Holding the positive pregnancy test in her hand, Jess felt a sense of excitement and joy. Even though the pregnancy wasn’t planned, her initial reaction was one of surprise mingled with happiness and she was initially thrilled at the prospect of a sibling for her son.
Just 24 hours later, her dreams came crashing down as reality sank in and she says that after sitting down and doing some sums with her partner, she realised they couldn’t afford to go ahead with having the baby as they couldn’t afford the childcare costs.
“I went from being super excited, even though it wasn’t something we had been planning, to feeling crushed and powerless,” recalls Jess, 35, who has a four-year-old son.
“Unfortunately, I had to make the most horrific decision to terminate the pregnancy – purely because of childcare costs.
“After discussing it with my other half and doing some sums, I realised the responsible thing to do was to have a termination because the alternative would have been for either me or my other half to give up work and go on benefits.
“That wouldn’t have been the right thing to do for us, the economy or our son.”
Jess wants to share her story with i as she wants to highlight the heartbreaking decision some women face to have an abortion with childcare costs or financial pressures being the driving force behind the momentous choice.
When she underwent her termination last month, Jess was shocked to be told by a nurse at the clinic that around 80 per cent of women who had undergone an abortion over the past few months had cited financial difficulties for the motivation behind their decision.
Jess she also wants to shatter the stereotypes and narratives people might have about women who decide to have abortions based on financial difficulties as she is a senior professional with a good salary and she says on paper, it looks like there is no reason why she and her partner shouldn’t be able to afford a second child.
However, she says while they can afford to have another child when it comes to all other costs, it ultimately boils down to them not being able to afford the childcare costs in the first few years of a baby’s life because they don’t have a family support network to help them so are fully reliant on the childcare system – which she says they simply cannot afford.
“When I went through with the termination, I was absolutely devastated,” says Jess. “Even though it was my choice to terminate, I also felt it was not my choice to go through with it because I felt I had no other option and that it was the responsible thing to do for myself, my family and my son.
“I felt disappointed and let down by the system and incredibly angry because this was not my choice and not what I really wanted to do.”
Jess says that between her and her partner, they have a household income of between £90,000 and £100,000 – with her bringing home around 70 per cent of that.
“We earn more than the UK average household by a relatively decent margin and I have done everything the Government asked me to do in terms of going to university, getting educated, getting a good job and contributing to society.
“I paid off my student loan when I was in my twenties and we don’t have any debt and we live in a modest three-bedroom house.
“But we can’t afford to have a second child because of childcare costs and that’s because we don’t have a support network.”
Jess explains that she is an only child and that her mother isn’t physically able to support them with childcare in the same way some grandparents can. Her partner’s family either live at the other side of the country or are elderly and unable to help with childcare.
“We rely on the childcare system because we don’t have the support network and I’m happy to pay for that. But the costs are too high so even though we could comfortably afford a second child (when it comes to everything else), we cannot afford the childcare costs associated with having another baby.”
Jess says that when she was pregnant with her son, she was 30 and working for a company which essentially offered statutory maternity leave. “So while I was pregnant with my son, I saved £6,000 to make sure I could pay for my mortgage and bills once I had him.” she says.
“After I had him, I went back to work when he was five-months-old because quite frankly I had to. He went into nursery full-time from 7:30am to 6pm five days a week and it was costing us about £1,200 a month. Over the period of the three years he went to nursery, we paid just over £50,000.
“My son is now at school, but we still have to pay for the wraparound care for him,” explains Jess. “If we had another child, I don’t know how we would have paid for our mortgage, bills and childcare.
“Arguably, I could have given up my job or gone part-time, but with me earning around 70 to 75 per cent of our household income, we genuinely wouldn’t have been able to afford that.
“I had to do something; I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing. I’ve never been on benefits in my life and I knew we couldn’t responsibly afford another child because of the childcare.”
Jess says that when the 30 hours of free childcare a week kicked in the term after her son’s third birthday, it did alleviate the financial pressure as their childcare bill went down from around £1,200 a month to between £700 and £750 a month.
She found out she was pregnant again in February this year and was around two to three weeks pregnant. After making the difficult decision to have an abortion as she felt it was the only thing they could responsibly do in their circumstances, Jess had a medical abortion at home a couple of weeks later.
“I was a mess and absolutely devastated,” recalls Jess. “I had a consultation with the most amazing nurse and she was wonderful with me.
“I felt guilty for doing what I was and I asked her if I was in the minority for being in this position because of childcare costs. She told me that since October last year, she would say around 80 per cent of the women she had spoken to had said they were having the termination because they couldn’t afford to go through with the pregnancy.
“Money should not be the reason why women are making this decision.”
Heartbreakingly, only two weeks after Jess had the termination, a huge shake up of childcare was announced in the Budget.
At the moment, parents who work more than 16 hours a week and earn less than £100,000 are entitled to 30 hours free childcare a week for children aged three and four.
However, in the announcement made by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt in the Budget, an expansion of the scheme was unveiled where working parents of all children aged over nine months will also be entitled to 30 hours free childcare.
The changes won’t come into play immediately but will be staggered. From April 2024, working parents of two-year-olds will be able to access 15 hours of free childcare. Then from September 2024, 15 hours of free childcare will be extended to all children from the age of nine months.
Ultimately, from September 2025, working parents of children under the age of five will be entitled to 30 hours free childcare per week.
“When I saw the news in the Budget, I almost physically threw up,” admits Jess. “If this announcement had been made two weeks earlier it would have changed everything and it would potentially have changed my decision.
“We would still have really struggled as I know the changes won’t start coming in until 2024, but it would have significantly helped. But I have to try not to think like that as I don’t want to get bitter.”
Jess tells i the overwhelming emotions she feels now are anger and sadness and a sense of feeling women are still being discriminated against when it comes to the working world due to a lack of childcare infrastructure.
“I feel like because I’m a woman and I’m the breadwinner, I can’t have another child,” she says. “If my partner was the one earning more money, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But because I’m the woman and need to take the time off to have a second baby, we can’t afford it.
“Because I’m a successful woman and there is nothing from an infrastructure perspective for childcare in the UK to support a woman who is the breadwinner, I feel like we’re back in the 50s. I feel disadvantaged because I’m a woman.”
Jess says she and her partner live a modest life and never go on holiday because they can’t afford it and don’t have flash cars or luxuries. “I have friends who are earning 50 per cent of what we earn who are having second or even third children. But they have family nearby and often both sets of grandparents to help and support them.
“We still have all the equipment for another baby such as a cot and prams. We could afford a second child comfortably – but it’s the childcare costs which absolutely knock us out because I have to go to work.
“It feels grossly unfair. I am not asking for three or four children. I just want to be able to have a second child, a sibling for my son.”
Jess says she feels bittersweet about the childcare changes announced in the Budget – but also feels they don’t go far enough. “It’s too late for me unfortunately, but it is good that things will be changing and it is a step in the right direction.
“But there is still a long way to go and there is a crisis in the childcare system. Not only can parents not afford childcare, there are providers shutting because they can’t afford to keep going.
“There is a systemic issue around childcare from the Government and the critical infrastructure just isn’t there. Instead of education being viewed as starting from four, it should be started at one as early education is so important and this needs to be funded by some form of education budget.”
Jess says she is still traumatised after having her termination and struggles to be around friends who are expecting and finds it difficult when she is out and about and sees pregnant women.
“I fear many more women with an unplanned pregnancy might feel forced into making the decision to have an abortion due to worrying about paying for childcare.
“I don’t want any other woman or family to be in this position and go through what I’ve been through.”
Pregnant Then Screwed, which campaigns to end the motherhood penalty, surveyed 1,630 women who had an abortion in the past five years and found 60 per cent of them said the cost of childcare influenced their decision to have an abortion, while 17 per cent of women said childcare costs were the main reason they chose to have an abortion.
Joeli Brearley, founder and CEO of Pregnant Then Screwed, tells i: “We know from our data that for one in five women the cost of childcare was the main reason that they made the heartbreaking decision to abort a wanted pregnancy.
“We have the third most expensive childcare sector in the developed world, and the blame for this under-investment sits firmly at the door of the Government.
“The recent announcement from the Chancellor on childcare and early years funding is a huge step forwards, but we need an investment that will cover the cost to deliver these funded places if affordable, good quality childcare is to become a reality.
“Extending government funded hours to children from nine months, will be game changing if it is done properly, but for many, like Jess, the news will be upsetting as increased support could have changed the heartbreaking decision they felt forced to make and for many it is too little too late to change their circumstances.
“But change is coming, childcare is firmly on the table, and that is down to the tenacious campaigning of mothers, like Jess, who have refused to be quiet on this issue.”
A Government spokesperson told i: “The wellbeing and safety of women accessing abortion services has been, and will continue to be, our first and foremost priority.
“We are clear that women considering an abortion should be referred or signposted to services that provide impartial, accurate information and, if required, counselling on the options available.
“We have spent more than £20bn over the past five years to support families with the cost of childcare and our transformative announcement puts in place a generous package of childcare support for working parents.
“This includes a new 30 free hours early education entitlement for eligible working parents of children aged between nine and 36 months.”
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