My grandfather died when I was 17 and he left me £15K. He had been a keen saver and investor and I felt thrilled to be bestowed such an amount at a young age. The inheritance was safe in an Isa for a few years, so when at aged 21 I landed myself a P.A.Y.E. job as a newspaper fashion journalist, my mother – wisely – suggested I buy a flat. Back in the late 90s, that £15K equated to a deposit on a two-bed flat in south London.
I naively thought my mum’s advice was… boring. I had no sense of urgency to “settle down” – not grasping that I would have paid less in a mortgage than my rent. I shudder when I remember how the piece of paper my mortgage in principle from Halifax was printed on, was lost on my bedroom floor under a pile of clothes, CDs and detritus of my hedonistic lifestyle.
When property prices skyrocketed soon afterwards, and I simultaneously went freelance, I was priced out of the market, so instead I bought a car, took some holidays, and hopped from one rental home to another. The inheritance dwindled.
My grandfather would not have approved. Neither did my mother, who has always urged me to be frugal and prudent. I’m not sure why it’s taken me to the grand old age of 46 to grasp her message. Save money? Live within my means? Oh, quite useful advice!
In 2016, my husband Tom and I finally bought a four-bedroom house in Somerset, for us and our three kids, two cats and one dog. Both creatives, we’ve never been strict about finances, spending as much as we’ve earnt, always, and now, we’re feeling the pinch.
We have no savings or emergency fund for rainy days. We live month to month, the cost of living crisis hitting hard on our bank account. With mortgage payments at £1.7K a month, plus a blackhole of outgoings, I’m wishing we lived by simpler means.
It feels hard not to spend. Just nipping to my cornershop to buy bits for dinner, often adds up to £27. Apparently if you spend £27 a day every day for a year it adds up to £10,000. Wow, that’s a lot of “just nipping to the shops” I now question.
Subscriptions suck our money out, too: we are – lavishly – signed up to all the streaming services, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney, Apple, Now TV. Seems OTT, seeing as my kids love YouTube the most.
Then there’s the D word. I have a small amount of debt. That Monzo Flex credit card I got – so easily! – which I can’t seem to nudge below £3K. Or the fact that I’m behind on British Gas bills because I resent paying £500 a month in winter to heat our large home. I have some friends who don’t turn the heating on – at all – in winter, leaving their large old house icy cold, aside from a roaring fire in the lounge and an Aga warming the kitchen.
Maybe I need to start making prudent decisions like that, too. Last week, a pension advisor asked me, “Do you really want to be living month-to-month in 20 years, when you’re 66?” Answer: No, I don’t. Truthfully: I’m exhausted by this ever-present messy money pit. I want to be on top of things! I need a money makeover.
Suddenly I’m fascinated by people who invest, save and are frugal. I’m swotting up on the behaviour of friends like an anthropological study. My social media scrolls are pausing more at cool women like @Herfirst100K @FemaleInvest @MyFrugalYear who share tips on frugality, saving money and investing.
These women aim to empower females through financial literacy, and dispel the dumbing down of female and finances, including a damaging #GirlMath TikTok trend. I’ve become fascinated with the concept of not spending my money, but growing it! Growing money sounds nothing short of magical. I feel like I’m having a financial epiphany!
Last week, the road to the new me started with the empowering act to give back my fancy Fiat Abarth – a second car, I’d had on loan, that in honesty, I didn’t ‘need.’ This instantly saved me £257 a month (plus insurance and petrol), but also rewarded me with £3K back, as the Abarth went up in value. This feels like a good start.
This week, I decided to audit our black hole of a joint account. A murky, messy, money deficit. I discovered that Tom and I have been paying for two Amazon Prime accounts, plus two Audible accounts. None of which we actually need. It gave me great pride to delete the subscriptions, saving a few hundred pounds in one click! At the same time, I’ve decided to toughen up, and I’ve started saying “no” more to my kids when they beg me for treats. While we’re turning to bigger shops in Lidl, as opposed for daily trips to Budgens.
Small starts, yes, but the difference is that suddenly, I feel awake. I am taking control. Despite my adulthood having a shaky financial start, there’s plenty of time to catch up. Today is the first day of the rest of my financially literate life. Maybe, it’s not too late to learn from my grandfather, after all.
Six ways to become financially literate and save money
By Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen co-founder of Female Invest
Prioritise debt repayment Identify high-interest debts and prioritise their repayment; explore debt consolidation options to reduce interest rates
Create a budget Start by listing all sources of income and categorise monthly expenses. Allocate a specific amount for each category to ensure you’re living within your means.
Regularly review and adjust the budget as circumstances change.
Start building a F**K You Fund Establish an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or car repairs. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses. Start small if necessary; even saving a small amount regularly can build up over time.
Negotiate bills and expenses Contact your service providers. Enquire about potential discounts, loyalty rewards, or promotional offers that can reduce your monthly expenses. Regularly reassess your insurance coverage. Negotiating lower bills can free up additional funds for savings or debt repayment.
Educate yourself Understanding the basics of budgeting, investing, and credit can empower you to make informed financial decisions. Take advantage of online resources, workshops, or community classes to enhance your financial literacy.
Begin investing Once you’ve build a F**K You Fund and created a budget, it’s time to plan for the future: start by researching a platform with low fees and good user-friendliness. Deposit money and make your first investment. You can get started for as little as £50, and funds are a good place to start.
I'm a cafe owner - this is why the £5 coffee is inevitable