




Thousands of food and drinks products to carry new ‘refill or return’ labels to limit single-use packaging

The new labels will encourage consumers to reuse bottles and containers instead of throwing them away, or immediately recycling them

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The new labels have been designed to sit alongside recycling labels
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Thousands of food and drink products will begin carrying “refill or return” labels to prompt customers to take their bottles and containers back to supermarkets, instead of throwing them away, or even recycling them. 

The new labels, which will also be carried by other types of household products, will make clear whether the receptacles can be refilled at home or in store, or if they can be returned to brands or retailers to be cleaned, reused and redistributed through their network.  

Developed by On-Pack Recycling Label (Orpl), a not-for-profit company responsible for creating standardised recycling messaging on consumer goods throughout the UK, the new system aims to help brands, and shoppers, limit their use of single-use packaging

“The growth of refillable packaging is an exciting development as brands and retailers strive to reduce the impact of single use packaging,” said Orpl chairwoman Jane Bevis. 

To qualify for the new labels, packaging must have been designed for reuse a minimum of 10 times. It should also continue to carry recycling labels so consumers know how to dispose of it properly once it can no longer be reused. 

In recent years, several supermarket chains including Waitrose and Asda have introduced packaging-free branches, or aisles, in which customers can dispense products including dried pasta, cereals, coffee and laundry detergent directly into their own containers brought from home.  

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Commenting on the labelling scheme, Paul Geary, senior sustainability manager for packaging at Asda, said there was “real customer appetite” for refillable packaging. 

“The new labelling system will provide important information which will help them make informed decisions on the products they buy,” he added. 


