“Hey Kurtan,” goes the line that broke me, in the first episode of This Country’s third and final series. “If you’re reading this letter, I’m probably six feet deep. Not with a chick this time, LOL, just in the parish cemetery.”
Tragedy, poetry, vulgarity, all in 22 words. How I will miss This Country. The mockumentary about two imaginatively bored cousins in the Cotswolds is simply my favourite thing: its acute observations, ludicrous snatches of overheard chatter and elegant knotting of the lyrical and the outrageous – “The last Thursday of every month I used to play pool with Fred West. I know he done some iffy things but as a builder he was top notch.”
I’ve watched the first two series about 14 times – scuttling off to their shithole village feels more comforting than getting on a train to my own.
Among the hysterics, the Baftas, the meteoric launch of their comedy careers, what Daisy May and Charlie Cooper (both in their early thirties) have achieved most remarkably is not so much their snapshot of life in the crap countryside as the case their sitcom makes for British youth.
We never find out the ages of Kerry and Kurtan Mucklowe – but “school” is in the distant past, they have endless hours to monitor the decomposition of nearby roadkill, and Kurtan flirts briefly with a course at Swindon College. Mostly, they waver in the hinterland between a childhood long over but an adulthood which offers them no place.
So it feels completely natural when Kerry punches Kurtan in the head during a fight about an itbox, or when Kurtan starts crying because he wants to eat his pizza from the inside out.
And just as natural when maturity furtively beckons – Kurtan’s fated job at the bowls club, the loss of which left him bereft; Kerry’s farcical attempts to become a tycoon by flogging Eternal Vitality juices door-to-door.
Young friendship is a rich seam for brilliant comedy – look at The Inbetweeners, Derry Girls or Girls. But, perhaps a virtue of being written by siblings, This Country’s bonds are most intimate and realistic.
Kerry and Kurtan chuck around vicious profanity and sabotage each other for petty revenge – “I’m a very vindictive person,” says Kurtan in Monday’s opener, “it is what makes me, me” – but they know each other, deep in their bones.
On Kurtan’s birthday, he always buys Kerry a present “otherwise she’ll just get jealous and sulk and it just ruins the day”; and he’s constantly desperate to protect her from her lowlife father Martin.
For her part, Kerry chuckles to herself about Kurtan’s nerdy obsessions – Emmerdale production gaffs, the Cadbury’s Fuse bar – but also frets about his insecurities when he heads off to work on a construction site. “If they start taking the piss out of his nan or his birthmark, his soul’s just going to crumble to dust.”
This Country, and the gentle consideration between its two leads, offers the most tender depiction of love on TV. It pleas for us to see the kindness and good intentions in even the most outwardly disaffected young people.
The Coopers’ other great gift to the young is that, intentional or not, they have immortalised a moment in time. This Country uniquely pushes and pulls between a specific nostalgia – The Queen’s Nose, Tony from Hollyoaks, Newquay 2007 – and banal conversational references – the Hairy Bikers cookbook, Compare the Meerkats’ Baby Oleg, vaping, TK Maxx – that go unacknowledged elsewhere.
It might only have lasted three years, but This Country will be treasured as the best British comedy about the Coopers’ generation long after our own youth is forgotten.
This Country returns on Monday, BBC3, 7pm and BBC1, 10.35pm