leisure. This is one small token of gratitude from us and our little effort at making a difference... 😇 P.S: More announcements coming soon P.P.S: This might make me seem like I am biased towards the community of mental health professionals... well, I am, and I am not ashamed to admit it... After all, taking care of the mental health professionals is essential for ensuring quality mental health care for all😁