




I'm secretly taking steroids - everyone in your gym is probably on them

Experts are warning that steroid use is becoming more widespread among Gen Zers, with unknown health effects. Here, one woman tells how she began taking them 

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Sterorids are more commonplace than we think, says the people on them (Photo: Mike Harrington/Getty Images)
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It was a Tuesday morning a couple of years ago when I took my first anabolic steroid. I remember it clearly because taking this one small pill had taken months of thought and planning. Do I, a 20-year-old woman, really need this?

Before this, steroids had seemed like something that only men would take. They were reserved for the oiled up, tanned bodybuilders on TV or competing in muscleman contests. They were a last resort, an extreme that only few people took the risk for.

That was until I entered a gym. I discovered that it wasn’t a small minority that relied on injections and pills to build muscle mass, it was the majority. I got properly into exercise in 2021, and was soon enjoying working out with weights. Heavy dumbbells, loud grunts, and the sound of clashing metal plates were the norm. So too was the chat of “gear” and “pinning”.

It took me a while to understand the slang. “Gear”, I realised, related to the testosterone injections and anavar pills people were taking to aid their physique. Within months, I was aware just how common the different liquids and medications were that people were taking.

I swore I’d never take them. I knew that female steroid use carries risks of facial hair growth, deepening voice, loss of breast, swelling of the clitoris. In fact, it was hard not to judge the women I met who took steroids – did they just not care about their femininity, or their health or fertility? Were they really throwing it away for bigger back muscles or more defined leg lines? It seemed absurd.

My mindset changed when I decided to pursue fitness in a competitive way, and signed up to a bodybuilding show. I was already heavily into weights and working out – for years, I’d been to the gym once or twice a day, sometimes until midnight to fit my sessions in.

I knew in these shows I’d be up against people working out at the same level, and were taking supplements, too.

Steroid use can be illegal (if for example the user is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code through a sport such as British Weightlifting) and selling them certainly is. With their use becoming more widespread, regulators such as UK Anti-Doping monitor their use carefully, flag the circumstances that can lead to prosecution, and highlight the dangers of taking them.

There are natural bodybuilding shows, but most of them are not tested and competitors are free to use steroids as they please. That’s what led me here. That day, and for the eight weeks that followed, I took one small tablet of Anavar, a medication that promotes weight gain.

I’m definitely not alone. Hundreds of women I speak to in the gym and online use the same substance for muscle gain, or others like clenbuterol (originally used for asthma patients) to aid in fat loss. Lauren, 27, from Staffordshire, is one of them and started using steroids two years ago when she was in prep for a bodybuilding show. She’d been weight training for three years prior, and was always cautious to try anything but she quickly realised it was “rare for athletes to be natural”. To be competitive in the federation she wanted to go in, she needed assistance.

She took the advice of her coach at the time, but the worry set in very quickly. “I have general anxiety as a person and felt like I was getting palpitations and kidney pain but all my bloods and scans were normal. It was just me overreacting and looking for an excuse to stop,” she says. Her voice has become deeper and more strained in the 24 months she’s been cycling steroids, and she still worries for future health implications, but the sport is important to her and she aims to be highly competitive.

The appeal is simple to grasp. A 2018 study revealed that users on steroids ended up with 52 percent greater strength gains than natural athletes. But health experts are concerned at the increasingly younger demographic turning to harmful substances for aesthetic reasons. The World Anti-Doping Agency started a campaign called #NaturalIsEnough aimed at Gen Z-ers who have been using steroids. The group is particularly concerned about the exposure to steroids online.

Their report stated that “regularly taking anabolic steroids can lead to physical and psychological changes, as well as potentially dangerous medical conditions”. Per year, there are roughly five million doses of anabolic steroids seized at the borders, and Jon Findlay, a national harm reduction lead for the charity Humankind, recently said “the average steroid user is now younger – in their twenties or even teens – and more naive”.

Fortunately, for me the side effects were minimal as my dose was small – but it was clear my body had changed and I was holding much more muscle in my upper body. For others, the side-effects can be worrying.

Janie, now 35, experimented with a list of substances last year to aid her in the build up to her second bodybuilding season, including steroids and unnatural fat loss aids, and thyroid medication usually given to patients suffering from hypothyroidism. “My thyroid ended up being all messed up and the GP said I had a clicky pulmonary valve [in my heart] which was scary.”

Her heart scans eventually came back normal, and the doctor advised that coming off the thyroid medication cold turkey would have affected the initial results. “I felt more unwell than I ever usually do,” she said.

