




'I'm an Isa millionaire - here's how I did it'

There are currently 4,070 'Isa millionaires' as of 2021, compared to 1,480 in the 2019-20 tax year

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The average age of an Isa millionaire is about 73, and they are more likely to be male (Photo: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)
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Mark Kent*, 75, typically spends the first two hours of his day in the same way: looking at the markets, checking his investments and hunting for stock tips.

Over the past three decades, Kent has followed a few simple investing rules. He only invests in companies he understands, and has been saving the maximum allowance of £20,000 into his stocks and shares Isa every year.

Following his routine – and a few “lucky” deals – has put Kent in good stead. In fact, it has made him an Isa millionaire.

“You have to follow the market and notice what is being talked about,” said Kent, who has about £1.3m saved in his Isa.

“And if you don’t understand what a company does, don’t invest in it. For instance, I never got involved in the bubble of the early noughties because I had no knowledge of technology whatsoever, so didn’t invest in it.”

Kent first began investing in the 90s, but it has become a hobby since he retired at age 61.

Outside a few “bad years”, such as in the financial crash and this year, when inflation and high interest rates have spooked stock markets, he has managed double-figure returns most years.

To find his stock picks, Kent checks brokers’ recommendations, comparing the current share price to what the brokers suggest it might be in the future. If he likes the look of a company, he will check the company results, making sure that it is making a profit after tax and that the dividend is covered.

He also checks the record of the company directors that are making large investments – usually £1m plus – to see if any of those stocks take his fancy. Again, he will then do his own research on the shares before buying.

“You have to do your own research,” said Kent. “Every broker’s predicted price isn’t a recommendation, you have to have a look yourself. At the end of the day it’s my hobby, and it’s keeping my brain active.”

Kent is not alone in having more than a million stashed away in his Isa. There are 4,070 “Isa millionaires” as of 2021, compared to 1,480 in the 2019-20 tax year. In 2015, there were just 450.

Who are the Isa millionaires, where are they invested and how do they invest?

The average age of an Isa millionaire (across the three investment platforms Hargreaves Lansdown, AJ Bell and interactive investor) is about 73, and they are more likely to be male.

According to interactive investor, the Isa millionaires that use its investment platform tend to opt for investment trusts – investment companies that are bought and sold on the stock market like shares – over other investment products.

Trusts account for about 42.5 per cent of the average Isa millionaire account, compared to 24.2 per cent of all Isa accounts. They beat equities (39.9 per cent) and funds (8.2 per cent).

“Trusts appear to be the secret sauce,” said Myron Jobson from interactive investor. “They tend to have outperformed funds in the long-term, although this is no guarantee for the future.”

The most common investment in Isa millionaire’s portfolios is the energy company Shell. Other common holdings include financial companies – such as Lloyds Banking Group, Legal & General and Aviva – alongside BP, National Grid, Rio Tinto and Diageo.

Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust, the largest investment trust in the UK run by Baillie Gifford, also appears in the most common investments.

Kent has two investment trusts in his portfolio: City of London, a UK equities-based trust, and Merchants Trust. His largest individual shares holding is Entain, an online gambling company, and its share price has increased by 67 per cent since he bought it in 2011.

His best win was a company called Argo Blockchain, a blockchain miner. He bought it at 3.8p per share, sold some stock at £1, some at £2 and the rest on the way down, at about £1.80.

“I’ve been investing since 1990 and that’s the only deal I’ve done like that,” said Kent. “You don’t get lucky like that very often.”

How to become an Isa millionaire

Unfortunately, there is no magic secret to becoming an Isa millionaire. It takes time, persistence and a little bit of luck.

“Long-term wealth creation is about discipline and process. Time in the market – not timing the market – is the name of the game, and utilising government tax wrappers like Isas is a great rule of thumb,” said Jobson.

As a tax-wrapper, an Isa is protected from tax: you do not pay capital gains tax when your investment grows, or dividend tax on any income you earn from shareholder payouts.

You can pay in up to £20,000 a year (split across Isa types). For instance, you could pay in £10,000 into a cash Isa and £10,000 into a stocks and shares Isa.

“There are basically three magic ingredients to becoming an Isa millionaire. The first is to fund your Isa with as much as you can, up to the annual limit,” said Laura Suter from the investment platform AJ Bell.

“The second is to take some risk by investing in the stock market because if you opt for safer assets, they will generally produce lower long-term returns. The third is to start as early as possible.”

However, you do have to rely on a little luck when it comes to returns. Someone who put the full allowance in their Isa each year (since their launch in 1999) and earned a steady 5 per cent return each year would have built up a pot of just over £500,000 – not even close to the £1m mark.

It would take about 27 years, with 4 per cent growth a year, to become an Isa millionaire if you put your £20,000 allowance in each year.

Suter said: “It’s interesting to work out what you would need to become an Isa millionaire, but don’t get too fixated on this mark.

“You will need some patience and perseverance to make it into the Isa millionaire club. It’s better to focus on steady investment that will grow your wealth over time, rather than putting all your money in higher-risk investments that could drop significantly, or give you a hair-raising ride on the way.”

* – not his real name

