




‘I was sent to psychiatric hospital, but I needed HRT’: Menopausal women are being misdiagnosed

The women behind the Menopause Mandate campaign, including Carol Vorderman and Mariella Frostrup, are sharing stories of medical mismanagement - and recounting their own experiences

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Carol Vorderman, Carolyn Harris MP and Mariella Frostrup are among women sharing their personal experiences for the Menopause Mandate campaign
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Menopause Mandate was founded last summer to campaign for mandatory menopause education in medical schools, more accurate information about and prescribing of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and affordable HRT access for all.

Here, some of Menopause Mandate’s patrons and supporters tell their own stories of navigating ignorance and misdiagnosis in the health system.

Carol Vorderman (Photo: Anthony Harvey/Getty)
(Photo: Anthony Harvey/Getty)

Carol Vorderman

“We had a female monarch and have a female Prime Minister – we shouldn’t have to beg for menopause support

Every cell in my body is filled with confidence, and there’s no challenge I won’t try and tackle. But when menopause hit, it floored me.

Without realising, I started to have symptoms. As I headed further into my fifties, I began to get anxious about things. When I had to go to London for work, I’d worry about how to get there; would I take the train, would I drive, would I book a driver…? Then I’d worry about timings. I knew that it was all in my head and that it wasn’t logical, but on a couple of occasions, I felt that I really couldn’t cope.

It’s important to stress that there was no other issue in my life; I didn’t have financial problems and the kids were happy. Everything was amazing, and yet there was all this stuff in my head. And there was no literature about menopause at the time, so I thought to myself – because that’s how I’d been programmed to think – oh, I’m just at that age, that’s what happens to women. Next stop dementia.

In 2014, suddenly, having never been depressed, I started to feel very low. This went on for months and was like being in a very bleak, dark hole, with a constant sense that nothing mattered. I bought a book about depression, but I didn’t want antidepressants and somehow, deep inside, I knew that it wasn’t clinical depression.

The one piece of advice I’d give to women is to keep a record of your periods. That’s what I did, and when I looked back, I could see that I’d been living in this blackness for about nine months, but for two weeks of every month it got even worse. There was never time to recover completely, and I realised that it must be hormone-linked.

I had a look online for doctors and a Professor John Studd came up. When I saw him, he just went: “Yeah, I know what this is, it’s hormonal depression.” He did blood tests, although he didn’t need to, and he gave me oestrogen gel, progesterone and testosterone. Literally within 48 hours, that dark feeling lifted completely and has never returned.

The anger I feel about how women’s health is treated in this country makes me want to attack like a tiger. I don’t want my daughter to have to put up with this rubbish. For two days this year (and for many years in the recent past) we had a female Monarch and a female Prime Minister. Why should we still have to beg for menopause support as though it’s doing us a favour?

Mariella Frostrup is campaigning for better menopause care and education (Photo: Getty/Jeff Spicer)
Mariella Frostrup is campaigning for better menopause care and education (Photo: Getty/Jeff Spicer)

Mariella Frostrup

“For two years I was desperately miserable and didn’t know why

My menopause – in retrospect – was almost without event. I didn’t have 30 hot flushes a day or migraines that crippled me for days out of every month. So, I am aware that – in the scheme of things – I had an easy time.

However, for two years, I was desperately miserable, stressed to my back teeth and barely able to sleep. And for that entire time, I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I wondered whether I was developing early-onset dementia, whether I might just be going a little bit mad, and whether, perhaps, this is what ageing was going to be like. I wasn’t happy about that prospect at all.

And with the symptoms comes the self-loathing. Nobody chooses to feel irrational anger, and I still remember that rage when I get home and the dishwasher isn’t emptied in spite of there being three other sentient beings in the house, all watching telly (though when it comes to dishwashers, it’s entirely justified). My daughter swears that I once threw a book at her in a fit of temper. But I mostly remember that constant feeling of not being right, of not being myself and genuinely having no idea why.

Eventually, in my late forties, I sought help from a GP, who offered me antidepressants. A second GP suggested that I might be coming up to menopause, but then decided that I was postmenopausal. Finally, I saw an expert, and she firmly pinpointed perimenopause and prescribed HRT – oestrogen gel, micronised progesterone and – a little later – testosterone. That was nine years ago, and I feel I have been incredibly fortunate to have stumbled on the right care.

But that makes me all the more determined that women and healthcare professionals are educated to recognise the symptoms of perimenopause, and that the tools – HRT, CBT, lifestyle advice, whatever is necessary – are available to all.

Carolyn Harris MP (Photo: Parliament official portrait)
(Photo: Parliament official portrait)

Carolyn Harris MP

“I campaigned about the menopause, but I was so naive about my own symptoms

When the annual World Menopause Day debate came round each October, I would dutifully add my name to the list of speakers and talk about the devastating impact the menopause was having on other women’s health, wellbeing, relationships, and lifestyles. I felt so fortunate that I was one of the lucky ones who had “sailed through” my menopause, that it was important that I spoke up for all those that were suffering.

And then somewhere along the journey of speaking up for others I started to look at the list of symptoms that women were beginning to share with me and something clicked.

There was my self-diagnosed nervous breakdown in my early fifties which had led to me being on antidepressants for more than 10 years. There was the extreme fatigue that I had put down to the long hours, working weekends and travelling between home and Westminster every week. There were the aching bones and joints that I thought would get better when I found time to exercise more frequently. And there were the headaches that I explained away as a result of being a bit stressed or not getting enough fresh air.

I wasn’t depressed, or overtired, or any of the other countless things I had diagnosed myself as – and clearly, I hadn’t “sailed through” my menopause either!

Without a doubt, taking myself off to get a prescription for HRT was one of the best decisions I ever made. I hadn’t actually realised how much of Carolyn was missing until I found her again. HRT isn’t the answer for everybody – there is no one-size-fits-all solution for menopause. But it works for me.

And having realised how naïve I was about what was happening to me, and how with the right help I have seen such an improvement in my own wellbeing – I am now more determined than ever to ensure that everybody who needs it has fair and equal access to support and treatment right across the UK.

Personal Trainer Lavina Mehta last year with her MBE for Services to Health & Fitness in Covid at Windsor Castle(Photo: Andrew Matthews/ WPA/Getty)
Personal trainer Lavina Mehta last year with her MBE for Services to Health & Fitness in Covid at Windsor Castle (Photo: Andrew Matthews/ WPA/Getty)

Lavina Mehta, personal trainer

“There’s no word for perimenopause in Gujarati

I think that I started to be symptomatic when I turned 40. My once regular as clockwork periods went haywire, but I was told I was too young for it to be menopause. Then I had Covid very badly in July 2020. After that, I think that I mixed up the symptoms of perimenopause and Long Covid. I was experiencing anxiety, disrupted sleep and brain fog – to the extent that I worried about Alzheimer’s, especially as my late grandmother had it.

My lightbulb moment was watching Davina McCall’s Sex, Mind and the Menopause documentary, when I was 44. In the first few minutes I burst into tears. My husband and my son came to see whether I was OK, and I said to them both: “Just sit with me.” They watched the whole thing holding my hand and the next day I went on Instagram – very emotional, in tears, no make-up, wanting to share and say to women in my community – this is what’s happening.

I had a huge response. Thousands of my followers are South Asian women like myself, and there is so much that’s not discussed in our community; pregnancy, sex, periods, mental health and, of course, menopause. My mother says that in her day you just got on with it (this seems to be what most mothers say, whatever their ethnicity)!

Everything happens behind closed doors, and nobody wants to put themselves out there. Many women have sent me private messages about feeling at rock bottom. Generally, women’s things are seen as a bit taboo, but we urgently need to be aware of the possible symptoms.

There’s no word for perimenopause in Gujarati. If you don’t have a word for your symptoms, how can you possibly justify spending money on solving them? It excludes thousands of women from asking for HRT or even seeking medical advice.

Michelle Griffith Robinson Oly (Photo: Jenny Smith)
Michelle Griffith Robinson Oly (Photo: Jenny Smith)

Michelle Griffith Robinson Oly, former Team GB triple jump Olympian

“My kids call my outbursts ‘peri-meni moments’ – and it’s great

We talk about menopause in my house. My kids are 19, 15 and eight – and they’re aware of it and the work I’m doing around the subject. They call any outbursts my “peri-meni moments”. It’s great.

I’m still having 28-day cycles, but I’m certainly perimenopausal, and at the moment the biggest symptom is brain fog. Yesterday, I couldn’t remember my bloody name! I’ve got my HRT, but even so, it was one of those days. And I was bone tired, which makes my brain worse. Menopause is such a moving target when it comes to symptoms. About three or four years ago it was lack of libido that was the problem, but that’s returned.

I aim to be the best version of myself. It’s about empowering other black women to do the same. I know that I’m on my game when I’m doing the right things lifestyle-wise and that applies to all of us. You don’t have to do a long workout, you can just put on your music and blare it out. It’s about making better choices generally and making sure you put aside a bit of time for yourself every day.

There has historically been an appalling lack of diversity in the menopause conversation. Black women have not always been treated fairly when it comes to health, childbirth and, of course, menopause. There need to be voices and perspectives from all communities and ethnicities.

Patrons and supporters of Menopause Mandate, including Mariella Frostrup, Carolyn Harris MP, Penny Lancaster and Davina McCall, demonstrating outside Parliament last year against prescription charges for HRT (Photo: Steve Parsons/PA)
Patrons and supporters of Menopause Mandate, including Mariella Frostrup, Carolyn Harris MP, Penny Lancaster and Davina McCall, demonstrating outside Parliament last year against prescription charges for HRT (Photo: Steve Parsons/PA)

Menopause misdiagnosis

“I was sent to a cardiologist but it was menopause”

I went to the doctor with anxiety, breathlessness, tightening of my chest and an overwhelming feeling of imminent doom. I just felt terrible and in a constant state of panic. I saw a female doctor, who you would think should have been able to help me, but all she said she could do was to have me checked out with regards to my family history of heart disease.

I was then sent to a heart consultant and ended up having an angiogram which was, of course, fine. It was watching Loose Women on telly that told me all my symptoms could be connected with the menopause and I went privately to ask for HRT. It was as though my doctor hadn’t ever heard of the menopause and at the time I had no idea panic attacks could be caused by falling hormones.

“I ended up in psychiatric hospital

Where to begin? Almost four years ago I was taken off the combined pill at 56. Within weeks, menopausal symptoms started, with insomnia, low mood and my hair coming out. Things escalated quickly, and I made several visits to the GP asking for HRT. I knew, after 40-odd years on the pill, I needed my hormones back. I was given sleeping pills and antidepressants, but nothing helped.

In three months, I lost more than three stone in weight and was so weak I couldn’t walk. I made four visits to A&E and saw a private neurologist as I was convinced that I had dementia or cancer. By the end of the third month I couldn’t sleep, eat or drink. I started to hallucinate from lack of food and from medication and I made an attempt to end my life. I was put in a psychiatric hospital for four months, which was worse than any horror film I’ve seen. I begged for HRT again but was given different medication.

That year I tried to take my life two more times. It took me another two years of fighting to obtain HRT last June and it was by chance, as a new locum started at the surgery. He was a young man who had done training in menopause. He prescribed it and I’ve not looked back since. I wish someone could help my story be heard. I don’t want this for my daughters and granddaughters.

I thought I had Alzheimer’s

Last year was a massive turning point. I found myself researching symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. I was terrified and convinced that I had early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease because my memory had been getting worse by the week. I couldn’t focus on anything. I couldn’t even read a book – I would read the same page over and over without it registering.

My work was suffering, and I’d sit looking at a screen wondering what I was supposed to be doing. I ended up going off sick for two months and was seriously considering giving up a job I loved because I felt completely useless. I was supposed to be supporting people with mental health issues. How could I do that when I couldn’t even remember their names half the time?

One day I was pulling onto a big roundabout and had complete brain fog. I couldn’t remember the rules of the road for what felt like a minute but was probably only a few seconds. I’d been researching menopause and after this I made an urgent appointment at my GP surgery. I had been speaking to a colleague in work who was going through the same thing, and just talking to her made my mind up. I realised that what I was going through was not just me going mad, I felt validated.

The following week I started on HRT and over the next month I began to feel better than I had in five years. It’s left me so angry, but also determined to ensure that all women and girls are made aware of all the different symptoms of menopause and are brave enough to demand to be taken seriously. I honestly believe that if I didn’t have such a good support network around me, my kids might have been left without a mother.

If a man’s private parts burned would he be told to go for a run?

I am a breast cancer survivor of seven years. I was thrown into surgical menopause at 40 and basically left to get on with it, which I did for five years as best I could. The last two years have been horrendous. My symptoms are vaginal dryness with burning sensations, a painful bladder, aching bones and joints, broken and restless sleep, anxiety, tearfulness, flushes, horrendous IBS symptoms, headaches, dry skin and dizziness.

My male GP told me that menopause lasts for four years and I should go for a run. I’ve swapped practices but there’s no continuity of care and I am floundering as to what I should do. Not only do I have to survive breast cancer, I’ve also got to survive the menopause. I’ve waited 15 months to see a menopause oncology team.

I wonder if a man’s private parts burned, they’d be told to go for a run?

I had no idea what was happening

I honestly didn’t know what was happening to me. I’m now 51 and when my symptoms started at 45 I thought that the grief of losing my brother was to blame. I was rushed to the hospital with a racing heart and told it was a panic attack. I was referred three times to the GP and a heart specialist, and everything was found to be normal. I carried on while suffering with terrible anxiety.

Although I was referred to counsellors, at no point did anyone say that this might be perimenopause. It was only when I spoke to a friend who was on HRT that I realised it could be my hormones. Now I’m on HRT and most of my symptoms have gone.

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It’s Beyond a Joke: Menopause Mandate is a collection of women’s stories of menopause published by Harmsworth Media, the publisher of i

