




I'm a booze expert and here's how I cut down from 90 alcohol units a week

Thirty per cent of men in the UK drink more than the NHS recommended amount - Dr Richard Piper, who was once psychologically dependent on alcohol, shares his advice on how to drink less

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Dr Richard Piper is CEO of Alcohol Change (Photo: supplied)
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Dr Richard Piper, chief executive of Alcohol Change UK, used to be psychologically dependent on booze. His week could be divided into the days he didn’t drink (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and the days he did (the rest.) Like many people in the UK, Piper didn’t think this much of a problem.

The NHS recommends no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, the equivalent of six pints of lager, but Piper, like 30 per cent of men in the UK, was regularly drinking more than this. If he were being honest, his weekly units were probably more like 90.

“If I was watching the football, I would go to grab a beer from the fridge without even realising,” he says. “Psychological dependency is very common. If you hate the thought of cutting back on your drinking, you are probably dependent.”

According to a 2021 government report, alcohol was still the leading cause of ill health, disability, and death for those aged 15 to 49 years.

It took years for Piper, 51, to finally question his relationship with beer. “When I got the job at Alcohol Change [in 2017], my daughter said, do they know about you?” he says. “That was a tough moment.”

Today, Piper classes himself as an occasional drinker. “I’ve moved away from a weekly plan. I’ll drink when there’s a special occasion, and I actually want to, not just because it’s a wedding or a holiday,” he says. “Going completely sober feels very intimidating and probably feels too much like a loss for a lot of people but it’s possible to find a middle ground.”

Here Piper shares his steps for reducing drinking in the week, and combating psychological dependence.

First, decide why you want to cut back

Vague motivations won’t cut it when it comes to reducing your intake. “If you just vaguely tell yourself you want to cut back a bit, but you haven’t really got the ‘why’ consciously in the front of your mind, you’re going to find it an awful lot harder,” Piper says.

“Most people want to cut down. They probably want to feel a bit better, and a bit healthier, but they don’t want to give up completely,” says Piper. “It’s about having a clear understanding of how much you drink, then having an acceptance of what it is you’re doing about it and why. That will provide ongoing motivation.”

For Piper, his motivation was living to see his grandchildren. “That was a really powerful objective. It meant that I had that image clear and upfront in my head when I had wobbles. I think it’s really difficult to get anywhere without that.”

Then, be honest with yourself

We all have our own personal stories about why we don’t, or can’t, cut down. Write down what they are. “A good exercise is to ask yourself, what are the things that I’ve been telling myself that have stopped me changing?” says Piper. “That could be that I need drinking to socialise or I’m always tired even if I’m not drinking, so I may as well.”

These stories are how the brain maintains its status quo. “People think the status quo requires no hard work. It requires a lot of hard work,” warns Piper. “We have to continually reinforce our current state. We almost certainly do that by telling ourselves stories or ideas or things.

“If you write these thoughts down, some of them might be true, but a lot of them won’t have evidence to back them up.” In this way, they lose their power.

Learn about cravings

Piper discovered he craved beer while watching football. “I literally found myself with beer in my hand at one point. I didn’t even realise I went to get one from the fridge, which is scary,” he says.

This is why setting unit limits during the week or sticking to a strict timetable usually doesn’t work. “Say you have randomly got a craving on a Tuesday night and you start to negotiate with yourself. Can I swap Tuesday for Friday? You end up with a battle about what you should do,” says Piper.

Instead of battling internally, Piper advises taking a step back. “Try to look at yourself and look at that battle and say: I’ve just got a craving,” he says. “When this happens I tell myself, ‘I’m not a dog’. I don’t have to smell something and go over and sniff it. The craving usually passes in about 10 minutes. I don’t have to act on it.”

Once the craving has passed, become curious about the triggers. “Could it be that you always associate cooking with drinking wine? What is going on in your subconscious? The real battle here is putting your conscious brain back in charge because currently, your subconscious brain is ruling.”

Finally, experiment with a routine that works for you

Not everyone can limit their drinking with days in the week. “People often set a desired pattern, say, a limit of 10 units a week, with no drinking on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. But if they can’t deliver on that pattern, they give up. They then believe they can’t do it. Most people won’t know what will work for them upfront.”

But maybe the real problem is the pattern. “It’s not you that’s on probation,” says Piper. “Change the pattern. Try something else. So many people obsess about weekly patterns but what if it was just drinking one drink a day? Or having a few weeks on and a few weeks off?”

For some drinkers, it is easier to drink for two weeks and then completely stop drinking for another two. “They may have had something like 80 units in those ‘on’ weeks, which is really high, but the second time that ‘booze time’ comes around, they might not feel like going for it that much,” he says. “Weeks off at a time can really help.”

