




Andrew Bailey has 'lost control of inflation', says former Bank of England rate setter

Andrew Sentence was a member of the Bank's monetary policy committee for seven years, until October 2018

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In a Q&A with i readers, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey said lenders’ failures to pass on rising rates to savers “raised a question about fairness”
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A former Bank of England rate setter has openly criticised Governor Andrew Bailey and his team, saying the institution has “lost control of inflation”.

Andrew Sentance, a member of the monetary policy committee (MPC) at the Bank of England that sets the official rate of interest for five years until May 2011, wrote a series of messages on Twitter expressing his belief that Mr Bailey was “ineffective” and other members of the Bank were “not up to the job.”

The former senior economic adviser at PwC, dubbed “Britain’s most prominent rate hawk”, is one of the first to be openly critical of Mr Bailey.

He previously said he disapproved of the Bank of England generally for not increasing rates quick enough, saying the Bank was becoming “too timid” and susceptible to “group think”.

The outburst was provoked by data published on Tuesday morning which showed that pay growth in the private sector had increased – from 7.6 to 7.7 per cent – when it had been hoped it might slow.

Responding to the news, he tweeted: “This rate of pay increase is about 5 percentage points above the level compatible with 2 per cent inflation.”

He later added that this data suggested there was “no chance of hitting 2 per cent inflation target in the next two years or more”.

Mr Sentance also responded to a news report about a dinner at Mansion House on Monday night, during which Mr Bailey said his “pre-occupation at the moment is inflation” and highlighted the impact of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine on price rises.

“More excuses from Governor Bailey” he wrote. “The Bank of England can only control inflation if it honestly acknowledges its origins – lax monetary/fiscal policy.”

Responding to a tweet about the likelihood of a 0.5 percentage point increase to the base rate next month – a possibility that strengthened, in the view of the markets, after the publication of the pay data – Mr Sentance added: “The cost of earlier inaction and confused messaging from the Bank of England. Governor Bailey has been ineffective and his whole MPC team and support staff are not up to the job.”

A senior Tory also voiced concern about the bank’s performance, following the pay data.

John Baron, a Conservative member of the Commons Treasury Committee, told i: “Central banks generally lack credibility, and their economic modelling is shot. Root and branch reform is needed.”

Mr Sentance, a former director of economics at the Confederation of British Industry, was also critical of Mr Bailey’s predecessor, Mark Carney, arguing he too was too timid and accusing him of groupthink.

“I don’t think Mark Carney has been a very good governor,” he told The Times in 2018, when Mr Carney was still in his role at the Bank.

He said he feared the Bank had been too close to the Treasury and “a combination of things have happened… that have weakened the standing and credibility of the Bank.”

Last month, Mr Sentance told i: “I think the Bank needs to recognise that their job is not to be popular – their job is to keep a lid on inflation. In a sense they’ve spent too much time trying to do [the] generalised right thing and not paying attention to the risks of inflation and that’s come home to roost.”

