As a younger woman I was a feminist who had studied gender at university and thought I understood it all. Now I have lived experience I see it all so much more clearly. Let me tell you my lived experience, as every mother I know seems to have had the same experience.
Between the ages of 21 and 30 I graduated, rose in my career working in Parliament as a civil servant and when I joined the NHS I became a director of business development.
My husband is a doctor and our take-home income was the same when we decided to start a family. We shared domestic work 50/50 and the cooking, with both of us working long hours and getting paid well.
I’ve only suffered a little sexism in my career, nothing I couldn’t shrug off by being very good at my job or working longer hours.
Then I took a year’s maternity leave. Brilliant, I thought, I can go back part-time to my director job once the baby is one. But when I returned I found it nearly impossible to do the job three-days a week as all the other directors worked full time. I missed important meetings but could only work three days as nursery runs 8am to 6pm. But I was still winning, I thought.
Then school age arrived. I hadn’t realised that my daughter going to school would be worse for me as a working mum. Notice how we don’t have a phrase “as a working dad”. My daughter had to be dropped off at 8.35am and collected at 3.20pm.
A change in circumstances
I worked an hour away so flexed my hours to work 9.30am to 2pm. Still just about winning. I decided to ignore the fact I was saving less into my pension and had a lower income, as I love being a mum.
Then I got breast cancer. I decided to leave the NHS and have a few years not working just focusing on family, and not being stressed all the time. I spent three years not working in a paid job. The trouble came when I tried to get back into work.
There are no well paid part-time jobs. A quick search online and you’ll discover that all senior posts are full-time. Unless you go back to an existing job that you had before you had kids (so they owe you and know you’ve not had a lobotomy just because you are a mum) or unless you have a distinct profession such as being a doctor or teacher, then you will not be able to get a senior job that is well paid and part-time.
I haven’t heard this element discussed much in feminist or equality discussions. It is also incredibly difficult getting back into the labour market after a couple of years out.
The other thing I have noticed is women choosing to take lower-paid jobs to fit around their family circumstance. I know of no men who do this. But I know women who are teachers working as teaching assistants, a graphic designer who works as a care assistant, and I took a low paid job in a charity because it allowed flexibility and because jobs I’m actually qualified for aren’t advertised as part-time.
Other mums are scared to leave the employer they were with before they had children because they would lose their beneficial contract terms. And they’re right to be scared: it’s painful.
A potential solution?
It is not sexism that is the problem, it is what I call “motherism”. And the worst thing is half of us think we’ve chosen it. We haven’t, there’s just been no other viable option in the labour market. I’ve come to the conclusion that the only solution is for men who have families to work part-time too. If men worked three to four days a week and women did too, and they shared the domestic work and childcare, it would rebalance all the issues raised.
Their pension would be reduced and their savings would be reduced but ours would go up. It would become the norm to have senior posts as part-time job shares. It could even become prestigious to work part-time, because whatever men do in the workplace becomes prestigious.
If more men started working part-time they’d be exposed to the realities of expensive childcare, nightmare school hours and how to cover holidays and a lack of school transport, which in rural areas has a massive impact on women just getting kids to and from school for 12 to 14 years.
I believe these things would get sorted if all parents were expected to manage these difficulties. We live in a society where men’s voices are heard and a response is made.
The flex test
Flexible working can be actively unhelpful for working mothers. The best example of this was during lockdown. When home education took hold, most women had to devote themselves to that from 9am to 3pm. The response from management was: “It’s OK, you can work flexibly – even if you want to work until midnight or over the weekends.”
It has to be recognised that there are only so many hours in a day and that parenting takes time even when schools are open. Employers giving flexibility, in reality, often means that women are asked to effectively make more hours in a day or just not sleep.
The basics of managing the school run, cooking dinners, doing the housework as well as homework support and actually talking to and listening to children – it’s a full-time job. Homeschooling just shone a light on the double-edged sword of “flexibility” in the workplace; I’m beginning to think it’s not the working woman’s friend.
The writer has asked to remain anonymous