From front man of The Undertones to a vocal environmental campaigner, Feargal Sharkey is on a mission to clean up Britain’s rivers and to force water companies, regulators, and ministers to do their bit.
Social media posts of sewage discharging into our rivers and seas may have caught your attention recently, and the situation on a national scale is similarly gloomy.
Only 14 percent of England’s rivers are in good ecological condition and the latest government projections indicate that unless there is a serious intervention, that number will have dropped to 6 percent by 2027.
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Speaking at the Amwell Magna Fishery, where Sharkey is chair of the oldest angling club in England, he explains to Cahal Milmo why the plight of Britain’s rivers caught his attention and what he plans to do about it.
Does Sharkey think there will be a day when the water companies and regulators have done enough to no longer be the target of his ire? He’s really looking forward to the day, he says, that he can go back to talking about music.
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